How does one escape from nihilism without becoming a hedonist?

How does one escape from nihilism without becoming a hedonist?

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Transcendental acceptance


that penguien gets it

First define Nihilism because everyone seems to have a different idea of what it means

Being a fuckwit, basically.

why pengui :(


But I sure don't. Is he trying to explore? Does he think there's food over there? Is he geographically retarded and unable to find his way back? These are the questions that keep me up at night, thinking of the special snowflake penguin.
Or is he thinking of a universal penguin consciousness, realizing that penguins have gone to the right and left but none have gone to the mountains so penguins could be missing out on opportunities that are offered only by the north and the south as opposed to the east and the west (assuming the right and left in this video translate to east and west).

He does not want to be a penguin anymore.

He is wishing for the sweet release of death.


he just doesnt give a fuck
he just wants to walk and be alone
walking is therapeutic as fuck, at least for me
if you die walking, you die happy

Will to überpenguin

Oh, so you're saying it doesn't have a universal meaning and is completely up for personal interpretation?


Step one is to stop looking at websites that print things backwards.

Step two is to realise that you're already not a nihilist if you give a fuck about being a nihilist.

Step three is dealer's choice.

Ethnic nationalism. Your blood.


Find purpose in finding purpose

Existentialism brah.

It was literally made to solve the problem of nihilism.


If nothing you do matters on the very large scale, then everything you do on the very small scale matters.

unironically egoism tbhonest

Nihilism was only a result of the West's obsession with objectivity and shunning of subjectivity.

I've never really thought of it that way before

Nietzsche did it, and so can you.

Nietzsche, Sartre ? Get your shit together OP, those are the classical antithesis of nihilism

nah that would be escapism

Is anyone truly not a hedonist? I mean don't monks be all ascetic and shit because it gives them pleasure? Or because they think God will reward them in the afterlife for it?

Not being totaly not a hedonist doesn't make you one. Also, as monks ascetism make them suffer, they cannot be considered as hedonist.

>Is anyone truly not a hedonist?
Better Self-actualize yourself at all cost (exept jeopardize your capacity to keep on self actualize yourself) than remain the same without changement

I think That's exactly what should be said.

Religion, Absurdism

find purpose within

work sets you free user. Also have cold showers and cut every vice out of your life one at a time. You'll feel awesome if you pull it off. You're never empty if you're getting shit done.

Had me going until 'natsoc.'


become religious
alternatively, don't be an edgy fucking retard

Virtue ethics. Start with the Nicomachean Ethics and then read some newer books.

>you know what will stop the plague of materialism? killing people for their living space!

Isn't the thought of a heavenly reward after death one of the greatest pleasures in life?


This picture really illustrates that National Socialists are just people with daddy and mommy issues who want an almighty Fuhrer to tell them everything is alright.

Except Evola hated mass movements

according to NEETzsche, to beat nihilism you have to worship art with the Apollonian and Dionysian or something


i think this is true of all political activists. they're all depressed and they project their personal problems on the rest of the world, and convince themselves that political change will fix their brains. meanwhile normies don't give a fuck about politics and just enjoy life

You can be a hedonist and a nihilist.

everybody is a hedonist

what is hedonism ? to analyze life through
-non pain, non pleasure
-to fancy pleasures
-to hate pains
then, because you take so seriously what you feel, what you think, your likes and dislikes, that you choose to identify with all this.

> How does one escape from nihilism without becoming a hedonist?
You can adopt aesthetic ethics and focus your life on creation of the beautiful art.


But user, that's the true form humanity was destined to achieve.

Fuck off you stupid tabletop nerd fucking dumb fat faggot little bitch.

I don't even play 40k

I actually hate the 40k fanbase because of how fanatical they are.

Because the narrator's voice is pretty awesome

Understand that pleasure doesn't exist without pain and pain always preceedes and stays longer than pleasure.
Therefore, hedonism is a vain pursuit.

>killing people for their living space is the definition of facism.
>doing things against the popular morality of the current era is the definition of fascism.

you know best political scientist

You need to back up here senpai. the first step of "rebelling" against industrialized modern society, brought on by the enlightenment, is romanticism. wiki it. natsoc is jumping 10 steps ahead.

germany werent the only ones who experienced romanticism which eventually lead to nationalism. it was felt globally. by the time we admitted to ourselves that we got out of hand we rewrote history so that only the losers of the world wars felt romanticism and nationalism. but really its everyone that experienced the jump to modern society. ignoring that modern society brings on feelings of romanticism means we are doomed to repeat it.

>*cough*trump*cough*immigration crisis*cough*

excuse me.

>Jesus' true message of cuckoldry
are these his actually word or did some one paraphrase him in a post

This is why the Starship Troopers concept is so great. Uniting a fascist Earth against an alien threat we are all allowed to hate.

It's not even close to a quote. Paraphrased at best.

It's some /pol/tard's wonky interpretation of J.E.

Ironically, Evola was more focused on the esoteric sides of race rather than the physical aspects, so he would mostly likely not have been very interested in nor shared /pol/'s near-autistic obsession with cuckoldry and interracial porn.

That because he was a defeatist who only got to stage 3


or absurdism if you're above the age of 15

y tho

you escape nihilism by choosing to value things?

decide for yourself what's meaningful. you're already deciding they aren't so I don't see why you can just choose to decide differently. just change what you value

There is no path.
Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark…
…what could possibly await us?
And yet, we seek it, insatiably…
Such is our fate.

you're a fucking fag

Nah I like girls

nothing determinate as always...

He heard the call of the Great Old Ones.

>Just b urself!

>How does one escape from nihilism
It's simple...
>without becoming a hedonist?
No idea.

Behold the Uberpenguin!

hannibal, go to bed


It seems pretty obvious to me. A nihilist does not value hedonism.

This is something all the fedoras don't want to admit, they believe nihilism is purely about relieving themselves of guilt so they can play video games all day, but nihilism isn't selective, it is also about relieving yourself of your petty foibles, anxieties, bad habits and all those things that make you waste your time with distractions.

Sure, it means you get to be an edgy little shit occasionally, but most of your time will be spent being a huge square, brushing your teeth, giving up weed, doing your homework, eating oatmeal instead of reese's puffs, doing your cardio, straightening your tie, all so that you can ingratiate yourself with the normies and get into a position where your orchestrations actually have an effect.

>without becoming a hedonist
This is literally impossible. Fuck off, meme-faget.

Shouldn't the image be reversed?

>tfw you read this in herzog's voice

How does one escape from hedonism without becoming a nihilist?