USSR was flawless

Reminder that Soviet Union hate is a propaganda meme curated by the US and various pro-capitalist forces.

>b-but they executed all of the intelligentsia!
Pol Pot had it worse. If Lenin had executed all or a majority of the intelligentsia as you say, then Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism.

>b-but they slaughtered a bunch of people! they made the people submit by dumbing them down through fear and terror!
North Korea has it worse. If Stalin had made the people submit through fear and terror as you say, then modern Russia would be populated by braindead idorts that believe the most blatant of propaganda without a drop of doubt.

>t-the space race engineers were educated in the Russian Empire! Soviet Education can't into space!
If that was true then modern Russia's space program wouldn't have been ahead of America and Japan's.

>planned economy doesn't work! Russia's stability was based on oil export!
If that was true then during the mid to late 80's Russian food shelves would have been empty.

>Communism breeds more evil! See their current government curated by an ex-KGB agent!
Russia is the most democratic of countries in Europe and even in the whole World right now. Compare with the USA which is curated by the same group of families throughought the decades. If you disagree you need to get the GTFO out to >>>/usa/ as asap as possible.

I guess that's why it doesn't exist anymore.

Good thread OP. All power to the Soviets.

Get rekt incoming asspained /pol/tards.

>Russia is the most democratic of countries in Europe and even in the whole World right now.
Post Yeltsin Russia is an oligarchic shithole that's stone-age compared to the USSR.

Sometimes a one step back is necessary to make two steps forward.

Capitalism and democracy are inherently corrupted ideologies. Nevertheless Russian ex-Soviet democracy is the least corrupted of all.

It is not, it's corrupt as fuck and Russia is one of the most unequal countries in Europe.

Literally the same guy has been president virtually uninterrupted for almost 20 years now.

This is serious Poe's law territory. I can't tell if statements like this

>If Lenin had executed all or a majority of the intelligentsia as you say, then Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism.

> If Stalin had made the people submit through fear and terror as you say, then modern Russia would be populated by braindead idorts that believe the most blatant of propaganda without a drop of doubt.

>If that was true then during the mid to late 80's Russian food shelves would have been empty.

Are meant to be satirical or not.

T-that's just because he's t-the best!



>then Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism.
It is.

I would say something about lefty/pol/ needing to leave but then I read this part

>>North Korea has it worse. If Stalin had made the people submit through fear and terror as you say, then modern Russia would be populated by braindead idorts that believe the most blatant of propaganda without a drop of doubt.

Probable satire detected.

That's not imperialism.

That's the exact opposite of imperialism.

Why, exactly, are they "inherently corrupted ideologies"?


all these people that cant detect b8

>Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism

thats true

>modern Russia would be populated by braindead idorts that believe the most blatant of propaganda without a drop of doubt

true again

> modern Russia's space program wouldn't have been ahead of America and Japan's

they werent ahead

>the mid to late 80's Russian food shelves would have been empty

the food shelves were empty

Capitalism doesn't even try to hide it, it's openly corrupted to the core to the point where there's nothing else there. The whole system is just bold-faced corruption.

Democracy as we now know it is just a thinly veiled dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

However I suspect OP is a giant tankie that hates democracy in general.


>Find backwards, helpless country
>Beat them up
>Take over
>Begin extracting their resources and wealth in a parasitic relationship, benefiting the imperialist country at the expense of the colony.


>Find backwards, helpless country
>Beat them up
>Take over
>Spread to them an ideology that empowers their masses
>Bring them food, medicine, education, technical expertise
>Be a constant drain on the treasury of the core Soviet Union.
>Only have things start to go wrong in those countries because the aid pipeline is severed.

See the difference?

Those aren't really explanations. What makes democracy as we know it "a thinly veiled dictatorship of the bourgeoisie"? How is capitalism "openly corrupted to the core"?

>Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos
perfect thread OP

Imperialism exists for the purpose of harvesting resources from weaker countries to enrich your own regardless of any regard for democracy or such things.
World communism seeks to empower people worldwide to enrich themselves and their own communities by controlling the means of production democratically and destroying imperialist-capitalist arms of oppression that suck the wealth out of their countries and pockets.

Although you could argue the USSR was more interested in the former, in that case they weren't doing it for world communism as the image suggests.

>How is capitalism corrupted to the core.
Corruption is dishonest (or possibly illegal) behaviour particularly by powerful individuals.

Capitalism is rife with dishonest practices in the market-place that occasionally cross into being illegal with activities like insider trading. But the general acts of marketing, hiding the reality of the impact their business practices have, and firing workers for dubious reasons is the height of corruption. And it's widely acknowledged it happens all across the planet.

>"a thinly veiled dictatorship of the bourgeoisie"?
The bourgeoisie control all major outlets of media so they can effectively control the information voters have access to as they see fit. Additionally through systems like lobbying and patronage they can also control the government officials themselves. And there's no where this is more flagrantly obvious than the US, the worldwide seat of capitalist power.


Wow people do illegal things. If only there were someone to set the rules and stop them?

Maybe we could call it a government?

Wow, turns out the majority of companies aren't dickheads.

Hmm I dunno but a successful system with a few failures seems better than a failure of a system with a few successes.

The USSR was flawed intrinsically in that the people had no reason to support the state. When the people were given free determination, they did not want Communism. The bureaucracy was a corrupt choking mass.

>USSR was flawless
No it wasn't.

t. commie

>Russia ... right now

WHEW lad this is weak false flagging


>under another political system, humans will behave different from how the high school bullies behaved against me

It's not rape if the commies are doing it!

so this is just lefty pol

>Russian ex-Soviet democracy is the least corrupted of all
Please, please, please tell me this is bait. I didn't know we had Russian shills on this board

>no no no filthy capitalist pigs, you invaded to "civilize," we invaded to show them the glories of communism

Sounds the same to me Marxfag

>everybody in this thread falling for bait this hard

>Supporting any workers rights movement
>Socialism or communism

>Pol Pot had it worse. If Lenin had executed all or a majority of the intelligentsia as you say, then Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism.
So because Communism was worse in Cambodia, the USSR is completely innocent. Also, intelligence isn't a heritable trait.
>North Korea has it worse. If Stalin had made the people submit through fear and terror as you say, then modern Russia would be populated by braindead idorts that believe the most blatant of propaganda without a drop of doubt.
Again, just because it was worse elsewhere does not make Stalin's genocides okay. And again, obedience and stupidity are no heritable traits.
>>t-the space race engineers were educated in the Russian Empire! Soviet Education can't into space!
Nobody has ever claimed this.
>If that was true then during the mid to late 80's Russian food shelves would have been empty.
They pretty much were. Gorbachev and Yeltsin pretty much solved this through economic liberalization.
>Russia is the most democratic of countries in Europe and even in the whole World right now. Compare with the USA which is curated by the same group of families throughought the decades.
Are you joking? Wasn't Putin accused of fixing the votes a few years back?

Why do we allow Commieboos to pollute this board?

>Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
>Stopping the bourgeoisie.

>Wow, turns out the majority of companies aren't dickheads.

>Just a few failures

The laughs never end.

>Capitalists invade
>Wealth gets sucked out of the country.
>Atrocities skyrocket

>Communists invade and spread revolution
>Wealth gets put in the hands of workers
>Literacy, life expectancy and civil liberties skyrocket.

>>Find backwards, helpless country
>>Beat them up
>>Take over
>>Spread to them an ideology that empowers their masses
>>Bring them food, medicine, education, technical expertise
>>Be a constant drain on the treasury of the core Soviet Union.
>>Only have things start to go wrong in those countries because the aid pipeline is severed.
this is exactly how British colonialism worked

Hello, Nigel.

Top notch b8

this is a pretty good post OP

>civil liberties
Ah yes, that's the Stasi and KGB were, protectors of civil rights

>this is exactly how British colonialism worked

Yes just like in Ireland:

>Spread to them an ideology that empowers their masses

Irish people banned from owning property, going to school, speaking their own language or practicing their own religion

>>Bring them food, medicine, education, technical expertise

Exporting food to Britain during the famine

>Be a constant drain on the treasury of the core Soviet Union.

See above

>Only have things start to go wrong in those countries because the aid pipeline is severed.

Ireland went from being one of the poorest countries in the world to now having a higher quality of life than the UK

>What are the Scandinavian countries, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada etc

France is hardly a dictatorship of the bourgeosie.

It's mainly America that has the major rent seeking problem.

>Just a few failures

How many capitalist countries with quite free markets and a social safety net have failed?

>Their own religion

No Celtic paganism is our religion thank you.

>Russia is the most democratic of countries in Europe and even in the whole World right now
I almost took you post serious

It's amazing what being a tax haven does to you.

While I'm sympathetic to the famine case, even if food wasn't exported there would still be the same lack of food in the whole system, if not just Ireland so English people would starve ( assuming people bought just enough to live on and made up the English food deficit with Irish food ).

A better point would be to denounce the property system in Ireland, I.e a few aristocrats renting out land to people who ought to own it. Terribly inefficient for productivity and bad for the peasants. Markets tend to work rather well, but not if I take all property for myself then say we start the market now. On the bright side one of those aristocrats started Guinness.

>Name some major seats of capitalist power
>Least of all fucking France, the country with the most prolific record of imperialist meddling in Africa
>Seriously implying they aren't dictatorships of the bourgeoisie.

>How many capitalist countries with quite free markets and a social safety net have failed?
I like the qualifier you added there to disqualify the entirety of the third world that the capitalist west depends on to sustain itself.

I know many folks that escaped the fucking bullshit, backwards hell hole that was the Soviet Union that would disagree with you.

You must simply be trolling from your mother's basement.

Stay mad.

>Imperialism equals all forms of capitalism
>Empires didn't start before the bourgeosie were around

>France with 44.6% of GDP as tax and a progressive system
>Implying the bourgeoisie all act in unison and that there is no democracy in France.

What capitalist countries in the third world have failed? It's strange that third world countries and first world countries both benefit from trading with each other. Compare south Korea to north Korea.

>Imperialism equals all forms of capitalism
No, but imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.
>Empires didn't start before the bourgeosie were around
Even back before the industrial revolution trade-subsisting burghers were the chief architechts of colonial empire building.
>>France with 44.6% of GDP as tax and a progressive system
Yes, France is capitalist and run by the bourgeoisie. You just need to look to recent protests and police taking arms against civilians to see that this is true.
>>Implying the bourgeoisie all act in unison and that there is no democracy in France.
There is no real democracy in any capitalist country, it's just as democracy was in ancient Greece - democracy for the slave masters.

>What capitalist countries in the third world have failed?
Approximately all of them judging by the standard of living they enjoy compared to socialist states.
Do you think having massive amounts of AIDS and illiteracy is a sign of success?

> It's strange that third world countries and first world countries both benefit from trading with each other
The third world does not benefit from the capitalist mode of economics, it simply gets all the wealth sucked out of it as if by a vampire.

>but muh jobs
Jobs don't mean shit when the entire economy and infrastructure is built around siphoning wealth from the country, and then overthrowing the governments whenever things stop going your way.

>regurgitating garbage propaganda from /r/FULLCOMMUNISM

Wew lad.

>f Lenin had executed all or a majority of the intelligentsia as you say, then Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism.
but it is

> If Stalin had made the people submit through fear and terror as you say, then modern Russia would be populated by braindead idorts that believe the most blatant of propaganda without a drop of doubt
but it is

>If that was true then modern Russia's space program wouldn't have been ahead of America and Japan's.
but it isn't

>If that was true then during the mid to late 80's Russian food shelves would have been empty.
but they were

>If you disagree you need to get the GTFO out to >>>/usa/ as asap as possible

Taking over people

Taking over people

Adding in motives to definitions is one of the shittiest underhanded things leftists do


Killing someone

>Self defense

Killing someone.

Yeah, motives are meaningless when it comes to definition. Does your tard-wrangler know you're on Veeky Forums this late?

>No, but imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.
Better look up the definition of imperialism first before making it a code-word for "non-Soviet aggression". Don't get it? Look at Eastern Europe during the Cold War.
>There is no real democracy in any capitalist country, it's just as democracy was in ancient Greece - democracy for the slave masters.
With the way communist countries handle their citizenry, stating that there is no real democracy in any communist country can actually have more credence.
And since when did anyone at the time of the Greeks consider slaves as part of the franchise and the citizenry? The comparison would have been more apt had cities like Athens de jure granted their slaves the same civil liberties as they grant to their free folk.
>Approximately all of them judging by the standard of living they enjoy compared to socialist states.
Comparing India to Scandinavia and vice versa would be sort of unfair. Oh wait, "Denmark et al can't be socialist because they're capitalist?"
>Jobs don't mean shit when the entire economy and infrastructure is built around siphoning wealth from the country, and then overthrowing the governments whenever things stop going your way.
Elaborate that part about the siphoning wealth thing.
Also, overthrowing governments when things don't go your way isn't only a staple of capitalist countries. Given the propensity for the Soviet Union to go aggro on Eastern Europe, Latin America and (lol) Afghanistan, I'd say "overthrowing governments when things stop going your way" is an option for any country with the influence and power to do so.
If you can say with a straight face that the USSR doesn't have those two, then congratulations, you're past salvation with logic.

>itt: muh communism dindu nuffin wrong

JFC people are taking the OP seriously? How autistic are you people?

>it's another "tankie goes all out, and harms the revolution socialists are trying to advocate for" episode

>If that was true then during the mid to late 80's Russian food shelves would have been empty.

Not OP, but we did have plenty of food in the mid to late 80s

>the food shelves were empty
No they weren't.

>[...] then Russia today would be a cesspool full of drunk and uneducated bydlos that still glorify their victory in WW2 while seeing no difference between nazism and fascism.
Is it not?

>They pretty much were
No they weren't

This tread.

The replies to this thread shows how fucking stupid the enlightened humanitarians of Veeky Forums are. Most of you probably realized it was bait, but disregarded it because you wanted to flaunt the fruits of your Wikipedia-scouring skills.

People who use Wikipedia to find counter-argument to this tread can't exist. I mean... I'm sure there isn't anyone that retarded.... right?

>Successful people having higher income is bad

Spotted the commie.



Autistic enough