Help out a 22 y/0 girl not look like shit

Hi guys I need your help.

What are some good stores to buy high-quality women's clothing? I don't really need to look super Veeky Forums, I just want nice adult clothes. Right now most of my wardrobe is H&M/F21. I have some nice pieces that have lasted me a while, which I'll be keeping, but the rest of it is fast fashion garbage. Also want to cut down on how many clothes I have, it's getting to be too much.

I live in Montreal so I can go to quite a few stores downtown. I was thinking Zara might be a good place to start? I'd really prefer to visit stores in person as opposed to ordering online, because I'm pretty short and have proportions that aren't easy to fit properly.

thanks guys :)

pic is alexa chung because I love her style

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I shop mainly at uniqlo.

GAP has some decent basics I rec their mens sweaters.

I'm 5'2" so I can't really wear men's clothes unfortunately hahaha

is uniqlo true to size? I like their stuff too but I don't think there's a store in montreal


try COS, it's a one step above H&M with sane prices, Zara is pretty much the same level as H&M

yea uniqlo is tts, i agree with the post above me, check out cos

aritzia has nice things too and v small sizes i think they go down to xxxs

cos is ok

never heard of this store before, is it online only?

ste catherine / de la montagne

How to look good as a grill:

>dont eat
>get thin

cos, &other stories, mango, united colors of benetton, deadstock american apparel, thrift shops, etsy, ebay.

Don't buy Zara ever, it's the most shit quality I've had - only good for accessories rly. If buying H&M buy only H&M studio, that line has good quality. Otherwise it's shit.

nice! I'll go there

already thin hahaha but thanks

>american apparel

Nothing that's been mentioned is high quality

>Right now most of my wardrobe is H&M/F21
You're fuckin up.

I'm a student so I don't really have the disposable income to spend on high quality clothes? I know that both of those stores aren't quality, they're the best I could do with what I have. I have a pretty good job this summer so I'll have more spending money

Think less is more. Quality over quantity. Invest in 10 good items that you will have for years. Things that don't go out of style. Trenchcoat, car coat, turtleneck, some knits, a bomber/other short jacket, a nice black silk dress for special occasions. Go to thrift shop in rich neighbourhoods to find good deals on quality stuff. Also ebay, vestiarecollective, the real real, can find good deals here. If you are petite girl definitely go to japanese auction sites, a great way to start is - that's how i shop there.

try killing yourself bitch

Yes, recommending designer consignment stores and fromjp to a complete newfag that wants to dress like the OP pic is the way to go

Wtf OP is asking for "high quality" brands all of the suggestions you guys made were fucking garbage fast fashion brands

I would say I'm disappointed, but since we're on Veeky Forums it would be dishonest. Still though, get your shit together guys

I am a student with no help whatsoever from my parents to buy clothes and I mostly dress in damir doma

It's only a matter of patience and of knowing where / when / how to buy the shit you're looking for

I though it was b8 at first either this or newfag.

Did you expect somebody would send her to get disigner dresses at feragamo or something people who ask for brands are retarded in the first place i go full minimalist with the unbranded cheapest alternative on the market and i don't care if it looks like shit anyway its not like its going to kill me


She looks amazing. Face, frame, height is all that matters.

are you autistic? serious question.

chad here
she looks like shit

no female features, man jaw, ugly as fuck man clothes. Height doesn't matter(if not shorter is better)

she did indeed, but when her wardrobe consists of H&M, F21 and looking at the pic in the OP, what would you suggest? COS is an ideal choice, if she wants something better quality, but still not too expensive, when she feels safe to buy more expensive designer stuff and have the funds, she can venture into that, but until then it's not a good idea to blow money on something, what she might regret, she wanted clothes suggestions now for her present financial situation

also, after a certain price point, there's no quality increase, you pay strictly for the brand and design or if you think that brands like Acne is priced accordingly to quality, you're delirious

it's like wine, if you sell the exact same shit at a lower price and at a higher price, you can guess which one will be bought by certain groups, the "mah quality" people, there will always be mindless snobs, who don't look at anything other than the price tag, if it's expensive, they buy it, if not, they don't and they will be convinced that they got top quality for their money
snobbery is limitless, it's exponentially true for fashion

i haven't seen anything recommended by you, you're just dissing the suggestions of others

your should start applying your advice on yourself first: get your shit together and try not to talk out of your ass

if you think that your comment helped even just a bit, think again

I don't know shit about women's fashion. The only brands I know well enough to recommend are either only doing menswear or are designer brands and oviously that is not what she was looking for

But if you really want me to provide a constructive opinion I'd say APC whent it gets on sale. It's not too expensive and it's great for good quality basics. I also thought that COS would've been a good alternative but it's still not "hig quality" as requested, it's only better than most other fast fashion brands

Maybe it was a mistake for me to stick to the letter of what OP had written without taking into account the ovious fact that she doesn't know much and that therefore she probably does not even know what she's exactly looking for. But still, recommending Zara or &other stories as alternatives to H&M and F21 was so hilarious that I did not think any further before writing my reply

The fit is basic bitch -tier, but she looks amazing due to her face, frame, and height. She has a great jaw, and 5'8" is the ideal Veeky Forums height for a non-model woman.

So mention something you dumb cunt

>I don't know shit about women's fashion
then fuck off and leave you ugly dumb faggot.

APC is shit

It's an ok mid-tier brand. It's shit compared to Tom Ford, Brunello Cucinelli, and Loro Piana, but better than shit like H&M, Zara, and Uniqlo that Veeky Forumsgs usually wear. It's worth the money, imo, and you get what you pay for.