What can one do with a Masters in Political Science?
Useless degress: The Thread
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>useless degress
That's not the only useless thing around.
In all seriousness if you don't intend to go to law school, I'd stay away from polisci. Breed nothing but unemployed feminists.
Too late. Finishing my masters right now.
I'm doomed
>laws school
The job market for lawyers is shit right now
Unless you're trying to get people away from your field study, then good for you.
Have you tried getting raped? I hear that's pretty lucrative.
>Breed nothing but unemployed feminists.
Ah I see you have been going on /pol/ lately, is that so?
Didn't realize. Figured lawyers can at least make a decent living if they find work.
I'm in software development so I'm golden until some jackass makes a program that and program other programs.
Can I get employed in banks? I heard the trend is to employ people from diversified fields now, to broaden the perspectives or some shit like that.
insurance/business arbitrage
Tell me barista friend. What does one do with a polisci degree that warrants a masters in it?
>muh highly socialized job title that like 4 people hold nationally
Loads of things.
Go back to /pol/ and whine about "muh feminists ruining everything"
>work for the government
Literal Kek
>be a lawyer
Somebody already said the market for that is terrible after I suggested it as the only valid use.
>be a teacher
To teach other kids to get a worthless degree
The most practical use it has is in general business to prove to your employer that you know at least general education level things from attending college. No need for a masters to do that.
Unless you're one of the lucky few that becomes a lawyer or even more lucky that become lobbyists, you're looking at a shit time MAYBE getting a job as a social worker on a shit side of town.
>anybody that thinks my degree is a waste is a /pol/yard abloblo
>too stupid to quote properly
Meant it for you
Kek sure. Diversity is so broad that they are even employing highschool dropouts
Only friend I know who studied Political science is trying to be a politician. So if your good at networking, sucking your boss's dick and letting him fuck you raw in the ass, then you should definitely try to make a living in politics
I'm bad at all of this. Also actual politics is fucked here.
Where is here? Kind of important when considering a job market.
Girlfriend is going for her doctorate in it. She wants to teach, but had had several offers to be a lobbyist, which is a well-paying career. Her friend specialized in the marine policy area of political science. She makes around $200,000 consulting for drilling firms and various governments.
These threads are always fucking stupid. The CEO of GS has an English degree, and I'm a college dropout making $140,000. Degrees don't matter half as much as the people holding them.
>inb4 some STEM autist tells me I can't code/advanced engineering/some other bullshit
I'm aware, but 90% of jobs don't require that level of specialization.
Engineer here and I couldn't agree more. If you are good you get paid. If you are shit you get nothing.
My point is more that those people are exceptions to the rule. Most people won't end up with careers that lucrative. And even still that's after getting a doctorate that likely came with hundreds of thousands in debt. Meanwhile some code monkey or trade worker can do the same with an undergrad degree or certification.
every bachelors, with the exception of tech related ones such as engineering, nursing, architecture etc, are useless by themselves. a physics bachelors and a psychology bachelors will yield the same prospects... $15/hour starting at some random company.
unless one plans on getting a teaching credential, masters or phd, those non-tech degrees by themselves are useless.
that being said, any of those non tech and tech degrees will get you into med, dental, pharm, law, one-year accelerated nursing school, as any will fulfill the degree requirement.
tidbit: music majors have the highest acceptance rates, 50%, into med school. all the others have a 45% acceptance rate (MSAR).
My boss (I work for tech firm) got his degree in music
>My point is more that those people are exceptions to the rule. Most people won't end up with careers that lucrative. And even still that's after getting a doctorate that likely came with hundreds of thousands in debt
She's only around $30,000 in debt. She's being paid $18,000 a year to get her doctorate. These are the people that deserve doctorates/masters. They are using it as a means to a tangible end, and they're good in their field. That's why they aren't balls deep in debt. The people you hear about that are $200,000 in debt are either medical doctors or dipshits with average grades that thought having a PhD next to their name guaranteed a great job. They were scared to leave school and just kept going. Academia is the ultimate fucking hugbox anymore. People can feel great about themselves the whole time they're in there, but the market is what ascribes value. Your title didn't matter if you're someone that can't function in the real world. It's a Potemkin title to gussy up inadequacy. If you aren't getting funding, you're an idiot to continue towards higher degrees because the ROI just isn't there.
This. I could see if you get free college from the government. but if you are actually paying for college holy fuck what a bad investment.
Thank you
College is basically free here anyway
>My boss (I work for tech firm) got his degree in music
goals man
Your lady sounds smart. Most people get played by university thinking they'll magically pay debts when they're already 100k in debt from undergrad alone.
What do you do? How'd you get the job?
>time isn't an investment
>100k in debt from undergrad alone.
I don't think she's even $30,000 under. I always forget the figure, but she constantly stresses about it. I just know that every time she tells me the balance it's in literal "who gives a shit" levels.
>What do you do? How'd you get the job?
I'm the namefaggot timeshare salesman. I haven't done a thread in about 6 months, though. And I got the job by pretty much walking in after a friend bombed the interview, saying I'd be there on time every day, learn, work hard, and try to make as much money as humanly possible.
>They were scared to leave school and just kept going. Academia is the ultimate fucking hugbox anymore. People can feel great about themselves the whole time they're in there, but the market is what ascribes value. Your title didn't matter if you're someone that can't function in the real world.
This hits too close to home. Everyone thinks I'm going to get job offers lined up for me in a year's time but I only go to school because I have no fucking skills.
>tfw too much of a pussy to study Economics, Business studies, Management, Law or anything I'd remotely enjoy and do okay in.
>too disinterested and possibly incompetent to do decent in my CS degree
What do I even do with my life?
You and me brother
I hope you at least enjoyed your academic career.
not really
Is there a success story with someone in psychology? Does anyone know of one? I hear shit like music, government/politics, and English but not psych
Nope. It's impossible. You should just kill yourself now.
Way to miss the fucking point in a spectacular fashion, user.
I have a friend doing a PhD in Neuropsycho. He's really dedicated, I think he's gonna go far.
i have a masters in poli sci. pretty effin useless, i actually hide it on my resume sometimes because it gives away my age. (35). i complemented the degree with an mba and make 90k. biggest mistake of my life was poli sci major in undergrad when law school was not appealing to me.
i wanted to major in CS but because of the recent boom of grads i feel like its time is passed
what will be the next meme degree? statistics? math/finance double?
Work for the gov
Work in the field of politics and admunistration
I don't get the issue. If you have been part of either party for the five years that uni takes to get Master's, you should have build the network to start working in the field. If not, why go for MSc after BSc?
>it's time has passed
Name one thing you use or interact with in your modern life that doesn't involve computation at any level.
I'm wait.