Easiest Jobs out there

Not considering pay, what is the comfiest job and why is it high school math teacher?

> study some "higher" math in college
> become teacher
> for the rest of your life teach lower-level basic shit to teenagers
> not a single task will be challenging for you
> math exams are quickly corrected, so not much workload

any other jobs?

Math teacher wouldn't be my choice. It's stressful - students badgering you, papers to mark after you get home, misbehavior in class, generally irritating.

But, are we talking easiest or simplest?

Simplest is probably factory worker or something. Just do one thing all day. Much simpler than a math teacher.

Easiest I'd say is probably some government worker who's riding the system. Come in late, go early, good bennies and vaykay, can't be fired, surfs the net all day. Schweet.

Never though of it that way. You could something for side income with all that extra time too.

Landing a $60K/yr comfy math teacher job would be pretty based.

I am telling you, math teachers are over-qualified, the material you have to study in college to become a math teacher might be hard (depends on how good you are), but its about 20x more difficult than any level you will have to teach in high school, even if you will be teaching advanced classes in high school. Once you graduate from college, anything as a math teacher will require about 1/10 of effort - comfy life guaranteed. Hell, for most classes you won't even have to prepare, just go to the blackboard and produce some simple examples for the topic you're teaching - it doesn't get much easier than this.

>be societies jizz rag
>no advancement ever
>menial as fuck job
>you arent allowed to be creative or say anything or have a personality

Literally definition wagecuck

Over saturated field m8 my sis in law has her masters and could only land a job teaching 3rd grade for like ~50k a year

you're retarded lmao

if you think being a high school teacher is an easy job i can only assume you're a moron

You arent even close. Most lower wage jobs require (yes, require) that you gobble up jizz every now and then.

And whenever theres a statistical problem the manager pulls some drama out of their ass to choose who to fire.

I wish I had a normal fucking job.

care to explain your statement at all?

Math teacher for an inner city school here with mostly black students (East Atlanta).

This job is so fucking frustrating I legitimately think about quitting every week.

50% of the kids simply don't care. At all. They get an F on an assignment, they laugh about it.

The other 40% legitimately cannot pick up simple algebra even if their life depended on it.

And these are the kids with parents that will literally protest/picket your classroom and call you "racist" and any other name they can think of just because their kid is too dumb to learn.

If you want to be a math teacher, go private school.

Most public school teachers I know have either given up on actually trying to teach, or hate their jobs.

you can see for one example

but honestly have you ever talked with a public school teacher? it's soul crushing. you may think you're an edgy UBERMENSCH who will be unaffected but chances are you'll find yourself crushed within a year.

also the money is fucking miserable lol. trust me you'll feel poor/lower middle class.

Okay I understand. I thought about this. The job is frustrating and depressing, but be honest, the job itself must be easy for you. Of course, putting up with all the bullshit that comes with it is the downside, plus pay isn't good. But okay, the way you put it, it does indeed seem that the psychological component > easy-life component.

>it's soul crushing

This is a great description of so many young idealistic teachers that think they're going to make a difference in the world.

and then they get assigned a classroom of black kids get brutalized by the reality public education...

There are people browsing this board right now who will spend their entire work day shitposting. I assume teaching involves actual work at some point, so it might be comfy but probably isn't the comfiest.

>the job itself must be easy for you

yeah.. .but considering the pay, you can find yourself alot of "easy" and better jobs that doesn't destroy your worldview and turn you into a bitter racist.

also considering different countries: e.g. in Scandinavian countries or central Europe where the interest of students is probably a little bit higher (e.g. if you teach at one of the good schools in Germany called "Gymnasium"), then the psychological downside won't be as big. I am German and out class always sort of liked the math teacher, and I always thought his job must be easy as fuck - and he even confirmed that when I talked with him on graduation day. But yeah, it sucks if you have to teach in a lower-socio-economic environment where people don't care and then also demand grade improvements - feels bad man.

>where people don't care and then also demand grade improvements

this... so much this

there's a thread on Grade inflation in America somewhere on Veeky Forums

its a huge policy/political problem in our shools


Better yet, why not make your life even easier. Use the school's computer class room for exams, write a little program where students get displayed their exam, have a piece of paper for calculations, and then have to just fill in the correct answer into input fields, e.g. x = [ ], after the exam is done, the program grades all answers automatically. This minimizes your correction workload. To avoid students cheating and copying from their neighbor, just shuffle the questions for everyone such that everyone still gets the same questions but displayed in a different order.

Anything government is easy as fuck

Work part time as janitor while in school, 27 an hour for 32 hours a week

2 hours worth of work and I'm on Veeky Forums for the rest of the day

omfg. I will be honest with you. I interned at some very good banks in Investment Banking, and those divisions above all usually maximize time efficient work. Time efficiency is absolute key there. So after having that in my system I am shocked on a regular basis when it comes to how comfy people are around public sector jobs. There is a world of difference between the two. And sadly, I had to work for around 90 hours a week so considering my hourly wage it was even less than yours haha. But I am happy for you, if you enjoy it then god speed!

>Security guard for a middling public college.
>Don't do anything, just walk around.
>Have master key set
>Summer time comes, co-workers tell me to meet up with them on the roof of a building at a certain time.
>Sun is setting, almost time.
>Get on roof, see coworkers with sodas sitting on the roof ac units.
>"So why did you guys want to meet here?"
>Boom- fireworks at the local amusement park starts going off.

Comfiest job I ever had, too bad the pay was awful.

>investment banking
>time efficiency


do you honestly think 90 hour weeks are the result of "efficiency," and that there's just that much more work to be done in IBD? IBD is hazing + grunt working m8, it's literally the opposite of efficiency

>be public highschool teacher
>make 90k a year
>get summer off
>get 20 payed sick days
>only have to teach for 3 classes of the day
>have all your tests/ assignments multiple choice for easy grading

I hope you're joking

I like it but once I'm done school I'm going to try to get around 100k salary

It is comfy, but it can also be dull and routine. A lot of millenials my age feel entitled and too good to clean a washroom but you can't pick and choose what you get in life especially when salary is 3x theirs.

I actually want to get into ib one day, but I doubt I'll be smart enough to ever get there. I'll probably see how high I can rise in the public sector and open up a side business with the free time I have

sorry, I didn't mean IBD, I meant securities, where you deal with derivatives pricing, sell options to clients, structured products etc. It's very time-sensitive throughout the day. I know, IBD is just grunt work a lot of times though.

you seem like a cool guy, I like your attitude. Also IB is not that hard to get into, a matter of luck more often than not.

very comfy. exactly what I was talking about. But how on earth do you get such a salary?

Few I've seen

Customer Service for a small company with little business. Guy said he only worked 1 hr a day except on Mondays, was paid $14/hr, and had an 1 hr lunch. Any mistakes on his part was not reviewed.

Senior warehouse worker. Got his own station, anti-fatigue mat, did one thing all day everyday. Packing from from his aisle of shit. Clocked in a 10AM compared to those at 9AM, and finished by 4PM instead of those at 5PM. For the days when overspills, he blames it low level workers for not getting their job done. Pay was also $13/hr.

Sysadmin. Basically get everyone running while posting on Veeky Forums. Minor mishaps here and there, no real blame. About 60k/year. This is the reason why cloud computing is so popular -- because you can outsource the work to Microsoft for 10/k year, and pay someone 20k/year to maintain it.

Public High School teachers don't make 90k a year unless they're at least 10 years in the service.

The job honestly depends on the community. If you're teaching black-mexican kids, it's going to be harder than teaching white-asian kids. Black Mexican neighborhoods are also more run-down that is, your pay will be less, disruptions will be more common, and no one really gives a shit about school.

im in Canada

>Public High School teachers don't make 90k a year unless they're at least 10 years in the service.

You can easily make that in a few years if you're in a good school district.

In Palo Alto Unified school district, you basically start in the high 70s and make 80+ in 2 years. And those are great schools to work for. Silicon valley parents are all tiger moms and helicopters. Their kids actually try and give an effort.

But, yeah, you couldn't pay me $120k to work in an inner city school again...

going to school in switzerland.
we have to solve differential equations in highschool.
every ones really good at / cares about math

I work as a college cop and I've had a nearly identical experience. It's a clock-punching job with crappy office politics horrible hours but the comfiness is through the roof.

Teach honors math. Fixes most of the issues.

We're in a pretty shitty spot for teachers. It's really over saturated and they don't leave because of how good it is. Good luck though

t. teacher.

Oh Im not a teacher and they are overpaid for what they do. Always complaining while everyone else take pay cuts. they get raises

You try teaching 500 illiterate niggers who give zero fucks about education and then blame YOU and cry racism when they cant do basic algebra or spell "education".

You either become dead inside and not give a fuck or you leave the industry.

Yeah, honestly fuck teachers. We're really whiny and don't deserve as much money as we're getting. We're only teachers because we suck at everything else but were smart enough to see an easy way of life.

lol fuck off and grow a a backbone bitch

What the fuck? Very math teacher I had has been personality plus and taught the subject through different ways. Other points are valid though.

Hahaha, glad to see it's the same everywhere. The college PD also had real shitty politics, at least a quarter of every shift, with both the guards and officers, were spent talking office politics. Who's going up, who's going down, who pissed off who, who got pregnant and got light duty.

>have a homogeneous population who have a lot of money
>care about math


yeah except the greedy retard teachers(not all act like this) are going to ruin it for the rest by always trying to go on strike if we dont "get muh raises and benefits"

They have no idea how good they have it in the state of the economy right now and where do they think this fucking money comes from that pays their salaries? It's all deficit spending because we dont have the tax dollars coming in to support these redic wage packages and it wont last forever

samefagging this hard
You mad at your teachers or what?

im not same fagging, Im adding to my comment you dipshit. Obviously there are IDs on this board.