Religion poll
Greek Orthodox in Hungary reporting in.
>inb4 "Where's agnosticism?"
Why isn't agnosticism listed?
Because agnostics are atheists.
>Because agnostics are atheists.
Do you have a god? No? Then you're an atheist (a-theos/without-god).
>No Deism
Do you have a god? Oh, you don't know? Have no idea? Then you're an agnostic (a-gnosis/no knowledge)
>Do you have a god? No? Then you're an atheist
If you're without knowledge wouldn't that include knowledge of god/gods, hence not currently believing in any?
Why isn't there a sunni and shia islam ?
Pantheism, where is it?
Hermeticism, where is it?
Zoroastrianism, where is it?
Rastafari, where is it?
Bahá'i. where is it?
Small, regional folk religions, where are they?
Retarded neopagan religions, where are they? (I guess you could call them New Age)
OP what the fuck is this shit
I chose atheism but I'm actually a Satanist.
Germanic Heathen here, I'm not putting New Age. That shit is for crystal healing, god spousing, talking about the "burning times" retards
>mental gymnastics
>I'm not putting New Age
But you are New Age.
You too.
>meme religions
You're not a Germanic Heathen, you're a roleplayer. Put new age, you slime.
Meme religions? Let's go through them.
Perfectly reasonable belief, not tied to any specific cultural context, not a meme.
Unbroken line of belief from the Hellenistic era, through the Islamic Golden Age, the Renaissance, the Rosicrucians and the Golden Dawn to modern occultists, not a meme.
Persian religion, still practiced in the region as it has been for millennia, not a meme.
Jamaican syncretic religion, may have started as a meme and many "believers" are just white stoners but it's not a meme in Jamaica.
I want to call it a meme but it's been around long enough and has enough legit followers to not be a meme.
>Regional folk religions
Ancient shamanic practices, not a meme (except for fake white "followers" or plastic shamans).
This is a meme. You win on this one.
Also fuck I fell for the bait.
The randomly assigned colors are perfect.
>Top tier.
All religions are memes, and/or comprised of memes. They're a big part of the reason the word "meme: was invented.
>Perfectly reasonable belief
More like persian mormonism
Please enlighten me as to what is wrong with pantheism. Are Einstein and Spinoza idiots?
>6 options for Christianity
I believe there MIGHT be, which is not equal to "There is no chance of God whatsoever"
But you currently believe that there might be, this seems to be more than a simple lack of belief.
Weird how I am the only vote for the one religion that is true.
I couldn't find agnosticism so I went with Buddhism
>I went with Buddhism
In 2016?
So Kant was atheist? The more you now.
>not wanting you to reject He whom they call "Yoshka" and embrace euphoria
Nice try David.
>Are Einstein and Spinoza idiots?
No, but they were jewish.
Just saying bro.
>atheism down to 45%
>9 eastern orthodox
Shillantine pls.
Einstein didn't believe in the Jewish god.
>57 theists
>57 atheists
>the Jewish god
>No pagan listing
Check your privilege, Ali, Ibadi coming through!
New Age detected
+1 for Gnosticism.
Down with Yahweh-Satan, the god of the Jews!
Sometimes I can't tell if the Catholicposters and Christposters in general are for real or if they're just being ironic.
Good. Someone's fighting the good fight for Pantheism.
Just came in here to check since the straw poll's shit.
That's why I say I'm an Atheist/Agnostic half the time. Pantheism is underrepresented to the point it doesn't even show up as a choice in contrived polls.
Pantheism is part of New Age.
When Jews, Muslims and Christians unite. The strange bedfellows of Veeky Forums against the evil atheists who remind them of their human-all-too-humanity...
The proselytizing and the 'I'm right because God wills it' theological argument often comes across as disingenuous and even sarcastic, but it's hard to tell.
>tfw there are two Jews in here
Gnosticism is bigger than Protestantism on Veeky Forums!
Pneumatic brothers, unite against hylic and psychic scum!
No it isn't. Pantheism has no crystals, reconstructed paganism, magic, space prophets, aliens, energy fields, talismans, aromatherapy, pseudoscience or anything else which constitutes New Age beliefs. It is literally just a view of the nature of God/existence.
I'm an atheist, but with heavy buddhist leanings so might as well be buddhists since buddhists can be atheists as well (not all).
Why did you put atheism last? There was already a poll on Veeky Forums users, 63% were atheists. Most atheists even still have a nominal denomination.
Your poll and thread title are biased as shit, go fuck yourself. Should've learned not to lie from your religion.
>grow up on Long Island
>~25% of my classmates are Jewish
>literally the only difference or way you would ever know is what holidays they celebrate
>go away to college
>a bunch of people making hushed comments about all the jews around, like they're some mythical creature
Yes user, there are Jews in the world and sometimes they even go on the internet!
Atheism is not a religion. In a religion post, putting it last is very much logical.
"Are you homosexual or lesbian?"
"Which subject do you find most interesting?"
"None of the above"
You have to consider the fact that 1 poll is not conductive of anything. With two or more, you can average out and get better picture.
>Every time we have one of these threads majority are Atheists.
So what's with the Christcuckposting? Larpers?
43% isn't the majority
There are about 60 Christians to about 66 Atheists.
Not really a majority, roughly equal.
The greater question is why Orthodox fags cause the overwhelming majority of the Christposting when they're a tiny minority even among the Christians of /his.
Balkanshits and E. Europeans are the BRs of Europe. This is known.
I'm going to guess many are converts and have thus actually chosen the faith on intellectual grounds rather than just following memes like most catholics.
Almost never see any eastern european christian posters, lots of them are atheist and extremely anti-religion. Usually hate Putin too.
>no kaula
>no tantra
>no shaivism
>not even Hinduism
I mean it's close to esoteric Buddhism but they have some big differences. Shit poll.
>A religion
>Veeky Forums Orthodox converts
>Not the biggest memers of them all.
I grew up on Long Island too, only reason I knew that any of the people were Jews their was due to the fact that they gave us no school on Jewish holidays. Most of them were just regular people (albeit with slightly larger noses).
They are desperate to convert people.
I pretend to be a fundamentalist christfag all the time in these threads.
No Hinduism, Jainism, Theravada Buddhism and Jehovah's Witnesses are seperate from Protestantism
Shit tier list OP
In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram. Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, et tenebrae erant super faciem abyssi: et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas. Dixitque Deus: Fiat lux. Et facta est lux. Et vidit Deus lucem quod esset bona: et divisit lucem a tenebris. Appellavitque lucem Diem, et tenebras Noctem: factumque est vespere et mane, dies unus.
Lol. Behold an autist.
Posté la vrai bible dans thread religieux est etre autiste...un vrai Bubba Américain...
Apocalypsis Jesu Christi, quam dedit illi Deus palam facere servis suis, quae oportet fieri cito: et significavit, mittens per angelum suum servo suo Joanni, [2] qui testimonium perhibuit verbo Dei, et testimonium Jesu Christi, quaecumque vidit. [3] Beatus qui legit, et audit verba prophetiae hujus, et servat ea, quae in ea scripta sunt: tempus enim prope est. [4] Joannes septem ecclesiis, quae sunt in Asia. Gratia vobis, et pax ab eo, qui est, et qui erat, et qui venturus est: et a septem spiritibus qui in conspectu throni ejus sunt: [5] et a Jesu Christo.
>only 5 other Jews
did I drive the rest of us off when I tried to make /Judaism/ general a thing a couple months ago? Does anyone remember what went so wrong? It devolved into Catholic vs orthodox debate hour
>La vrai bible
Suckez vous un coque frogposter
>there's actual mormons on this board
they're like Australians in a way
Why is christianity split in its subsects while islam has not at least a sunni-shia divide?
Because OP is a Christian and sees the world through a Christian lense.
You just described all religion threads. I can understand the Catholics do to how many there are, but with how much the Orthodox shitpost, you would think there would be more of them.
Because who cares.
This. If you don't care enough as to take a stand/voice an opinion on the issue, why should you be taken into consideration?
>Fucketh the lukewarm, for they shall be anally-raped by a silverback gorilla (bible of the jungle 15:12)
Kill yourself
Oh...that's what I was trying to remember. Oh well, I'll create another poll for another thread.
>You have to consider the fact that 1 poll is not conductive of anything. With two or more, you can average out and get better picture.
did this ages ago
Why doesn't Strawpoll order the percentages from high to low anymore? Now I have to scroll through them all and order them in my head
What a shitty poll.
It would really help if you would add Hinduism. We would know the exact number of poo-in-loos here.
I bet you also acknowledge other-kins too.
>still no agnostic
You're an atheist bro.
Agnosticism is unrelated to belief. How likely do you find god(s)? If not likely you're an atheist, get over it
gnostic atheist and agnostic atheists fall under same atheists category
gnostic in the list is talking about christian sect.
How are we going to get rid of the atheist vermin which plagues the board?
>250+ lurkers
baka desu