Are you proud of your country's history?
Pride in your country
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Fuck yeah bud.
Why should I be proud of the achievements of others? Pretty stupid tbqh.
I used to, not anymore
T. Paco
America has given a lot to the world in terms of science and technology (nuclear technology, computers, internet, polio vaccine, etc).
But we caused and currently cause a lot of the political and economic fuck ups in the Third World (especially Latin America and the Middle East) because of the Cold War and muh ebul gommunism and its resulting fallout.
So it's mixed.
I didn't use to be, but I think in terms of war, we were able to have a unified US with relatively few deaths given how contested the land was.
So so.
As another user said, I'm proud to be part of a country (America) which has made such strides in science, industry, and invention, and which has produced mre of it's fair share of art and lit to boot.
I am not proud of the chuvanism, sheer ugliness, and crudity of some forms of patriotic expression, or the destructive lineages of racism, or the cutthroat socioeconomic values that promote anti-social behavior and suicides.
I'm also not a fan of our sneaky, over-powerful gubmint.
My country's history for the past 700 years has been subjugation to foreign invaders.
But the history of my ethnic group has been somewhat glorious. We were loyal mercenaries to the Spnaish crown, fighting against the Dutch, the Chinese, the British, and putting out rebellions of other ethnic groups in our country.
We were treated more or less as equals by the Castilians.
So I guess I am proud, you have to be, or you'll end up like these cucks.
It's a group you connect with and your cultural values are descended from theirs.
Are you a Filipino?
Hell no. Singapore's history is one of skullduggery and dictatorship.
We've even managed to inflict a ton of harm in recent years.
most assuredly
>But the history of my ethnic group has been somewhat glorious. We were loyal mercenaries to the Spnaish crown, fighting against the Dutch, the Chinese, the British, and putting out rebellions of other ethnic groups in our country. We were treated more or less as equals by the Castilians.
How can you be so cucked? You're proud of being a Spanish lapdog? That's not glorious at all.
>Cultural values
The fuck is that supposed to mean? And what if my values are of those from other cultures?
Just because I share a similar set of values with someone doesn't mean shit. It's nice, sure, but it isn't something to be proud of. I had no hand in it.
Yes, a set of values. Things you consider important. Education, beliefs, institutions, etc. Things that the people before you built and you still have.and are continuing to build.
>And what if my values are of those from other cultures?
Then that's probably your culture.
>Just because I share a similar set of values with someone doesn't mean shit. It's nice, sure, but it isn't something to be proud of. I had no hand in it.
That's a selfish way of looking at nationalism. Taking pride in your country's accomplishments is not the same as taking pride in yourself.
You, your country and its people are part of a larger community. When a community thrives as a whole you want to be proud of it for everyone involved.
I live in Australia and can say i'm proud of my country, we have great healthcare, a beautiful environment, great education and more which is in a large part owed to the advances made by my countrymen.
If we didn't feel so proud of where we live here and see the bond we share between each other It would undoubtedly make it a more difficult place to live. On a final note I don't need to be directly involved to feel an appreciation and I'm not taking credit for anything but I will take pride In the society I live in as a whole.
Fuck off.
I think it's highly overrated. Confucianism is great if you're the biggest boy by a longshot but it's cancer otherwise.
I'm not even proud of my own history, let alone that of a bunch of dead people.
>Hundreds of warring tribes with complicated and bizarre alliances and traditions put aside their differences in language, culture, lifestyle and religion to form the United States of America hundreds of years before Europeans discovered the new world
>Whitey shows up in his rape-boat decades later, constructs thousands of public works projects in seconds, personally murders every last native American and steals the name and country from the dead indians
Having trouble believing this
Besides collossal fuckups we did many amazing and interesting things and will be remembered even after the grand muzzification.
>tfw your people killed over 6 million jews
not such a great idea in retrospect tbqh
The people who are proud of their country's history are why mass muslim immigration and the mass rapes are all justified
Fuck back off to Siberia, Human.
not really
it's always been a pretty irrelevant nation
except for that time we killed a shitload of germans
Fuck off back to the primordial ooze, fleshbag.
>Why should I be proud of the achievements of others?
It's a time-honored tradition of losers everywhere. The least impressive members of any group have the most to gain by associating themselves with it.
"I am a NEET who shitposts all day on Veeky Forums."
"""""""""We"""""""""" went to the moon!"
I fully support the liberty Gadsden flag symbolizes, but these memes crack me up
It had its moments
nice b8