why didn't the soviet union retake constantinople
Why didn't the soviet union retake constantinople
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I better question would be - why would they?
For what purpose? Communists aren't a religious bunch and they aren't interested in preserving Roman legacy.
Why didn't Greece retake Constantinople?
The USSR, post Lenin, was incredibly Eastern Orthodox spiritually. This was manifest through the incorporation of moralistic codes and obviously the legalization of Christian worship.
Because its not that important.
They did but they got no support
Because that would be unethical
How would you feel about Spain retaking Puerto Rico?
Why didn't Germany retake Konigsberg?
Or Russia retaking Crimea.
the USSR was interested in building world communism, however badly, not some 500 year old religio-nationalist feud over who controlled a city outside its territory
The Soviet Union was largely atheistic.
Because it would have made literally 0 sense in International Relations.
America would have been against it. Western Europe would have been against it and I'm sure the Turks would have something to say about it as well.
america would nuke the shit out of them using its missiles in turkey
Because they lost against Poland.
Russians actually live in Crimea. More Turks live in Istanbul than Greeks live in Greece.
>was incredibly Eastern Orthodox spiritually
They were trying to call. I'm sure you've heard of "the Second World War."
Because communism rejects religion and instead uses cult of personality as its foundation.
Why would a fedora give a shit about taking Istanbul?
They already had Koningsberg in 1939.
Because Ataturk cucked the allied occupation forces.
Had that not happened the Greeks maybe, just maybe, could have gotten ahold of it.
I hope this is bait. Stalin plundered the churches in the late 20s. He only saw the church as an instrument to control the people with.
Also, it was an arrestable offence to teach your child your religion. Communists would rather you die in gulag than have a traditional family founded on religion.
>Communists would rather you die in gulag than have a traditional family founded on religion.
I'd rather die in a gulag tbqh
I'd rather you died in a gulag too tbqh
thanks for sharing user
>Because its not that important.
t. Mehmet
I do not desire gratitude from those than can hardly be considered human.
After WWII Stalin claimed Eastern Anatolia on the basis of Entente arrangements during WWI. The Western Allies refused, probably partly because Turkey had stayed neutral.
Because g*rmans really love t*rks just like they always have
Because it's full of Turks.
Crimea is 85% Ruskie, was gifted away by commies in 1954, and has 4 Russian bases in it.
False equivalence.