christians are ruining this board, let's have a thread dedicated to the belief that no god(s) exist(s)
>nb4 fedora spam
>nb4 christfags
christians are ruining this board, let's have a thread dedicated to the belief that no god(s) exist(s)
>nb4 fedora spam
>nb4 christfags
Nice b8 m8.
^_^' You're ruining this board by rolling down and out the good threads which are more thoughtful and informative but not necessarily a post fest.
Before JudeoChristian dogma took hold in the Eastern Med, Archimedes was able to create the first ever computer (AntiKythera Mechanism) with advanced technology like differential cogs, a technology that was not re-invented until the 16th century.
It is only since the renaissance that humans have been able to produce technological marvels like the Large Hadron Collider or putting a man on the moon. We grew tired of 1500 years of superstition and our ancestors freed themselves (and saved us) from the shackles of mediocrity, superstition and sheep mentality, where natural intelligence and curiosity was being sacrificed to spare the feelings of those with weak minds.
Atheism and theism are for the masses. Agnosticism is the only intellectually honest belief.
please explain.
Agnosticism = Cuck.
I miss the word filter
choose a side, pussy
>choose to support one of two equally unsubstantiated and fallacious stances, or you're a pussy
No man card that requires you to discard reason is worth having
>christians are ruining this board
>christians posting about christianity is ruining a board in part dedicated to theology
I know it's off topic, but are there a lot of Catholics shitposting against Protestantism or is it a few theist-grognards being butthurt?
If God doesn't exist then why are you browsing this board.
There is no difference between Agnosticism and Atheism.
You are just afraid to voice your beliefs openly, so you choose a cowardly word.
Agnostics are atheists. I am an agnostic because I don't believe there is any concrete proof for or against deities. I am an atheist because I do not believe in any said deities.
You can be an agnostic theist.
It depends.
Humans have so far to go. There is no afterlife. Once this is accepted maybe humans will actually progress past creating new forms of sensory stimulation.
Capitalism is responsible for that, not Christianity.
Once wealth is not seen as an end in itself, then we can move along those lines.
Wealth is a necesity
Agnosticism has nothing to do with whether or not you believe God exists. Is has to do with whether or not you believe God's existence can be proven. Agnosticism is NOT an alternative to theism or atheism. I repeat:
Atheism-without God/religion
Agnosticism-without knowledge
you have a limited worldview
I'm a fagnostic, AMA
The problem with agnosticism, for me, is that it's way too intellectually easy. It feels like dodging the deepest and most important questions
Too much edge for me, kid. Atheism is the affirmative belief that God/gods do not exist. Agnosticism has a few definitions, but one of them is: nobody can know whether or not there is a God/gods, and the idea doesn't seem too crazy, so I'm on the fence.
God as understood by most religions is horribly shallow.
Agnosticism doesn't make any assertion that inquiries into the existence of a god are not worthwhile.
As easy as agnosticism can be "I don't know," it can also be "I don't know, yet."
But if you think you can answer those questions, you're an idiot.
>There is no afterlife
What part of "we can't know nuffin'" don't you understand? Dogmatically believing there is no afterlife is just as stupid as dogmatically believing there is one.
Ask a rapetheist anything.
Rapetheism is the only ism
You're not describing agnosticism as a middle ground between atheism and theism, you're describing soft atheism as a middle ground between hard atheism and theism. Protip: soft atheism is still atheism.
Do any of you fuckers ever actually read or do research before posting on Loatian parasailing forums?
Simplar to assume there isn't anything, isn't it? I certainly don't remember any pre-life.
Excuse me, this is a Manchurian animated calligraphy board.
Occam's razor isn't always correct.
It's a lot better than supposing you have an answer to a deep and important question because you feel one way or another about it. Atheists don't believe in God because they don't like the idea of God, and theists believe in God because they do like that idea. Why is "I don't know" in any way a bad answer?
Occam's razor isn't meant to be correct, it's just meant to lead us towards which answer to a question will most likely be correct
>Atheism is the affirmative belief that God/gods do not exist.
No, that's "hard atheism".
>Agnosticism has a few definitions,
Only among Philosophy-ignorant teenagers on the internet.
>but one of them is: nobody can know whether or not there is a God/gods,
Good so far
>and the idea doesn't seem too crazy, so I'm on the fence.
No. What does this even mean? Theism is something to be affirmed or not affirmed by belief. 'on the fence' is the absence of affirmation therefore atheism.
Yes it is, the only people who say otherwise are pseudo-intellectuals on atheist forums.
>God exist
Theist: I accept that claim
Atheist: I reject that claim
Agnostic: I neither accept nor reject that claim
No one gives a shit about whether or not you claim knowledge, it's meaningless.
Not accepting means that you've rejected it. Let's put it this way. Agnostics (by your retarded definition) are going to Christian/Islamic hell and for exactly the same reason Atheists are. You can stop being a titanic faggot any time now.
>the belief that no god(s) exist(s)
Stealth Christcuck spotted. Fuck off.
Cool thread OP! Let's talk about nothing!
>There is no afterlife
for you
I'm an Athiest but were I not one I would be a Deist. I also don't see the point of Agnosticism.
by labelling yourself as an atheist, you are acknowledging that you don't believe in god. by doing this, you are accepting that you have an opposition; people that do believe in god. by doing this, you are acknowledging the stupidity of others and the illogicality of their views.
stop it, do not refer to yourself as an atheist, you don't need to render yourself opposition for the mentally ill. there is no god, there is no order in the universe and all we have is pure biology. you do not need to justify anything with a label, for you are giving the mentally ill leverage in their quest for total subversion and degradation of mankind.
You're mixing politics with intellectual arguments. We should not sacrifice the latter for the former.
How come more atheists get triggered by agnosticism than christians?
no, I have the label because "I'm an atheist" is shorter than "I do not believe in gods"
because the majority of self confessed atheists are edgy and angry and they want you on their team.
the majority of academic 'atheists' in the world such as hitchens, dawkins and singer all go about their work the wrong way. talking down to your self-imposed opposition and letting them get under your skin and having to resort to raising your voice is no way to win an argument.
you don't fully understand the notion of what is at hand though. by even suggesting that you don't believe in a god, suggests that there could be a god.
>Atheism is the affirmative belief that God/gods do not exist.
It's the knowledge that there is no proof of God's existence. This means that in our current situation God doesn't exist. Now, it splits into two ways of reasoning:
>gnostic Atheism: God not only doesn't exist in our current situation but it is impossible for god to exist in any way.
>agnostic Atheism (or "Agnosticism"): God may not exist in our current situation, but it is logically impossible to conclude from empirical evidence to absolute truths.
All Atheists ever were agnostic Atheists, so that Atheism is synonymous with Agnosticism. Nobody really ever argued gnostic Atheism.
However, Christian and Muslims f.e. are gnostic Theists, and they claim that a book and their personal belief are sufficient basis to prove that God exists with absolute certainty.
Hope you learned something, now get your underage ass out of here!
I thought atheism was a lack of belief in a god. I'm getting the vibe OP is just bullshitting guys...
No, you retard.
Pic related. I can't believe people are this retarded. Wtf are you doing on Veeky Forums?
because it gets annoying when they strawman our position and think they are superior just because they call themselves a word that sounds more moderate
I'm an atheist. Whatchu wanna talk about?
>by even suggesting that you don't believe in a god, suggests that there could be a god
wat? can I not say that I don't believe in unicorns because that suggests there could be unicorns? I don't even see why it's a problem to say that the existence of a god is a possibility to be considered
mostly gay stuff
Liberalism > Christianity
Agnosticism is simply recognizing that you can't prove or disprove the existence of God. Athiests and Theists can be agnostic
Typical atheist unable to comprehend that people haven't been indoctrinated with skepticism from birth
It's about how you live youe life. You could say Kierkegaard falls on that category.
you are beyond resolve, my friend.
I mean personally, not in an intellectual way. Personally, I'd assume the position of Agnosticism would be a temporary position while someone discusses and reads enough arguments from both sides until they eventually agree with one side more and starts defending that side himself.
you're not even going to explain your position?
>knowing a few basic Greek vocables
>"indoctrinated with skepticism"
lmao. Yeah, I'd wish more people were "indoctrinated with skepticism".
please let this be bait
Atheism resulted in Democratic Kampuchea and Pol Pot you sick fucks
>It feels like dodging the deepest and most important questions
Not at all. It's a recognition that as much as we might try and struggle with these deeply profound mysteries, the current capacity of man to know is simply not able to definitively answer them. Hence why it's the most "honest" route - you fully realise just how limited we are in these matters, rather than try and arbitrarily decide one or the other because you have some personal opinions about it.
Nice catch.
I hoped I was not the only to notice.
>while someone discusses and reads enough arguments from both sides
Yeeaaaah. Tried that. Didn't help me conclude one way or the other. In fact, it just made me more confused about what the truth is.
why are you so obsessed with words? it's literally retarded to think harm is done by having a name for a group of people
Did you just take every single argument you read as wrong or every argument as right or what?
Saying that atheism is responsible for Maoism is like saying that beer drinking resulted in Hitler.
Commie cucks, please kys
>Did you just take every single argument you read as wrong or every argument as right or what?
I took them as "I don't know," because ultimately both sides made sense and I felt that picking one or the other for the sake of "making a choice" would be to put my own limited capacity to understand on top of a topic I feel is inherently unknowable.
There were moments I was convinced I was a theist. There were moments when I thought I had definitely realised "there is no god." Each one of those times I ended up reverting back to agnosticism because as soon as I made one "commitment," I began finding reasons to disregard that later on.
Why would I do that? Your wife would be very sad if I did.
like i said, you are beyond resolve.
Not even married kek
kill yourself pls marxist scum
Pol Pot was a Buddhist. Better luck next time.
If there is no proof for something, why would you believe it? If you don't believe it but think it could be possible then I have news for you. You're an atheist.
>this thread
>Not even married kek
Oh yeah I forgot you were a virgin.
> A communist was religious
What I'm getting out of this is that you are unwilling to argue for your position. pretty damn lazy
Marxism is a religion
The Khmer Rouge was made up of Buddhists.
i don't argue with those of inferior intellect
then why are you on Veeky Forums?
>The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.
Psalm 14:1-2
When the belief in an imaginary being makes someone think it's OK to treat other human beings so brutally as is shown with the crusades, it makes me think that religion is simply detrimental to the progression of the human race.
Reminder that actual Christian cinema is the most patrician form of cinema
Atheism has become a religion in itself. It's ideology consists in taking pride in being anti-religious.
>the crusades
You mean the Holy Crusades?
>religion is simply detrimental to the progression of the human race
What a laughable obnoxious statement. See
The crusades were fucking evil you eurocentric fuck.
> You have to be married to have sex
haha fucking retard please kys
Atheism is not a belief as belief requires the suspension of logic and rational thought, it is the lack of belief.
Bad people do bad things in the name of religion or Atheism, but only religion can get a good man to do evil things.
>What a laughable obnoxious statement
What a meaningless platitude