Did I fucked up by getting a buzz?

Did I fucked up by getting a buzz?

shut the fuck up

shows off your receding hairline nicely if that's what you were going for

? It's not receding. But I am pretty olde so who knows.

Suits you because you have strong features. Hairline is pretty normal to me. Only worrying if you are 15.

I'd have gone a bit shorter on the sides but it looks good
the 5 o clock too

hi andy

Andy, you've always rocked a buzz. What are you talking about?

Lol who's andy ? I don't get this meme

C'mon Mr. Morin, it's Veeky Forums and it isn't like you tried that hard to conceal your identity.

Lol holy shit I just Google. That's not me. Death grips gay as fuck senpai.

Are you Andy Morin

thats not a receding hairline

>Death grips gay as fuck senpai.

you can't fool me, andy

Prove it, post without microsoft paint glasses.

This was me before getting a haircut and shave. Should be proof enough. Note I am wearing the same black collared work shirt.


Eh Andy pulls it off better anyways.

can anyone pull off a buzz cut? are there any straight no's when it comes to this? seriously starting to consider it

imo you look way better btw.

looking good senpai

George Michael

What did he meme by this?