What was the best time and place to be alive? Is the current year always preferable to the last year?
What was the best time and place to be alive? Is the current year always preferable to the last year?
The best time and place to be alive is the time you're living in right now.
You just have to get off your ass.
Late 19th and early 20th century avant-garde syndicalist circles in Europe.
I like the internet and cellphones too much to ever go back.
People take digital technology for granted too much. It's seriously fucking revolutionary. It's easily the greatest advance since the printing press as far as the spread of knowledge goes.
>Is the current year always preferable to the last year
No, obviously not. Living in Baghdad in 1257 was a hell of a lot better than living in Baghdad in 1258.
2016 in America is definitely pretty chill, though.
For the average person, USA 1945-2001 without question
The rest of the world's industry got annihilated during WWII, so the economic bargaining power of the American worker (skilled and unskilled) was much more powerful than any other workers' ever has been and probably ever will be. The Western world saw the US as its savior even with the bumpiness of the Vietnam era. There was a tremendous explosion of financial upward mobility during the 1980's when the US started to expand the financial industry, as well as during the technology explosion that made millionaires overnight.
For me in particular, I'd say I'd want to live in Republican Rome, if I was upper class. If I had to be poor I'd say Tokugawa Japan.
Right now as long as you live in a decent country.
Also this
Unless you're old. Then the younger self, younger time would be better time
This desu
If you were a wealthy European noble in the late 19th century and early 20th century, you had the world in the palm of your hands. Even better than today I'd say
pre civilization europe
pick berries hunt animals and come home and drink mead and tell stories while your'e drunk and tired. comfiest life ever. i genuinely dont think id mind the tribal skirmishes
I'd argue the very late 90s.
Still very modern, internet was new, but still very much a thing (and not yet infested by the idiot masses). Awesome games. Awesome music. You could download any album or film easily for free.
The economy was doing very well, lots of money to be made, lots of good jobs to be had. And there was an overall stronger sense of optimism stateside. Pre-9/11 it felt like anything could happen (well, anything good, not 9/11, ironically), people were generally hopeful of the future, and the state of the western economy, culture, politics, and media have them a good reason to be.
>download any film easily for free
>late 90s
Where were you where this was possible?
>drink mead
nice try
You've never been out hunting for hours a day with primitive tools, have you? I suppose you haven't had to worry about Crog beating you over the head with a rock while you sleep so he can have your wife and your food.
Crog isn't going to do that if he's from your tribe. Maybe from a neighboring tribe, but in that case he'll have plenty of backup and so will you, so you'll probably be awake by the time he gets to you.
Hunting with bows and spears or fishing can't be that difficult if you grew up doing it. It takes work, but you won't be doing it for nearly as long as people work these days.
Hunter/gatherer tribes have really high rates of violent death.
Yep, but it's probably not going to be by someone from your own tribe in the middle of the night.
Still more likely than dying a violent death in this society.
>It's seriously fucking revolutionary. It's easily the greatest advance since the printing press as far as the spread of knowledge goes
The personal Internet device will be looked at in retrospect as one of the main things that heralded a new age in humanity
This, 9/11 wounded the west in such a way that it has not recovered yet
>but you won't be doing it for nearly as long
People today have a guarantee that they're going to get paid and get the benefits their work alots them. They have the comfort knowing that they'll go home to a bed in a relatively safe neighborhood with regular access to water and food.
If you fail to catch fish or your hunt fails, you just wasted time and energy for no benefit.
Living as a child in 1950s America.
Augustus or Trajans Rule .Roman Empire
Have fun dying in your late 20s
holy shit you're dumb.
The whole reason we even have "9-5" jobs these days is because we DON'T have to hunt and gather and waste energy all day just to survive. They had no time for anything other than survival and they sure as HELL wouldn't have time for any sort of luxury like 21st century imageboard posting.
Oh, but you're Constantine so you probably believe god gave humanity agriculture or something.
>he fell for the Romans were 21st century-tier meme
As a young child or in your mid-fifties, you mean.
I'd say being a farmer somewhere in France a thousand years ago.
Just a comfy life, toiling the earth and being surrounded by loved ones you can trust. Occasionally doing some construction work and some religious duties. Seeing your daughter's smile as she eats the vegetables you pulled out of the ground earlier that day.
Modern society is far too lonely and exploitative for my tastes. Even your colleagues at work will try to screw you over at any opportunity to get ahead.
Sounds like a true middle-class answer.
Keep it up.
>Modern society is far too lonely and exploitative for my tastes
>Mid fifties
you're an idiot
Hello this is John Brown from the future. I know we aren't supposed to time travel but I just wanted to say the year 2039 absolutely sucks monkey balls.
The Future.
Shouldn't you be John Titor?
Explain then paleocuck
Basic statistics. Look up the relationship between expected value and variance.
Idiot. Do you not understand that I am not supposed to time travel? I am John BROWN, not John TITOR.
>many die as small children
>if you reach adulthood, you likely live much longer than the average, to make up for all the dead children
It is not that complicated.
>Bows head in shame
Pre-16th century central america, if you're white
I would say back in antiquity because the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black
>implying this isn't literally THE best age to be born into.