Women in the workforce. Why does it never work?
Women in the workforce. Why does it never work?
>period once a month
>can become pregnant anytime
>more fragile
>can't do physical work
>no competitiveness
>usually useless education
>bad at math and computers
>no sense of comradery
>also entitled as fuck
Yeah but then why is the work force primarily female. Like why is no one calling this out as a problem ?
If they got paid equally maybe they'd be motivated to work harder, just a thought.
But they do
If they didn't, they could sue and get lots of money
The gap has been debunked
kek good one no women don't receive less for the same work they receive more. especially young ones.
represent only 32% of genders investing in stocks
Pretty good example of a poster who has no career experience talking out of his ass...
Women aren't the same level of workers as men.
The vast majority of women lose their career focus for a few years when they have children and focus on bringing them up.
Ever hear women constantly complain non stop about how being a "mother" is like a 2nd job?
Why the fuck would you want to hire a person who doesn't even think they can handle 1 job... much less 2 jobs?
And don't get me started on the women engineers we have to constantly babysit & cater to in the office....
how many guys as a nurse? those stats are useless.
what's """"""every""" woman dream? marry some rich cunt so she can procreate and have an affair with the tennis guy.
>they fucking don't want the job unless they have to
>why is no one calling this out as a problem ?
Because it would be shouted down as sexism, and these days that can cost you your job.
Feminization of society is in full swing now, and all we can do is wait until the tipping point.
>Why the fuck would you want to hire a person who doesn't even think they can handle 1 job... much less 2 jobs?
adding: my favorite response as an Eng manager to women engineers bitching about motherhood at the office: "so you're saying because of your gender, you don't think you can handle the work load?"
and they immediately shut the fuck up
>comparing an aggregate sum 32+ trillion usd of people to less than 1 trillion usd of the entire market.
your comparison makes no sense, youre saying 3% of the representative markets is descriptive of the whole
"oh... I missed the meeting cause my daughter pooped on the floor and I got stuck cleaning"
"oh... I couldn't finish coding your stored procedure because my dauther dyed the dog's hair black and its getting all over my furniture."
"oh... I can't get that done by wednesday cause little Suzie has am important dance recital tuesday."
All actual excused I hear on a monthly basis.
If a male engineer tried to bat their eyes and give me this excuse, I'd probably make fun of them and tell them to suck it up and get shit done. And they'd do it.
Women? nope. You gotta handhold them or else they'll go crying to HR
My old boss said he would never hire a women just simply because they aren't as physically capable. That company has roughly 25-30 employees and they're all men lel.
we have a few girls and they cause no problem.
one of them is a dev a real geek if i ever saw one.
My field of work is quite physically demanding at times which is the main reason he wouldnt hire one
Wait until she hits her 30s and starts having kids.
All productivity goes out the window.
>quite physically demanding
mine too my back and ass hurts from all the sitting
kek that's a good joke
we don't do that it's not good business
we pretty much pretend to work on various eu tender projects but nothing ever is accomplished
It's construction asshat.
>standing on your feet all day
>carrying 150+ lbs of stuff etc
From my experience, personality matters more than gender. Ive seen female engineers with crazy work ethics and guys who only get by by looking busy.
Are you fuckin 15 guys?
>i've seen one therefore all your arguments are invalid
please grow up,
You need woman already
ITT: sexist assholes
You're the one generalizing and being a sexist pig.
Hopefully when you're no longer a teenager, you will be a little brighter.
Wow. And just when I thought Veeky Forums couldn't be more disappointing, a thread like this comes up. OP sounds like one of my direct reports who couldn't build an LBO to save his life, so I ended up pulling the slack and doing it for him. This manchild also couldn't handle the intensity of 80 hour weeks and showed up late to client meetings. When he complained about the workload, I told him that I wasn't his mother. He didn't work Sundays because of his religion, so the team picked up the slack for him. And after he said I wasn't "doing my duty" in popping out kids, this jacktard reported me to HR for making him cry when I chewed him out for fucking up an analysis for a huge client.
Thank goodness most of my male associates are awesome and value being a part of my team. So are the (unfortunately) few female associates in my profession.
OP- if you ever procreate, I hope you teach your sons and daughters not to be as jaded and hateful as you are. In the meantime- go fuck yourself. I'll report myself to HR for hurting your feelings.
>inb4 you must be fat and single
No and no, sorry. Thanks to my parents for great genes and not letting me eat a standard American diet. And for reminding me that overweight people face enormous prejudice and that I'd already be facing enough preconceived bias in a STEM field as a female.
Why would you want to work 80 hours a week, you'd never have time for anything else
80 hours a week
working saturdays
wtf people actually do this?
I love what I do and I respect most of the people I work with. And I like making plenty of money. Don't love the lifestyle, but it buys me options and opportunity for the future. Maybe it's the children of immigrants mentality... I think it's a privilege to be able to work and make money. One day, I won't be able to, so might as well earn as much as I can while I can...
immigrants are like religious converts, always the more hardcore ones.
just fucking chill, nobodys telling you that working and making money is retarded but working 80+ a week is physically dumb
>a privilege to be able to work and make money. One day, I won't be able to
>lol at you in a coffin with millions for hsbc to enjoy
Investment bankers, private equity shops and all the services that support them like lawyers and consultants. Even our exec admins are expected to work weekends when push comes to shove. They don't do the 80 hr weeks, but they are reliable and keep business moving. The exec admins who support the managing directors / firm owners easily make six figures annually for the shit they put up with and do.
Yeah, I hear ya. It is dumb and not long term sustainable.
I like boating and racing cars and going to the beach and taking 20 year old sluts for rides on my seadoo and then nailing them afterwards but Im never going to get paid to do that stuff. The job is what pays for that. but you dont have time to do hobbies if you're always working.
I'm a male nurse/fag and it doesn't even work in a primarily and historically female industry. Women are not team players and will always prioritize the workplace behind their natural children. Everything is AOK as long as little Susie doesn't have a fucking runny nose.
Is that also why its only women that you see going around spreading rumours and backstabbing eachother. The men just dont give a fuck. We just tolerate each other and do what needs to get done, work together for efficiency purposes and go our separate ways at the end of the day.
>durr I'm literally retarded
I agree. Which is why I'm decompressing on Veeky Forums. There's some shame in that.
> 2016
> When women cry income inequality, they literally mean they want to be paid more for doing less.
>Volkswagen, Enron, countless funded start-ups
You're being betrayed by your own bros, and you don't even know it.
Im not talking some big company like that, Im only talking from my personal experiences.
when will the tipping point be?
>carrying 150+ lbs of stuff etc
sometimes i would love to do just that.
but the pay is shit so i have to sit on my ass in an office all fucking day. because well programming is what i'm best at.
i sometimes want to just fucking break through the plasterboard and start running and don't stop.
well every job is shit i bet i would get lethally bored doing construction the second day.
> Women
Emotion first, logic second
> Men
Logic first, emotion second
and that my friends is why men will always be more powerful than women.
but logic dictates you can't win an emotional argument with logic... it's kind of self-defeating.
Pay isnt that shit, make 40 bucks an hour on average, Electrician, Sometimes you just gotta do big wire runs and copper weighs a lot when shits like 2+ inches thick.
Honestly my boss is a woman and I look up to her. She has no college degree and literally worked her way into management in a field where a degree is almost always required. I cannot say this about most women in the workplace. She is definitely an exception to the rule.
thats where the phrase "women are always right" comes from
>Why does it never work?
B/c they don't work.
It takes two to argue.
I've worked at a couple of hedge funds with women as co-PMs and they were incredibly skilled and successful.
I think 90% are shit at their jobs and you just have a selection bias because you wandered over from /r9k/
>I think 90% are shit at their jobs and you just have a selection bias because you wandered over from /r9k/
>90% are shit
>Selection bias from r9k
What? If 90% were shit at their jobs, saying more are shit than are not isn't a selection bias, it's a valid observation kek.
I've met more driven women than I have men, but I've met more garbage-tier, bitchy women than I have men, too. Guys seem to compose the tolerable average in the majority, while women are more polarized.
Sjw turbokike pls go
There's a class gap there. The top dogs were backstabbing the middle and bottom dogs. Peer to peer backstabbing is less common amongst men unless there's a ticket up stares on the line.
I'd say men are more dangerous, but less likely to express that danger over a career.
This. It's more trends than anything really, there are naturally going to be more guys with their shit together than women over all because of divergent evolutionary pursuits. To claim there are no women out there worth respecting is foolish, and makes you ample prey for the ones who do happen to be smarter or more determined.
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout!
Tip me over and pour me out!!!"
you don't sound very chill. sounds like you have a lot of resentment inside you desu
Its pasta
>i like to do things that never happened
when i was rookie programmer my favorite was when we receive these big heavy server racks and had to haul them up (of course it was the juniors job) on a very narrow stair that was kinda slippery and the racks had these sharp edges that drew blood readily.
it was still a hundred times better than sitting on my ass. and it payed the same.
dunno at my firm there is like 5 woman and 80 men. i simply can't see them partaking in the same activities. the women are basically the glue they try to be on good terms with everyone and every faction while the guys constantly compete and elbow each other and try to either suck up trod down or simple bitch about everyone else to make them look better. the women and the men play very different games. and when i look at sick leaves it's too interesting the ones that come in on time every day and have no sick leave are the women. some men too but they are a minority. and lot's of other interesting aspects i noticed about how differently the two group behaves.
basically women bitch more like to calm themselves by sharing their problems men bitch more to elevate themselves and drag others down.
my boss is a womens... shes pretty cool to work with.. i only see her 4 times a year