Post your skin care routines.
I'm lame af, bulldog SPF moisturizer and simple skin wipes in the morning.
How do I ascend ? Products, routines etc. (I have a good diet and stay hydrated.
Post your skin care routines.
I'm lame af, bulldog SPF moisturizer and simple skin wipes in the morning.
How do I ascend ? Products, routines etc. (I have a good diet and stay hydrated.
interested in this
My routine for spring every morning:
Wash your fucking hands before you get your grimy mits near your face.
Cotton wool pad with the tiniest amount of distilled 100% witch hazel.
Same again with moisturiser (Aveeno is good)
I know it's different depending on diet and jeans; but this keeps me clear of all spots and keeps my pores small (I have large pores on my nose; this helps a lot).
Also, keep your pillow case clean, do a daily quick wash with it.
fuck my life
I meant genes obviously.
Bonus: if I get a spot, burst it with a cotton pad drenched in witch hazel. Use a second one and keep pressure on it until it stops weeping. Will be left with a very faint small red mark. Apply any drugstore crap to it that contains salicylic acid.
This is the only routine you need if you have half decent skin already, drink water and don't touch your face or eat too much sugar and crap.
Some folks will need more than this.
Cerave moisturizing cream
Neutrogena spf 55 sunscreen (Might change this to Biore Spf 50)
Cerave foaming cleanser & cream
Francisco lachowski is a perfect genetic creation.
I have a friend who looks exactly like Lachowski but is a bit tanner and he fucking slays a lot of girls in college. Plus, he's smart too, 3.9 GPA in Computer Science and an internship at microsoft.
the Skincareaddiction subreddit has good information about starting a routine and just a really comprehensive guide for skincare, asianbeauty subreddit is good too if you're into korean skincare.
My routine is
Hada Labo oil cleanser in the PM if i'm not being a lazy fuck
cerave foaming wash for AM and PM
Differin in the PM
Cerave moisturizing lotion
Guys differin is the SHIT. Just this year they made it OTC so you dont need a prescription to buy it and it's dirt cheap.
Wash face with cleanser in the morning, especially nose and forehead.
Do it again.
Apply thicc oil-based moisturiser (I have very dry skin), avoiding T-zone (nose, centre of chin, and forehead).
Apply cleansing moisturiser on T-zone.
Drink lots of water
Sleep on clean pillows whenever possible
I don't have bad skin, just want to perfect my routine as it's pretty poor at the moment.
>wash face with hot water and some rose dr. bronners
>apply aloe vera to spots
>some days i'll also add a little bit of coconut oil to them and some to the other dry areas of my face
>drink fuckton of water
what do you guys use for deodorant ? I'm trying to avoid products with aluminum salts but it's hard to find something nice.
I carry around a handkerchief so I dont touch my face with my fingers.
Who cares you dweeb. Theres still some gems in there.
Benzoyl peroxide (I still get acne T_T)
Quit touching your face
Drink a gallon of water a day
Shower before you go to bed so your sheets aren't fucking disgusting
Don't do drugs or drink a lot
Eat a plant based diet
Try not to get too stressed out
I used to have disgusting acne but I'm good now. Using benzoyl peroxide everyday did WONDERS for me.
my skin is normal but moisturizer makes my skin oily and ugly. Any suggestions ?
That's why I recommended it. It has a sidebar with great resources on what a skincare routine should be. If you want to perfect it, be sure to check there because sometimes in an effort to makes things better adding a product in wrong or doing something incorrectly can make your skin worse.
I ran out of benzoyl peroxide, so tonight I'm using lavender, bergamot, peppermint, and frankincense oils to try and prevent any onslaught of acne that is probably going to come out of my oily ass face. Is there anything else/better I should use so I don't break out?
Shower, shave with Barrister and Mann shave soap
Moisturize with Snail Bee Cream
Sleep on clean towel
I moisturize only after shaving or showering since it dries the fuck out of my skin
My skin is somehow clear. I am 26 now so maybe I grew out of acne
how often do you guys change your pillowcase?
I don't.
It's not necessary as long as you shower before bed or at least wash your face.
How many fucking times do people need to be told, what you eat has nothing to do with the quality of your skin unless you're talking about the difference between a diet of gummy bears and coke or a no sugar paleo diet. That's mostly an old wives tale repeated constantly by boomers.
can you please give me some source to that buddy?
>I don't.
you spend a third of your life pressing your hair and face against the pillowcase. don't you expect there to be fats, skin residues, and bacteria getting in your pores and contributing to shitty skin?
Last time I went to a doctor (not skin related) they gave me a script for BP which I used. I used it up though and it did help but is now starting to come back worse, so I'll probably go again soon and see if I can get another script.
Only thing is I don't know if they'll be reluctant to give me something I specifically ask for since that's a bit odd, but also I don't really want to be relying on it long term.
cheap way to get rid of blackheads in my nose?
Squeeze them, for starters
Unlike other kinds of blemishes that you should keep from touching, blackheads can permanently stretch your pores if left unsqueezed. I'd recommend getting one of those dedicated hoop things to do it, pinching with your fingers can damage the surrounding skin
As for keeping them gone, I'm in the same boat as you. Still looking for a fix.
>mole on my stomach hurts
>it's slowly changing shape
>I think it's changing colour
do I have cancer lads?
Check the the ABCDEs of melanoma. Also, call your doctor to get it looked at.
>the the
yeah I got like 3/5 of the symptoms. Gonna get an appointment to make sure.
Besta luck user
Melanoma isn't too serious though, especially if caught early
any idea how to get rid of these weird things under my eyes? I have them 24/7
See a dermatologist.
Oil free moisturizer, ya dweeb
does derma-rolling actually work? My skin fucking sucks
every day. I just use these small hand towels or t-shirts. use the towel, flip it over, get a new one. flip the t-shirt over, then turn it inside out and use both sides so you get 4 days out of one shirt.
Any way to get rid of sebaceous filaments lads?
are there any actual things that help get rid of eye circles? Or is it all bullshit?
I drink a lot of water and i have started going to bed early (8hours a day) since a couple of months ago but i still dont see any results. Is it genetic?
Yeah its genetic, its mostly just how thin the skin is under your eyes. only options are fillers and makeup.
BHA (in the evening)
No. You can only reduce their appearance with oil cleansing and BHAs. But they will always come back.
Drink nothing but water, tea and coffee.
My skin is shit though. Full of black heads, no idea how to remove them.
-Rinse with water
-The Ordinary 23% Vitamin C Serum
-Soltan Protect+Moisturise SPF 50+
-Matte Primer and maybe some light makeup
-Oil Cleanse
-Second cleanse with Cetaphil gentle 3x per week
-Glycoic acid 20% (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)
-The Ordinary advanced retinoid 2% (Tuesday, Thursday)
-Hyaluronic Acid
-Some facial oil/hydrator, using squalene at the moment
-Maybe some occlusive like aquaphor
-At least 2.5l of water per day (I'm only 47kg so that's enough for me)
-Make all food from scratch - nothing processed or made in a factory
-Try to limit sugar intake (trying to stop completely actually but finding it difficult)
-Exercise regularly
What I've learned dealing with acne is that the benzoyl peroxide will get rid of it but you're going to have fucked up dry, red skin while you're using it.
>no sunscreen
>physically scrubs
>doesn't chemically exfoliate
>wonders why his skin is shit
My face is red as fuck after starting retinoids/epiduo specifically about 2 weeks ago. How do I relieve it? How long will it take to go away naturally? Am I better on Differin?
I feel like daily sunscreen is a bit of a meme perpetuated but the skincare jew. Unless you work outside I guess.
I only put it on when I would put it on the rest of my body. Swimming/boating on a sunny summer day.
I'm in remission from ~5/6 years of p nasty acne.
Two Vitamin E supplements; one in the morning, one in the evening + wash my face in the shower. Besides that, just drink water, sweets in moderation, absolutely no chocolate.
The real life hack is these things. Buy the big box and cleanse throughout the day if you've got oily skin.
Don't want to get too into the nerd shit, but the salicylic acid is optimal pH for cleansing agency. Other brands of wipes fuck it up for some reason.
Anyone here using clerasil? i'm looking for a brand that i can get easily in germany.
Malin+Goetz Deodorant and Baxter of California Deodorant are my favs
In the morning:
1. DHC Deep Cleansing Oil
2. Cerave Foaming
3. Cerave PM
4. Japanese Biore SPF50
Just before bed:
Alcohol-free witch hazel on a cotton pad
After years of trying different product combinations, I've settled on this one:
Thayer's Rose Petal alcohol free witch hazel as my daily toner/aftershave, followed by Bull Dog face moisturizer for men (both the original and anti-aging formulas are great, and I rotate between the two).
Anthony Logistics used to offer a really great alcohol free face toner for men, but I can't find it anywhere.
Every now and then I'll use a salicylic acid skin cleanser, but I really don't need to anymore since I never break out. For those of you that do you should use a salicylic acid based face wash every day. If you are going to use a face scrub, don't use it more than a couple times a week. Also, using a face moisturizer with UV protection is the most important step you can take to protect your skin from aging, especially if you are outdoors a lot (maybe not a problem for people on this board). Neutrogena makes a pretty good one.
If it weren't for his facial hair nowadays he'd look like a high schooler.
does it have hair growing in it?
See a dermatologist, there's different causes for dark circles under and around the eyes, #1 being lack of sleep, drinking, etc. It doesn't sound like that's the case for you, but some causes of dark circles can be treated with creams and solutions, depending on what's causing them. It could be genetic, though, in which case fillers, layering, or concealers are your only options.
In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturiser, then an anti-ageing eye balm followed by a final moisturising protective lotion.
Whats the best peel off blackhead mask around for a decent price?
pic related
Hey Veeky Forums what do i need to do if I never get any kind of acne except for the odd pimple but want cleaner looking skin?
Thank u
these can damage your face
yes I know but what is the best one
Fuck my life lads I would literally cut off a finger for my skin to be completely clear
goddamn that's a lot of exfoliation in the PM. How do you like the vitamin c serum from the ordinary? I'm thinking of adding some vitamin c and AHAs into my routine for hyperpigmentation
I'd say the charcoal one from origins since it's a big brand and not some Amazon Chinese shit. Still you really shouldn't be using them, they can fuck up your skin and there are better things you can use that dont require you to rip out sebaceous filaments from inside your pores.
Are these routines supposed to be daily? I feel like that would be a little excessive
>wake up
>rinse face
>go on with day with little skin problems
Whatever makes you feel better, grandpa
I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Industrial pumice hand cleaner is a cheap alternative to overpriced beauty brands. It works better too. I use it a couple times a week, and I use Aveeno daily moisturizer before I go to bed. During the day I wear a tinted zinc oxide sunscreen.
How do I get rid of a dark spot?
I love the vitamin c personally and have already repurchased twice but I know a lot of people have complaints about it's gritty texture. Definitely recommend an AHA, honestly my skin is great and I wouldn't change my routine at all.
>can't get stridex in the UK
Anyone know the closest UK alternative?
Whats a better alternative for these charcoal masks?
>Industrial pumice hand cleaner is a cheap alternative
Is nivea cream / an equivalent serviceable as a moisturiser?
Current routine is just exfoliate, cold water, then the nivea cream on places that get kinda dry / wrinkled
i actually think those are cute desu
It's called buying in bulk. Try it sometime.
How the fuck do I get rid of redness and acne scars??? I have minimal pimples or whiteheads, but I have pretty bad red spots on my cheeks and it makes me look like a fucking dumbass. Shit's so ugly. I think I got them from when I used to pick at my acne like a complete dumb fuck in high school, about two years ago. Would post pic, but I dun wanna get destroyed.
daily moisturizer with SPF.
eventually you can get laser scar treatment.
African black soap
Daily exfoliating with Korean bath towel and exfoliating gloves
Day time Burnout sunblock applied heavily with beautyblender before makeup application.
Das it, no frills exfoliation for months to prep for my ultimate goal starting next week
Salicylic Acid peels on knees and knuckles at 20% ish monthly
Body at 15% monthly
Kojic acid/vitamin C DIY compound daily in a sauna suit for nightly occlusion.
Day time Vit C and KA with burnout.
I'm getting rid of years of tanning, I am so blotchy but that's what I get.
is it lupus?
don´t forget to eat
What's op hair cut called
Did you read the rest of his post? If you shower before you sleep there shouldn't be anything collecting on your pillowcase because you would, in theory, be clean before going to bed. Unless you sleep in uncomfortable collections where your sweating while sleeping, your bed should be clean if you clean yourself before getting in it.
>I'm only 47kg
user are you ok? if youre not female and under 1,50m you should probably consult a doctor
>Did you read the rest of his post?
>if you shower before you sleep there shouldn't be anything collecting on your pillowcase because you would, in theory, be clean before going to bed.
"clean" is very relative. there is plenty of sebum left on your face, scalp, and hair. there are immensely many pieces of skin still stuck in your scalp, and face, getting on your pillow. the bacteria are all still there, especially in your hair and scalp. rubbing all of this off against a pillow and soaking in it for 8 hours per night won't exactly benefit your skin in terms of acne and comedones.
same thing goes for beanies/hats for example.
Your face doesn't just stop producing oil and shedding skin while you sleep, in fact especially if you use a chemical exfoiliater in the PM you'll shed even more
I make my own Venetian Ceruse to pale my skin. I hate my light olive complexion. The white lead may destroy my skin in a few years, but damn, I look good.
A clay mask that helps to dry up oils. One that would be wash off
can someone tell me what the hairstyle in OP's pic is called?
I'm female and 169cm and my doctor thinks I'm 51kg.
Chaps, you do realize you are fucking up your skin with all these shit? Just look at the bottle, is there anything natural? I struggled with bad acne skin for years and when I got the right diet, it fixed my skin completely in 3 months, first results in 2 weeks.
Went on candida diet (check it) basically cutted off wheat, anything related to milk and sugar and stay away from potatoes! Meat only 3 days a week, and lot of veggies, fuck ton of veggies.
Stay away from corn and soy. It's super starchy
Shave after a hot shower, apply olive oil on the skin and rub. Then shave and wash it with cold water. Apply 100% aloe vera.
For any breakouts open your pores with warm water than rub some soda bicarbona. Wash with cold water.
Drink plenty of water, on empty stomach in the morning drink some apple vinegar and limonade
From time to time apply some clay and then put thin layer of coconut oil on face before sleep. It does miracles
Drink water and tea only
Cook everything on coconut oil, don't forget garlic!
Drink milk from almonds. It's super easy-blend some almonds and water and filtered it. You will get almond powder for breakfast or baking and milk! Put some chia semen in it and leave it for the night. You will get a pudding like thing for the breakfast
Also soak everything nuts related in water first.
Eat some zinc, spinach or as pills. It won't hurt you
Be a man and keep it like that for 3 months. I guaranteed you the fastest results ever.
>waiting for "diet has nothing against hormones" meme
when will they learn
wrong as fuck on so many levels
>wipe down with micellar water on a cotton pad after shower (if I take one that morning)
>Thayers witch hazel on a cotton pad
>C&C dual action moisturizer
>Neutrogena Ultra-Sheer Dry-touch Sunscreen SPF 60
Evening/when I get home from work
>micellar water to take off all makeup (if I'm wearing any)/sunscreen
>witch hazel again
>C&C moisturizer again
>CeraVe hydrating cleanser
>The Ordinary Niacinamide/Zinc serum
>tea tree oil on any spots I have that need to calm the fuck down
>the face shop rice ceramide emulsion
>tiny bit of vaseline under the eyes
just drop the meat altogether. Plant-based diet is best for skin. You're right about soy though, it can have other side effects as well but it can be good for proteins in moderation.
you just have good skin, your tips are shit lol
>muh diet
acne is caused by much more than diet
>hot shower
bad for your skin
>olive oil
>coconut oil
>open your pores with warm water
pores don't open and shut
>soda bicarbona
bad for your skin
oh and
>is there anything natural?
natural does not mean that it's good. stuff like niacinamide or hyaluronic acid doesn't sound natural but both are great for your skin.