Robinhood Gerneral Thread - /rgt/

Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/

Robinhood Suicide Prevention Edition

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Candlestick charting guideline:

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.

> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta (

> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.

> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.

> What's a good penny stock to invest in?
Don't buy penny stocks you cum guzzling mouth breathing retard.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

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Wow someone besides me decided to make the general. I swear I have to do everything for you niggers.

who /nosedive/ here?

Hey user's so whats the word stock wise? New meme stock available? Not buying Ceru since on may 19th fallout 4 dlc is out.


you missed the early morning trains so Idk what to tell you

you missed that $GEVO and $PTX

groupon to the moon

I've got 3 bucks left over, what fucboi stock do I buy?

Ok, here's the scoop on /ceru/ you dumb fucks. I'm going to divide this into 2 categories, CRLX101, and CRLX301.
Has orphan drug status>
What that means is less than 200,000 new cases are documented or exist each year. It also means there's currently no effective treatment for the current disease, and it's highly deadly.
The FDA generally fast tracks these, as mentioned here, under Renal Cell Carcinoma
>The U.S. FDA has granted CRLX101 Fast Track designation in combination with Avastin for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma following progression through two or three prior lines of therapy.
Basically it means they may just skip phase 3 altogether, or cut it short and say their data is just so effective, it's hard to ignore and deny these DYING cancer patients a chance to live.
The chief medical officer at ceru is Adrian Senderowicz
Senderowicz used to work for Sanofi-Aventis.
Sanofi-Aventis was FDA approved for a drug called docetaxel back in 1999 for small metastic lung cancer.
Docetaxel, as it turns out, is the main ingredient in ceru's CRLX301. Their 2nd drug.
It's already approved.... He used to work for the company which it was approved under.... It's going to work.
Altogether the markets for CRLX101 ALONE come to more than 4.5billion annually, with CRLX301 targeting all hard tumors in general there's no telling how much people may pay.
Here's the greatest catch...
They have 0 SUCCESSFUL competitors.

yoooo that PTX :)

were you guys shilling that here?

Totally got it independently, surprised to see it mentioned here is all

I havent seen it shilled at all. To be honest I disregaurd any stocks I find on biz. usually dont even look them up anymore lmao

Things that piss me off: When I go to set a stop loss when my stock is on its way up and I accidentally hit limit sell instead.

right here

I should probably just stop trading

ive lost about 2000 dollars this week

can somebody explain this extreme drop yesterday? I can't quite see why it happened.

on what?

No idea, but here comes the 19th. Can't wait for them to reveal the double blind study in Q3. :^)

> memeindexes are safe brah, better than savings account
> down $500
fuck this shit, someone give me a penny nigger stock that will recoup my losses by next week.

CERU, 6 days.
Already on the up and up.
19th here we come :^)











This stock is so random at the moment.. I don't know where to put my stoploss..

Fucking saved.

I fucking hate May...

That actually makes me want to buy this meme.

And I fucking hate memes (aka nete and ceru )

I'm waiting for it to drop back down to $2.10

Seriously rot in hell ceru whale/shill

But you got an education well worth $8

Oh sht, 8 dollars.
Eat a dick if u can't wait it out until the 19th for 8 fucking dollars m8.

But I decided to sell my $14 per share fit shares (that and cnq are what I used to gain a dollar or so), at 15 and buy nete n ceru and a couple others I sold just above even when I could.
I got nete at 0.37 and ceru at 3.75

>1 share in a stock that cost less than 20cent

Why are you crying?
Most of these stock youre losing like one cent lmao

one share of SKLN?
Sorry you 20c turned into 18

fellow poorfag here

just buy ETFs and quit fucking with these meme stocks

when the DJIA is trending up:


when it's down:



Seriously, these threads are hilarious. Most of you are fucking with a cost basis of less than $500

Eat shit.

I could understand a complaint if they had a few thousand shares, but jesus stop getting insider tips from Veeky Forums

Oh just nete n ceru, others underneath I expect to dip now, I just feel retarded for getting those two at high prices
I do, it's 9.75/hr part time, im university student playing around with some spare money, not living off of ramen I buy with the $0.10 a week I may gain on this app Never taken money out of my account, it's all money I expect to lose(takes the risk out of risk, so to speak)
To be honest I've mainly just been buying a couple memes before div dates, selling them after I get money when it's at or above cost, and keeping a couple stable favorites It's learning until I have the means for something more

Except from me.

Wait all these tips worked out for me so well, DDAY, DUST, LINE, SKLN, UPL, SUNE, GBSN, I'm going for the long position. Gonna be millionaire soon I can feel it !

Rate my portfolio Veeky Forums

I'm still a beginner, gonna deposit more cash next month.

>Any other ETFs besides vanguards
Kill yourself my man.

Get bitten by the pharmacy meme much?

How much are we expecting TTNP to blow up on May 27th for FDA approval?

It's already been denied user, don't you keep up with the news?

So 600%?
How much we talking here?

Don't be afraid, I know you were all smart enough to invest into CERU.
Wait.... You did invest in CERU, right?

May the odds forever fuck you guys over.

+13% today :)

Put 50 bucks into it 2 minutes before close. Godspeed to us all.

MGT is only going up from here. It dropped like a rock in the morning, only to end the day at +13%. Buy it now and hold onto it.

What are you talking about? Source? Have been following TTNP, have seen nothing of the sort...

Anyone here still bagholding GNCA?

what's sauce on the pic?

He's dumb as fuck.
TTNP was given 3 more months, as the FDA wasn't sure whether to approve or deny their results.
Decision on May 27th.

Before the 27th actually.
I've been fucked by surprise announcements, so I set one high and low sell limit each day at about 10% so I'll be warned of any sudden announcements.

How much are you goys holding?

35 Shares of TTNP

Anyone else holding REXX for a CHK style squeeze? Over 25% of float is short and two major (20mil) sales finalize in june. Last time it went from .66 to over 2.00 in a day. I have 500 shares.

>them Friday after hours gainz

What are your picks and watches?

Nugt, skln, auy, kgc, hsc, amd

Alright Veeky Forums I'm buying in with $30 and

Is a good buy?

plz no bully

Buy CERU and Ethereum. Can't go wrong with 'em! :^)

Ew. You just made me realize how shitty CERU is by putting it in the same sentence with that shitcoin. Time to sell.

You're welcome, but if it actually booms on the 19th, I'm sorry. Personally, I'm betting all my shit on MGT.

KNPD. well within your price range.

I did buy it mid day, dropped pretty bad and panic sold only to find out it made it back. Fuck my life, two dollars for being stupid.

Drunk as fuck and ready to buy. No work on Monday so anything works. Let me know biz, I trust you. Already bought some CERU earlier.

who /degenerategambler/ here?

I had to give up robinhood, it was to much of a wild ride

nice gif

I'm new to all this.

What will the 19th look like?
If this presentation they have shows good results, the stock will jump like there's no tomorrow?

If the results are meh, will it drop below 1 USD?

Is it 50/50 or the odds better?
Is it called meme stock because it's just trash talk and this stock isn't worth shit?

Hey look it's showing my suneq equity now.


nobody knows. Dont bet the farm on pennystocks, but Ive got $75 on CERU @ $2.13. It's like a horserace where there are thousands of horses and there can be multiple winners at any time.

I like how the OP says "dont buy pennystocks" and then the entire thread is literally only pennystock discussion

I predict a 2-3 day initial jump to around $3.75 - $4.25. Then it will steady out until more news.
I think after that the next date is 6/30 to look forward to? I forget.
W.E. it is. I know it will be positive.

How hard are you shilling?

Canada fucking when?



haha suicide watch
this is why you short. You could have been up stupid Robinhood

Can anyone who isn't Hitler answer?


wish I had more cash to play with

There was a weakening in FOREX and a shitty jobs market report in Europe. Hedge fund mangers have been selling shit off to hold their position but it has driven the stock market down. It isn't just CERU that has tanked, several other stocks have crashed as well. AVP took a massive shit on me. My other stocks FRO and Yahoo have also sunk like rocks. This down turn will turn around, it just might take a month or two for it to happen.


Sucks to suck m8 I got NETE at .23 and now I'm just waiting for the crash that I usually deal with for not selling right away. We would be lucky if they reach .35 again

Why would you buy NETE at .37? Are you fucking insane? It always plummets off of news and will probably never break .40 without a r/s.

I'd recommend buying the next dip, or just staying away. NETE is pretty shit. There are a lot better short-term plays.

Who /yang/ here?

Literally making money off of chicom tears.

Predictions for TTNP on monday Veeky Forums?

any kind of equivalent for Canadians?

Messed up on office Depot and jcp and I can't get out


is it worth waiting for instant? im still like 18000 in line

Hormel earnings report this week Wednesday before opening. When would the best time to buy be?

Just put in a sell order for 100 shares of ASTI.

That.... well, buying that was a mistake.

A song of tits and ice
Burned you bad!

> Buy DUST user, it's going 2 da moon
haha ebin prank bro!
it's not like I needed that money anyway, I'll just dumpster dive for a few weeks to compensate for my losses.

>FMO finally paying dividends
Hell yeah nigga, $.43 a share I'm gonna be rich

MGT going somewhere today?


Is CERU going to buy me a house any time soon?

Sure is.
t. Ceru whale

What's a good long investment, I'm tired of losing money day trading.



WTF is going on with silver?

Who here CERU?