>having any significant role in philosophy
Why do Christians act like they matter so much to intellectual culture? It's largely irrelevant.
>having any significant role in philosophy
Why do Christians act like they matter so much to intellectual culture? It's largely irrelevant.
How the fuck are you supposed to even read that graph?
Bigger = more important, in simple terms.
Yeah but what's with the placing?
It doesn't seem to be graphing history at all but rather influences. Like you can find philosophers who came after Plato but influenced by him around all sides.
I'm also not sure what the colours are all about.
Awful image, you should be ashamed of yourself OP
And im not even christian
It is influences.
>lemme just judge everything based on nothing but my assumptions
>Voltaire is tiny
>Murray Rothbard is huge
How the fuck did you measure the importance of philosphers? Having Nietzsche being bigger than fucking Plato is just retarded,as Plato basicalky influenced everyone. Not to mention than Chomsky is bigger than Agustine whichi is just retarded
It's called
>Graphing the history of philosophy.
Not to mention user is right, it is an awful imagine. There's master philosophers on there that you wouldn't even notice because they're so small whilst there's non-philosopher meme-masters of a decent size.
Not to mention
>Putting Marx and Proudhon in different categories whilst putting Marx and Nietzsche in the same categroy.
>extracted the information in the influenced by section for every philosopher on Wikipedia and used it to construct a network
>what is image search
>Somehow this will tell you of importance
>Somehow this would mean Albert Memeus is more important than Vladimir Lenin.
>Implying either of them are philosophers anyway.
>Network of philosophers created from wikipedia influenced by section
>Anything other than what it is.
>influenced by section can tell you about the significance of philosophers, and make nonsensical groupings about them.
>be atheist on Veeky Forums
>get general pruned by janny
Where the fuck is Socrates?
Keep that bullshit elsewhere please. His should ban all generals.
telling people that they don't know shit
He wrote nothing. All we know about his philosophy may just have been made up or manipulated by Plato.
>All we know about his philosophy may just have been made up or manipulated by Plato.
I got that feeling when I was reading the Republic. I noticed that after the initial debate, which seemed like it could have been adapted from Plato's memory of the actual people involved, some of the things Socrates says don't mesh with his earlier points. Particularly his statements about war in relation to his earlier ones about doing no harm. Has there ever been any speculation that the work itself may have even been tampered with after Plato?
I have to admit I've never studied philosophy but I've never got the impression that Hegel's THAT important. Like I thought he had some pretty bizarre beliefs about a world-spirit or something, and interest in his logic is only just being revived.
I may be wrong though.
He was the most influential system builder after Kant, even American analytics eventually began studying him.
Hegel is super that important, but most of the stuff he introduced has been so influential, it seems like common sense stuff now, so all people focus on is the weirder aspects.
After modern science has obliterated Christianity's claims to truth Christians have retreated to the realm of unfalsifiable. Even papal infallibility, after the Galileo debacle, limits itself to "morals and dogma". "Oh yes, the Pope is the infallible vicar of Christ, of God, on earth! BUT ONLY on matters that science can't possibly prove wrong...", which is laughable and ridiculous admission of defeat. After being proven as an objectively false religion from a scientific standpoint, all that's left for Christian apologists is to say "B-but it was relevant for philosophy... That one time, when we had the monopoly on literacy and we didn't burn every book from antiquity (only a huge part of them), but even copied and parroted some of them. Yes, we wus relevance n shit".
Any nation that embraced Nationalism was influenced by Hegel. Central and Eastern Europe way more than the imperialist eternal-Anglo. Hegel is literally the philosopher that categorized the possible ideologies of modernism before it happened.
>bizarre beliefs about a world-spirit or something
And this hasn't been a trope in pop-culture?
These shouldn't even bev isible on this shit.
Marx should definitely be visible, for better or for worse he's a huge deal. Sartre also merits being visible, if not particularly big.
Also the fact that Chomsky is bigger than Kroptkin, Proudhon, or really any anarchist ever to precede him is retarded.
>hur hur i can't into objective ways of measuring things
Augustine is actually not very important.
This shows pretty objectively who's most important in philosophy, using objective measures. Just because you don't like the results doesn't make it false.