ETH is about to go to the moon

ETH is about to go to the moon

Get it... now

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No it ain't.

>muh ethereum is dead meme


Nice sources there op

>what is DAO


The price is only going up because the DAO sale is increasing in price in less than 24 hours.

Everyone is buying ETH to buy DAO.

Price will plummet after DAO price increases.

If you havent sold within 12-16 hours, you're doing it wrong.

You havent a clue

being this clueless

Everyone's just making shit up ITT. No one knows what's going to happen tomorrow, except for me that is.

It'll Go up with the increase of dao token cost but really you're a moron if you're holding eth but not dao.

See you in a year when the DAO is producing solid ROI and handing out dividends from funding illegal drug trade and cucks are desperate to get some of the tokens which are finite BTW.
>mfw I refuse to sell any

>If you havent sold within 12-16 hours, you're doing it wrong.

Nice crystal ball. Expect everything of that is already weighted in the current price.

How is it a good idea to hold DAO tokens if it is "wisdom of crowds" investing system and crowds are generally stupid?

Because the people with the most say have millions of dollars worth of tokens and control a good portion of the vote. The same people have an interest in the value of their tokens going up. At the very least to not ruin things until it's on some trading platform and made decent gains. Plus by having that much money they will likely avoid approval of shit projects that will just waste money.

>Because the people with the most say have millions of dollars worth of tokens and control a good portion of the vote.

They are just early buyer nerds who got lucky. Why the hell think they are actually smart?

everyone paid the same price for tokens there are no early buyer nerds

>got lucky enough to get several million dollars

Yep, just like early bItcoin buyer dumb fucks (betting on magic beans is still dumb even if they become big)

cant tell if bait, but assuming your full retard the amount of tokens created in the pre-sale (what is currently happening) will be the amount that there is, there is no supply of tokens they are finite. the only way to buy tokens is for the current price there was no early buyers


...$we moon now boys

Ey yo there are two stages, second stage is 2x the price of 1st one and there's a smooth transition in between

yes but the second stage hasn't started and will have a minuscule amount of buyers compared to stage 1


Thats too far

$10,000,000,000... $100,000,000,000... $1,000,000,000,000...

V-tec Butane gave Ether 18 decimal places. Eighteen. That's for the future. Imagine if 0.000000000000000001 ETH is equivalent to 1 cent or a little less.

ETH will probably be an order of magnitude more expensive than Bitcoin ever was some day not too far away.

If it was so great you wouldn't need to make these threads every single day.

Massive dump occuring presently

Moon is located in the center of the earth apparently.

The market is currently in a tug of war between people who see promise and want to see this grow and retarded chucklefuck 9gag kids who think everything after Bitcoin is a pumpndump.

If you didn't buy several months ago and hold you're doing it very wrong. I have a couple hundred and probably won't sell them in the next year at least. Unlike most people playing around with this I am actually tech savvy and understand the technology so I have strong long term faith in it.

Chart chasers and 'chart analysts' also piss me the fuck off, the most pseudo-intellectual fucks on the internet right now.

>who think everything after Bitcoin is a pumpndump

And history has proven them correct.

The only coin that is not a "pump & dump" is whatever hot flavor of the day is.... until it gets dumped.

>I am actually tech savvy and understand the technology so I have strong long term faith in it.

holy shit.... this is good comedy

You're unable to comprehend anything that's not just a token coin, because you're 14. Ethereum is not a coin. Ethereum is the only thing in the cryptosphere which isn't just a sort of currency. Ethereum is the next stage of internet infrastructure, a total paradigm shift, where the Bitcoins and shitcoins will actually have a place to thrive.

I'm sick of people pretending they know anything about this and how it works. I've been following the development of it and listening to the developers for many months. Its blatantly obvious that you don't know anything about tech nor do you frequent any site for crypto discussion. Stay in your own fucking lane kid, go play with your Trump coin thing.

If you are technically savvy explain how they will solve the CAP problem when implementing sharding.
Then explain what ETH can do what regular tech and BTC cant.
Then give a real world use case that ETH solves.


$1,000,000,000,000... $10,000,000,000,000... $100,000,000,000,000...

Fuck you. Just because I want to make money now I'm from 9gag? Suck a dick. I am making a killing buying and selling this shit while you're stuck bagholding. I also sold at $14 last pump because I'm not a complete retard that thinks this is going to $100/coin. You are "tech savvy" but honestly you dont know shit about cryptos. Leave this up to the big boys who have been doing this a long time. But hey, thanks for bagholding my coins. Someone needs to hold while I dump.

>pretends he could magically predict peaks

lol try harder

Your wording and your requests indicate you've just did a quick search for 'ethereum problems' on Google and re-worded thread OPs. How dumb do you think I am?

Anyone who knows anything is on board with the Ethereum project with the only exceptions being salty techies who wished they thought of it first. Even if I was autistic enough to form an in-depth reply you'd absorb none of it.

Just for fun though, here's something I was personally very happy to finally see happen.

For the laymen, this means you can use a mobile Bitcoin wallet to pay at any NFC terminal on earth. If you go outside you'll notice that 95%+ of card readers are now using NFC. Impossible without Ethereum, of course.

>"Moooom I made 0.052 ETH today by chart scraping!"
>"Well done honey!"
>"Haha I am such a high-flying trader!"

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Cryptocurrency engineering , and I’ve been involved in numerous secret bitcoin mining operations, and I have over 300 confirmed blocks mined. I am trained in CSIII and I’m the top Blockchain developer in the entire internets. You are nothing to me but just another dogecoin miner. I will outmine you with a hashrate the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Chinese miners and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the 51% attack, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re gonna be on the wrong side of the fork, kid. I can see transactions anywhere, anytime,, and that’s just with one of my monitors. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Keep holding my bag, sweety. Don't ever sell because Eth can only go up. Up up up! Hahahahah

Surprised I haven't seen this before.


The real question is - is your mom proud of you?

Kek. Why the fuck would I tell my mom I buy cryptos? She would laugh in my face.

all good and fun but Chinese miners can do really well without westerns help counting their coins.

just moved half of my eth into DAO before the increase starts.
>my body is ready

Argument where?

>trusting some imaginary internet site for your DAO

You know you can't move those back to ETH, right?

They are just magically hanging there. What can you do with your "DAO" now? What?

>keep your DAO token in your wallet
>wait for markets to start trading them
>exchange them as you are freely able to

Is DAO worth buying? 15 hours left.
What is going to happen on the 28th of may? What will happen to the eth price?

No it's worthless if you don't know what you are doing. Do some serious research before investing in anything, and you can always buy DAO tokens on exchanges once it's released, or even better with better price!

>implying the price will go lower than 100 for 1 eth
You realize it's like 10¢ per right now, right?

>implying you know what the fuck you are doing

that's dumbass
research it yourself

How you gonna get a "better price"? When you will always get 1ETH/100DAO ?

Where exactly do you go to buy some?

Alright, and how the hell you are going to use that Dao imaginary token right now senpai?

It just sits there? Where do you see the button to use it eh?

You can't convert it back to ETH either.

The crowdsale isnt even over.

It finishes in 15 days

I bought a bunch of ETH in the crowdfund and had to wait a year before it was even released, and then another 6 months before it went up to $15.
15 days is No big deal

It's going to be 1.05ETH/100DAO tomorrow.

But the DAO has no way to become profitable for a long time. The only people that want to own it already do, there isn't going to be a second wave of investors for years.

Thats patently untrue.

The only people who can buy it are people who already own ETH.

When it hits exchanges anyone can buy it with crypto or fiat.

thread starts 12 hours ago, people saying it's gonna be the shit in 12 hours since.
could some of you fine investor show us some profit, show us some to the moon action, what's all those pretty trades adding up to?

Shorted at 0.0242

Unrealized P/L
12.35452171 BTC

How's it feel to be so wrong?

This is going back to

No you didnt

Serious question here, does the fact that it's price is rising again mean that it wasn't just a pump and dump scam and there is actually something behind it.

For gods sake. You'll never understand what this is, just stay out of it. Its like explaining advanced computer science or electrical engineering to a 10 year old. Its an order of magnitude more complicated than Bitcoin.

Thank you for your reply but it seems as though your answer has nothing to do with the question, wrong person?

Look up the R3 consortium for a beginning. There you will see which banks are working on Blockchain technology. Then you will realise that Ethereum will be the neckbeard hipster startup and the big players (banks) will create their own crypto.

Not wrong person. You're asking now at this stage, if there's anything substantial behind it, which is incredible.

You can't even penetrate the surface of what this is even about. Its, firstly pointless to go into depth but, the fact you said banks would make their own crypto says it all.

It was never a pump and dump scam. Its designed to be bitcoin 2.0

Buttcoin is now obsolete, ethereum is accepted by governments and financial institutions.

No, you fucking mongoloid tool it had no such intention. Holy fuck why is everyone so clueless, we're on the fucking internet, can't you search and read shit?

Ethereum is the best thing to happen to Bitcoin, it can now truly be a proper currency now that it has a platform to live on.

I'm sick of these Ethereum threads, people like you come in and drool nonsensical bullshit lies and pretend to know half a thing. Just don't post.

Protip: they are all pump n dump scams. Eth is like bitcoins retarded cousin.

You're the one talking complete and utter horseshit m8

Why would the ethereum network need btc when it has it's own native currency called Ether?

Face it, bitcoin is deader than the dodo

No you are wrong for a whole load of reasons. Stop being such an edgy child and buy some ethereum

You understand absolutely nothing about what Ethereum even is, but here's something which may penetrate; Vitalik himself sees a future with Bitcoin.

I don't even know what I fucking come here anymore, you're clearly an arrogant and retarded 14 year old with ADHD.

I dont plan to. I dont do retarded shit just for kicks.

Realistically, who is actually going to use this shit?

It's already being used for a decentralized version of kick starter with the benefit over kick starter where if backers don't feel the project goal has been met, the funds can be taken back.
Not only that but like has been mentioned before, being outside of the law it can find projects that would otherwise be illegal or killed by legal red tape.

You're clearly a butthurt bitcoin bagholdress

Ethereum is a worthless meme shitcoin and owning ETH is only for gay virgin losers who love being poorfags and losing money. If you own ETH, you should get rid of them now before anyone finds out how big of a loser you are. I can take them off your hands, because I'm a nice guy and enjoy charity work, so you can send yours to 0xcb66e8619d810489e3b2e16b6eb5acd81e5083c8 and I'll make sure they get disposed of properly.

I truly do not understand what you are trying to communicate, or why you are so wound up. I'm going to assume that you are frustrated with misinformed people who believe eth is just a cryptocurrency. For the record I do understand eth on a basic level and I know it's use as a currency is only a side effect of it's primary function.

lol i remember this meme
am i an old fag now?

DOUBLING ETH. YOU SEND ETH I SEND DOUBLE 0xcb66e8619d810489e3b2e16b6eb5acd81e5083c8

Gambling is not about right or wrong. Unless you present the detailed fundamental and technical analysis behind your choices, you can stfu.

What I can penetrate tho is the surface of your fat mama :^)

>t-to the moon guys
>anytime now

I explained my reasoning. It's simple and perfectly logical.

Unrealized P/L
37.11880912 BTC

Eat shit and die. Maybe you should listen next time.

b-but my paradigm

I believe ETH will go above 0.03 in the future, but right now it's in a bubble due to DAO, and it's popping.

Wow, bold fucking prediction considering it was @ 0.035 two months ago.

If you're so certain of it, go take out a loan from every bank that will lend you money and buy ETH.

Oh, you wont? Because you're just a moron talking shit? Nice.

What's a good trading platform for cryptocurrency?

Kek. how can you say something so completely wrong with that amount of confidence.

your mom ;^)

poloniex or kraken

>this juvenile schoolyard logic on a "business" board
Because leveraging your entire existence against a russian pump-n-dump scam would be retarded?
How about I bleed dumbshit crypto-shit NEETs like yourself for 15-20% a month instead. I mean, what's a small loss every couple weeks to someone who's going to be a digital millionaire in a few months anyway.

You're an idiot.