how does Veeky Forums feel about Hamilton
How does Veeky Forums feel about Hamilton
i hate musical theatre for the most part
but i do really love alexander hamilton
so it's shit
>for the most part
so have you not listened to it? Because it's not really a traditional musical
Literally 10/10. Plus the non-white cast triggers /pol/fags, which is always a bonus.
yes i've listened to it. it is a fucking traditional musical just because there's rapping doesn't make it not show tunes. I don't like show tunes for the most part with few exceptions (early 1900s musicals, spring awakening, sweeney todd).
it mostly bothers me since the 'hip hop' is really mediocre, kudos to LMM for getting moms into rap though I guess
As someone who is into musical theatre your existence physically hurts me
I like it.
I just feel like the "History is told by whomever is left" point in the end was pretty weak.
When we're talking about History itself as a theme in musicals, i prefer Pacific Overture's "Someone in a Tree"
I don't think that was the point
I think it was more about that it doesn't matter who lives or who dies, it's whether you left a story worth telling. Burr didn't, so even though he survives he becomes a minor part in someone else's tale. Hamilton dies, but he was such a force of nature that people felt his story was worth telling, even more than 200 years later
Burr's history is actually pretty crazy.
>Veeky Forums advocating historical inaccuracy
They also didn't rap
It doesn't matter if they rap because it's not changing anything that we know is true and accurate.
>the race of actors playing factionalized versions of the founding fathers in a musical that misrepresents dueling practices and alters the timeline for better pacing is the real history issue we should be fretting about
What an incredibly stupid post.
There's actually plenty of creative liberties taken
Hamilton and Burr meet way earlier than they did in real life, motivations and regrets are attached to Burr that have no real historical precedent, and no one's really sure what exactly Hamilton's intentions were at the duel
and we're pretty sure cabinet debates were not rap battles
Think I f they were tho.
it's not good mate
used to love it
If this is the point i feel like this an even shitter point to make about History.
I don't think Miranda went into it trying to make a point about history, he just wanted to write a hip-hop album about Alexander Hamilton after reading a biography
No, but he specifically made History itself and the idea of "you have no control what people will tell about you when you're gone" one of the main themes of his play as you can see in the "History has its eyes on You" and "Who Lives,Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story"
I feel like discussing and analysing these themes are fairplay.
Of course it's not. I just have to mention that it's still inaccuracy.
I think most if not all people are aware that the founding fathers were not black+one Latino
Alexander and Burr spend their whole lives trying to built their legacy and write their name in history on their own way.
But in the end, Alexander died young and Burr became a villain.
During the last song Jefferson and Madison had some nice quotes about Hamilton, but in the end Burr and Angelica still asks "who tells your story". Eliza then put herself back in the narrative and spent the last 50 years of her life trying to tell the story of her husband.
I feel like the point of what the show is trying to make is "no matter how you try to cement your legacy, its the people that follow you after you're gone that have the power to do it"
Then there's no point advocating it on a history board.
who's advocating? It's a play about a vitally important point in history that's managed to be one of the biggest cultural events of this century, I don't see why it shouldn't be discussed because you have a problem with the casting choices
Too soon to say Century
It will certainly be one of the most popular plays of the decade though.
The tickets are going for like 1.5k nowadays? That seems super expensive, but then again i never went to broadway so i don't know how much it normally costs
well that's just a self-fulfilling prophecy
century so far, then
I think there's nosebleed seats for like 300 each, but Orchestra seats are like 500-600 a pop at the lowest. An average show will sell front-row seats for like 300-500
I can be upset about things if I want to be, yes.
Catchy songs
So, more to the board's topic, does anyone have any early American history books to recommend?
it's terrible history--and i'm not talking about the racial thing; it totally distorts the personalities of the characters and the issues at stake in their conflicts.
I've just started reading Albion's Seed, and it seems pretty good. I'm a total sucker for anything about Quakers, though.
It's some of the whitest fucking rap I've ever heard from black lips.
I can't get into it.