Ethereum ICO was at .0005 BTC

Ethereum ICO was at .0005 BTC
If you put 100 Bitcoin into that shit it would be worth 4500 BTC right now.

You would be a multi millionaire.

Implying I have enough money for 1 bitcoin, nonetheless 100

How do I invest in stock market with bitcoins? Consider that im from Argentina. Explain to me like if I was 5 yo.
Pls respond, im trying to pay my taxes

Question: how do you even withdraw USD from BTC? You can't just use an ATM. Can't you get fucked over if you use some dealer who decides to give you fake banknotes?

What to do in order to actually GET your money?

Sell bitcoins.

You sell them for money. On an exchange or over the internet or person to person.

You will always find a person who wants to buy

>You can't just use an ATM
newer bitcoin atms can do that exactly.
however you need to wait a fucking hour or so to get confirmed and get your cash.
how it works is really funny the atm gives you an address you make the transfer and with the barcode that gave you for the wallet you can withdraw the cash when it has 6 confirmations.
if you don't use high prio transactions this could take a day even but with high fees within an hour.

But you arent 5

You dont play "stock market" with bitcoins.

Anyway bitcoin is shit. Buy ethereum

i skimmed through the eth documentation.
two things to note 1) it's more like a marketing material than any real technical documentation. 2) the entire thing is fucking useless really. and dangerous.

but i might be wrong maybe there is some practical value in it after all i just can't see it yet.

You skimmed through what exactly?

Where can I change my bitcoins for Ethereum?

Back in the day I used Vault of Satoshi for withdrawals to bank account, nowadays I use QuadrigaCX. Never had a problem withdrawing money from BTC-USD/CAD or ETC-USD/CAD trading, although it usually takes 3-5 days.

Here's a shameless referral code:

White Paper
Gavins Yellow Paper
ETH is incredible

Useles *and* dangerous? If it's dangerous it must be pretty powerful i.e. not useless.

Only idiots invest in copycat crytocurrencies. No money backing them, stupid amounts of risk

>Penny stock cryptos pay off once every thousand pumps.


by dangerous i mean there is really no history of any jails/vms that weren't broken out of.

>what the actual fuck are you and why you here

if you have no fucking clue what i'm talking about you probably have no business playing with eth.

Why is eth going to go up, when will it go up and by how much are we talking?

If you convince me, I'll pump and stash half of my BTC holdings on it.

All $5 worth? Big balllerrrrr

I put $200 in every memecoin that comes out that doesn't seem extreme scammish.

So far I made $11,500 and now I put $400 in every one. I plan on loading up on the Chinese one if it ever comes out.

pr00f? also details? + in what time frame?

>playing with eth

do you need xbox controller with that /v/tard ?

After you make those millions, you'll want to stash it all away. You'll need that money to hire good lawyers when the SEC says you were a willing participant in a pump and dump scheme.

If you put $1,000 on Leicester to win the EPL you would be a millionaire right now. allows funding stocks with Bitcoins.

who's the bizcoin treating you

If I had that enough money that I could shit that much into something so speculative, I would not be here, I would be in on a padded chaise in my own recording studio on my luxury yacht in sunny St Tropez with young tanned bikini women and a team of architects discussing the gold leafed fountains for my villa in Tuscany.

Wait, what is this thread about again?

You're playing on people's fears and insecurities, by making them feel like they're going to miss out and lose if they don't buy.

The truth is that if someone hasn't bought any etherm, then they don't have anything to lose. It's only those who have bought it already who have something to lose in it. And so they are the ones who are on the hook to try and make the next guy buy it, by any means.

You're a predator, and a liar. No one should believe a word you say, shill.

NaCl, NaCl everywhere.

Should i send my eth to the ether doubler contract? it seems dope because its still early and shit

sensible chuckle

It's only the truth. If saying the truth makes me salty, then call me a large fuckin fries.

Buy ethereum

What is NaCL?

>The truth is that if someone hasn't bought any etherm, then they don't have anything to lose.
> then they don't have anything to lose

What is opportunity cost.

Please explain, good sage

Sodium chloride

Hes talking out of his anus

>Implying I have enough money for 1 bitcoin, nonetheless 100

Let alone 100. Maybe this is why you can't afford 1 BTC you pleb

you faggots don't even know. DAO is going to fuck all your mothers in the pisshole!

>ethercuck cope

ether has been very good to me. .json holder if you know what i mean.

Dude with a lot of services, you can even have bitcoin visa and mastercard debit cards which do a fiat conversion at the time of transaction. There are a multitude of offramps for fiat.

Also, I forgot to mention. If you're american, then coinbase actually does it's business through a bank in NYC and even your bitcoin funds are FDIC insured.

There are european banks with cards as well, but I'm not familiar with the protections they offer.

oh I know what you mean. Don't forget to drop a percentage of your holdings into the DAO

Same could be said for literally hundreds of thousands of speculative stocks/investments. Hate to be cliche, but hindsight is always 20/20.