Stupid Things People Say About Poverty

>Basic healthcare is a privilege
>Minimum wage workers would be fine if they didn't spend so much on lobster and sportscars
>The government gives away newest model 64GB iPhones as part of welfare
>The only difference between third world sweatshop laborers and first-world millionaires is the latter try harder
>Food stamps == slavery
>Why don't poor people just ask their dads for money?
>Refrigerators are a luxury
>It's a myth that there are starving children in America

Other urls found in this thread:

>"People living in poverty aren't degenerates"

This one always gets a laugh out of me

>>Basic healthcare is a privilege

its pragmatic - its cheaper to supply it to everyone than our system and it leads to better patient outcomes, not to mention sick people can't be productive members of society. You watch a lot of fox news OP?

>Stupid things people say about poverty
I was saying that line is stupid.

Calling basic healthcare a privilege is stupid.

I'm an immigrant & volunteer at a local church soup kitchen in the Mission district - SF - serve mostly black people.

There is nothing worse than a Nigger in the soup line talking on an iPhone through his gold caps about his new spinning rims.

This really made me lose faith in America's "charity" programs who are supposed to care for the needy, but instead cater to self entitled, lowlifes who can do better in life, but choose to live off the government.

And as an Immigrant who came to this country with nothing, I can speak with certainty that these people can lift themselves out of poverty if they only cared to. But they don't... why would they when they have a compfy system to leech off of?

You kids seriously need to take a walk through a black neighborhood sometime if you're actually so baffled as to why the healthcare model used in a small homogenous country like Sweden wouldn't be feasible in a huge diverse country like the US.

A more apt comparison would be if Sweden payed for the healthcare of itself, and then also the entire country of Somolia.

or if they also paid for higher education for all... wait a minute!
u'r comment is retarded, a big part of europe got it and they can manage it. the us is comparable to europe in terms of population and $


OP is a fucking retard, but I'm pretty sure we all knew that from the get-go.

>capitalism will NEVER fix it

People who believe basic healthcare is just a privilege are the same people who freaked out about ebola or buy guns when mentally ill people do mass shootings. There are tons of cases of mentally ill people do horrible things because they can't afford their medicine

Well its true that saying "socialized medicine is cheaper and better BECAUSE its socialized"

Its unfair that lefties only use 1st world european examples where it worked and ignore shit shows like brazil

but "apples and oranges" is sort of a silly comparison when a human body is a human body and the worlds md's are essentially interchangeable.

It costs untold tens of thousands when untreated diabetics end up in and out of the ER and ICU time and time again when we can treat things like that with 10 cent a day medicines like metformin.

Now other examples exist of course - we could move farther into ACA territory and go the way of the germans , or even attempt something like singapore.

So I agree that stating its a "no brainer' and that universal healthcare is carte blanche superior lacks depth of knowledge but other solutions exist

that moment when bernie #occutards went full strawman

They get the money for those things from selling drugs and robbery which would occur with or without a welfare system. They're not buying jewelry and iPhones on the $200 MAXIMUM allotted food stamps they get each month.

If you want to punish 100 starving families because 1 nigger is taking advantage of the system, then you should go back to the third world shithole you came from. Compassion is what makes first world countries.

Ok, how can I say this any clearer. When I said Sweden was homogenous and the US was diverse, I mean the US has niggers and Europe does not (Or at least they didn't used too).

Like seriously, go spend a few days in some ghetto neighborhood. You are sheltered as fuck if you still think whites and blacks follow the same biological imperatives when sub-saharan blacks are separated by like 60k years of evolution from the rest of the world

sweden is the rape capital of the world.

Only because they began importing sandniggers.

He's trolling
San Francisco banned soup kitchens and feeding the homeless

i get you but don't forget that us eurofags have all fucking countries full of trash, romania, greece for exemple, just full of retards who cost us money.

all i'm saying is that the EU is very comparable to the US in terms of general population, the parralel can be done

sandniggers are caucasoids. You can't stop white people from moving into white countries. It still stands that Sweden is the rape capital due to actions of white men

Sweden brings in Somalians. They are niggers. I actually happen to live in a city in the US where we took some in. The areas which they live are no-go zones for police because it's so dangerous and there's nothing worth protecting there.

>They are niggers.
Somalians aren't niggers they are full blooded whites. They may be tanned caucasoids but they are still white. Niggers are the west and southern africans

Keep your mouth closed if you're going to just spout ignorance and bullshit.

We have 3 soup kitchens 2 food pantries in the mission district alone our church voluneers at.

We feed an average of 1200 meals a week.

And yes. Most of them are the same blacks with iphones and air jordans.

You could have saved yourself alot of embarrassment if you just did a simple google of our chrch.

If you believe in "divergent human evolution" then you don't know shit about biology and population genetics.

>If you want to punish 100 starving families because 1 nigger is taking advantage of the system

Yeah... our food pantry is like 70% black and 20% asian.

The blacks don't work, dont' care, and just live off of us.

The Asians are a different sotry... most of the old ladies and seniors all have families and food at home, but being Asian, they'll take a free meal anywhere anytime... no shame.

Fair enough
But why are volunteering at a church? That's enabling niggers and other undesirables. Stop giving them handouts and they might support themselves
are you some kind of creationist? There are multiple races and they have different personalities and values.
Negroids-Lazy, violent, sexually permissive, and stupid
Caucasoids-Industrious, kind, intelligent, compassionate
Mongoloid-Intelligent, rational, calculating, disciplined

Poverty prevents you from working against it. It prevents you from establishing social connections, either through work or education, through which you can receive help and information, leaving you to rely on help and information of people in your social strata who are themselves helpless and uninformed. The only way to solve this is to inject outside wealth into the system and see to it that it is invested into programs that help poor people connect with networks that can give them access to opportunities for education and work.

>But why are volunteering at a church?

We feed all. saints & sinners alike. not my place to sort them out.

our job is to feed the needy and try not to judge them.

I'm starting to have a difficult time with the 2nd.....

> Poverty prevents you from working against it. It prevents you from establishing social connections, either through work or education, through which you can receive help and information, leaving you to rely on help and information of people in your social strata who are themselves helpless and uninformed.

This is a pretty ignorant satement. Millions of successful immigrants who started out with nothing and no connections would disagree with your "handout" mentality

This is why we need Donald Trump. Religion has given social parasites a place where they drain us like some maggots in a festering wound. We should only offer assistance to undesirables who agree to be sterilized so they can no longer breed. Then we won't have them around anymore

That's a very outdated classification of the homo sapien sub-species. Poo in the loos and arabs, while much closer to whites than blacks, are still fairly distant from European whites.
Arabs are also Islamic which is a cancer in and of itself.

Yeah, that works great for lottery winners and athletes that go broke after just a year.

It comes down to whether you want to continue being a degenerate or not. Both my parents grew up in poverty (My mom side was only in poverty because they had recently immigrated from Latvia, but literally all their kids grew up to have upper-middle class incomes.), my dad though just decided he didn't want to continue the cycle of living in poverty, so he made something of himself.

All these whiners on Veeky Forums need to nut up and put in effort. You have to have the mindset that only you can choose to put all the effort it takes to acquire a good life, or else you're just going to be a self-fullfilling prophesy of failure and laziness.

In which conditions? What were the employment rates at the time, what was their education, the prevailing social climate? Troll science posted above doesn't matter, so there must be a reason why hundreds of millions of people around the world today have to turn to crime if they want to get somewhere in life, and why, say, Indians born in western nations can become productive members of society while Indians born in India shit in the streets and rape everything that doesn't run faster than them. Claiming racial inferiority is just a spineless attempt at shifting the blame and avoiding your responsibility for the condition of your own society.

Poo in the loos and arabs are capable of civilization on some level. Niggers are still running barter economies for the most part

>confusing capitalism with scientific progress
this always gets a chortle out of me from the market apologists

you jokers

You sound like a liberal

>Basic healthcare is a privilege

what else is it? certainly not a right, because you obviously don't know what that word means if you do

>signapore not social-wealth-fare

>Indians born in western nations can become productive members of society while Indians born in India shit in the streets and rape everything that doesn't run faster than them.
immigration filters out undesirables
it's genetics
The negroid is too primitive and ape like to rise out of poverty. He exists only for whatever casual sex he can get out of his fellow chimps and the leftovers of the other more civilized races

Yeah, and if you don't try to instill that mindset and instead just shout 'fuck you, got mine', 0.5% are going to dig themselves out and the remaining 99.5% are going to remain a problem. Because 99.5% of people are monkeys, no matter their income or education. Society must put conscious and continual effort into eliminating issues in a manner that is constructive in the long term. I know the concept of social responsibility causes physical agony to Americans, but this is really the only way. Underclasses are a failure of society to account for the fact that it consists of humans. Underclasses can not be eliminated by extremism, hardline posturing and attitudes. In fact, this sort of bullshit is what creates underclasses in the first place. Someone mentioned ghettos earlier. When you have tens of thousands of people who are economically marginalized for generations, are they not going to create their own culture separate from the mainstream that they feel belongs to someone else, and is culture created by poor, uneducated criminals not going to be disruptive to socially productive behavior? You cannot eliminate this by shooting it. Further marginalization is only going to strengthen it.

>This thread during the day when people were working
>Full of liberals
>This thread after people came home from work
>Full of right-wingers

Tells you all you need to know about leftist degeneracy.

>Basic healthcare is a privilege
What, do you think it's a right? Universal healthcare may be the most efficient way to establish a health system, but you are certainly not entitled to a goddamn thing.

Medicare/Medicaid is a privilege. Social Security is a privilege. Food stamps are a privilege. Soup kitchens are a privilege. All given because we, unlike the majority of nations, choose to provide these services to those who need them. You get them because society decided they'd rather feed people than watch them starve. Not because they are your rights.

> Claiming racial inferiority

wtf are you even talking about?

My post just lauded the various international immigrants who come to america with nothing and make something of themselves.

Re: Niggers - Nobody is claiming American niggers are inferior because of their skin color.

They're inferior because they've been brainwashed by american Liberals into being lazy, entitled, welfare leeches who take zero responsibility for their own actions and only blame others.

>Universal healthcare may be the most efficient way to establish a health system

not even, just look at Canada's system.

If we had capitalist policies, with fair competition in the U.S. instead of the meme that is Obamacare, it wouldn't cost so god damn much.

For any people uninsured, I'm sure we can come up with a better alternative than Memecare.

Criminal imbecility of both major American ideologies is quite another topic, though it ties into this one. As for that bit about Victorian era opinions on racial traits, I mistook you for another poster.

Canada has far fewer niggers and spics than the U.S.

It's a combination of both really. In the 50s blacks actually had great family structure, low crime, higher marriage rates than whites, and a high % were in the work force. However, the only reason why this is possible is because whites pretty kept blacks in line, and we didn't afford them that many rights.

Once LBJ came along with the civil rights movement, they all got addicted to welfare, and turned in to niggers. Same thing is currently happening in South Africa after apartheid ended.

Blacks can only function in society if whites babysit them instead of treating them like equals.

Ok, and?

I'm not necessarily saying that it is (though I guess it's worded that way) but Bernie Bros keep arguing that it would be cheaper that way.

I'm just trying to not make that the point of argument and say that part of the argument is irrelevant in determining if something is or is not a privilege.

I disagree user, we don't need to babysit them, we just need to get them educated on the failure of the Democratic party and their policies, which is going to be quite the task, LBJ was probably right when he said he'll have those niggers voting for the Dems for the next 200 years.

Oh, that's understandable, I completely agree, the word "right" has been used so much, to most people it has become an undefined term used to express something that they want.

Canadian here, Waiting in the ER for 5 hours with a broken leg because other people are lined up ahead of you because they have the common cold. Talk about a waste of tax dollars.

Yeah, sounds like it sucks user, I really hope that we can axe Barrycare so we don't end up like you

You show a child a lollipop and device that can makes lollipops, and the child is gonna take the lollipop. Blacks are the same way.

I'm not implying that all blacks are niggers. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Neil Degrass Tyson are all examples of respectable members of society that can function in society without being babysat by whites. However, those are the exceptions, not the norm. Even Aboriginals, as stupid as they are, can produce a geniuses every once in a while, but it's they aren't representative of what most of their populations would ever be capable of.

There is an undeniable genetic gap between Sub-Saharan blacks and whites that can never be overcome as much as you wish for it to happen. Fact is, most blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves if we afford them the same freedoms as whites.

>I'm not implying that all blacks are niggers.
Those niggers are just apes with iqs comparable to average whites. No nigger has ever had an IQ over 115. Blacks have never invented anything of value. They are disgusting parasites who leech off welfare and any other handouts.

did they make you shake your president hand little jimmy?

Im pretty sure peanut butter was invented by a black guy lol

How much does it cost for health insurance on average? Everyone says the american health care system is fucked but I always thought it was much better if you actually worked and paid for insurance.

peanut butter was made by mayans. George Washington Carver was a useless ape
Niggerlover detected

I guarantee you that an author and neurosurgeon like Ben Carson is much more intelligent than you are. Same goes for Herman Cain and Neil Degrass Tyson.

It's not impossible for blacks to be very intelligent, just incredibly rare.

just reminding you that the president of your people is a cotton picker little jimmy.
my state has individual immigration, our nigers are actually smart little jimmy

>not even, just look at Canada's system.

Healthcare in Canada sucks fucking dick.

A lot of shit you have to pay for out of pocket btw.

Damn anons, I wish you could tell that to Americans

>For 2012, the previous report, annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $15,745, up 4 percent from 2010, with workers on average paying $4,316 toward the cost of their coverage. A single or Individual employee's coverage cost $5,615, with the worker on average paying $951 out-of-pocket.

That's what popped up on Google, but I don't know what the average is, and luckily because my family is military, we get good insurance. But I have family that tried Obamacare and their insurance increased in price, the only person I know who likes Obamacare is this dude whose mom has cancer so the government is actually paying for something. Everybody else I meet has been bitching about it.

ben carson was a horrible neurosurgeon and only got where he because of affirmative action. No nigger will ever be smarter than me
is little jimmy some word filter here?

>horrible neurosurgeon

kek, this is bait right, do you really think you are smarter than Booker T. Washington?

You sound like one of those KKK redneck white supremacists who is only a white supremacist because attaching yourself to an entire race is the only thing you can feel successful about in your entire miserable life.

I realize blacks are inferior to whites, but I look at the problem through the optic of pragmatism and realism. You just want to live vicariously through the white race because you've never accomplished anything in your life. You're a nigger.

Yes because I guarantee you Booker T Washington would never be able to do calculus
>I look at the problem through the optic of pragmatism and realism.
Optimism is pointless because it'll never change. I'm not white I just know niggers are worthless pieces of shit

I wish there were flags on Veeky Forums so I could figure out what country you're from. I bet you're a spic of some sort.

>You sound like one of those KKK redneck white supremacists who is only a white supremacist because attaching yourself to an entire race is the only thing you can feel successful about in your entire miserable life.

I'm not brown I'm Japanese. I am objectively superior to any nigger on earth.
I'm not a nazi. Jews are smart people who deserve respect. Niggers are worthless

Actually never heard this idea before but I like it. Sterilization in exchange for state benefits sounds like a great idea.
You can spay and neuter degenerates today.

>You can spay and neuter degenerates today.

Most of /pol/ will never reproduce desu

>Most of /pol/ will never reproduce desu
Actually women prefer conservative men. I am much more attractive than you libtard

>Actually women prefer conservative men

People posting "nigger" and "gas the kikes" on an anime imageboard are not conservative men

That's fine. There are plenty of white degenerates as well. If you cannot make it through life without relying on the state, then you should be sterilized.

Obesity is a product of the left. Nobody on the right is pushing this "Fat acceptance" degeneracy.

>If you cannot make it through life without relying on the state, then you should be sterilized

But should most of /pol/ really have to die?

I feel bad for them

>Obesity is a product of the left. Nobody on the right is pushing this "Fat acceptance" degeneracy

Most of /pol/ is what you call "degenerate".

Have you seen the /pol/ education threads and the regular "How's the job search" threads?

Browse through them sometime, you'll realize /pol/ and /r9k/ have a mostly overlapping userbase.

>But should most of /pol/ really have to die?

I don't think you know what sterilized means.

>then you should be sterilized
>But should most of /pol/ really have to die?

It would be nice if there were some sort of a government-run healthcare system for the people who deserve to be exposed to such a thing. It would be poorly run, underfunded, you'd wait forever, mistakes would be made all the goddamn time, no apologies ever.

And then people with money could pay free market doctors and/or free market insurance companies (non mandatory) in order to have access to a service that would be actually worth paying for.

This would give the lazier classes just enough to shut them up/keep them docile while maintaining good healthcare as well as better wages to better doctors who understand that they are worth more than their union argues that they are worth.

Everyone either wins or at least nigs around a little quieter.

That is basically what we have in Denmark.

It works allright

So what in the world is Bernie talking about? Does anyone know? Because for some reason I'm expecting that good, free market doctors would quickly become a thing of the past under this guy. But "likedenmark" is his favorite word or something. Wtf


It actually had one of the best health and telecom industries in Africa.

> free market doctors would become a thing of the past
fucking good.
modern doctors are fucking trash.
they'll see you for 3 seconds, prescribe medicine for your symptoms, and just move on to get as many patients in and out as they can.

There are choices. Sure, I've been to the Kaiser/Group Health facilities. 3/7 got a doctors note and prescription for what I needed.

But there ARE more exclusive practices in America. You have to seek them out, you have to know what kind of healthcare you are looking for, but they are much better, smaller, form client relationships, and even take your insurance most of the time.

If you fuckwits would spend a decent amount of time doing quality control for your own life, you wouldn't try to be voting in socialists who want to tell everyone what they're going to get.

Think for yourselves goddamnit.

Pic related came up in my Facebook feed today. If this isn't advocacy for brainwashing (I.e. everyone vote the same way, it's the system's fault if you didn't turn out like us), then I don't know what is.

PS if this dude were a real man, his last name would be fucking OWNIT rather than Borowitz.

You can't make this shit up.

>Science has nothing to do with capitalism
Nice try, Ivan.

Pick one.

>Sweden paying for Somalia's healthcare
this already happened. Everybody in Somalia collectively moved to Sweden.

>one of the best
>in Africa

Not even the best shit, just a mediocre shit that's slightly better than the majority of the shit in its group.

What an achievement!

somalia is actually worse than the rest of africa. Nigerians can at least buy computers and scam people. Somalians have to survive off packages dropped from pilots above

>Implying Trump supporters are ignorants.

>Basic healthcare is a privilege

Please explain how it is anything else.

You don't have a right to a service, you don't have a right to something that requires someone else to do something for you.

It's that simple.

>Human life is valuable.

HAW HAW HAW. People are a means to an end.