Summarize Veeky Forums in one image.
Summarize Veeky Forums in one image
t. non /pol/ using leftist
This is wrong, though. It's actually a place where Muslims, Jews, and atheists come to talk shit about Christianity.
>This is wrong, though. It's actually a place where atheists come to pretend they're christian, jewish and muslim
The /his poster
He's Christian or indifferent to Christianity
He likes Rome and ancient Greece
He's fascinated by bronze age material
He's curious on cold war east block countries
He's neopaganphobic
He likes to read Stirner/Stoicism
He likes to laugh at Zizek
He has existential crises
>He's Christian or indifferent to Christianity
>He likes Rome and ancient Greece
>He's fascinated by bronze age material
>He's curious on cold war east block countries
>He's neopaganphobic
>He likes to read Stirner/Stoicism
This probably fits, although stirner is a bit of a meme at this point.
>He likes to laugh at Zizek
>He has existential crises
meh not really
5 out of 3 isn't bad I guess. Still trying to construct an average poster on any given Veeky Forums board is always going to be an exercise in futility. As this place grows more popular I expect the future accuracy of profiles like this to shrink dramatically.
>needless line spacing
>5 out of 3
Yup, it's a Veeky Forums poster!
somebody needs to come and confiscate your enter key, idiot
Who doesn't?
Oh my yes, but that's mostly because it gets very little focus in fantasy.
Kinda. Not enough to actually seek out information on them.
Not even slightly. I think the concept of polytheistic divinity emphasizing imperfect personifications of natural forces and concepts has a lot of potential.
Guilty as charged.
I don't know much about him, but the memes can be pretty amusing.
Had. I got over that when I was a teenager. I still spend a lot of time reflecting on such matters, but I'd hardly call them crises.
[spoiler]Off-topic, where do these pics come from, I've been meaning to save some, but I only find a few here and there[/spoiler]
They were originally made by a Facebook page call "Counter Signal Memes for Flashy Goys" but then /pol/ had a bunch of threads where tons of OC was made in-house. If you Google "Counter Signal Memes" there might be a collection of them all somewhere.
thanks user
Whoms the manlet?
But Stirner did try to be a richfag. He had a very fancy milkshop. But his plan sucked.
I'll greentext it
>Germany literally fucks everything up
It's like pottery
Pic Related
This board is great at baiting.
Then again, most of the best bait is actual legitimately idiotic statements.
[citation needed]