Why are you not lending on Polo?

Why are you not lending on Polo?

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Because I'm already lending on a dozen platforms in my national currency.

How much btc did you make in how much time and how big is your stash?

Can you emphasis?

I'm personally looking for more platforms to lend on.

Used $200 and made 0.18 in a day...

Use $10,000 at that rate, as some do, you'd make $9 a day, and $273.75 a month. I'd personally do that, but I'm afraid Polo will shutdown as Mt.gox did. Wish there was BTC insurance of some kind.

But I've seen some people lending $50,000. That equals about $20,000 a year.

And if you're mining at the same time. For example with 3 280Xs, you'd make $250 a month as well.

Well that's pretty neat-o. Is there ever a risk that the borrower won't pay back?


1st the money you lend is broken up across various borrowers.

2nd Polo will freeze the account, not allowing withdraws, until their debt to POLO is paid back - not you. Meaning if they're loosing money, Polo will freeze their account and pay you back without interest.

The only risk is that Polo gets 'hacked' and all your crypto is stolen.


you're going to force rates down

So if i lend 10 BTC, can a single user borrow that 10 BTC? OR does Polo break it up and lend it out across multiple users?

Or do i have to manually lend smaller amounts? I don't like the idea of lending one shitter $4,000

it's just first come first serve . if someone wants to take 10 btc for their margin they could take it all, but usually it's divvied up. you can do it manually if you want as well

Current loan demand rates don't look as good as on your sheet on their site.

currently lending 30btc using the polo lending bot from github. Easy cash friends

Polo sucks cuz you have to do it manually. Use Bitfinex which has an auto renew feature which automatically lending out your usd, btc or eth with the best interest for you. Here's a guide medium.com/@ethereumvn

Get your life together genesis-mining.com/a/273276 3% off promo code woJXzj mine


My Polo progress with using the python lending bot from github running on a cheap vps 24/7.

Dont post this you stupid idiot, rates will drop

$0.18 ?

I put about 7$ on
and got some referals friends, now i have about
30$/month and use to invest in coins on polinex

you mad lads :^)

fucking teenage shills. nobody is going to throw money at this bs stop the pretend game

You threw down 7 bucks and now have 53?

>being this much of a curmudgeon

Well, I'm going to take my stash out of cold storage and do it. Fuck it.

If a major exchange gets hacked the price of crypto will take a shit anyway.

How the shit did someone take out a loan at 0.0517% 2 days ago?

bump for more information and discussion

Realistically what can I expect to make in one week with $25 of btc as an experiment?