people, dumber than you, are making 100k+ a year without producing anything of value
>and this is why there is a collapse coming
So next time a hot girl who sells real estate tells you that bc of her salary and ur salary that you arent even allowed to look at her, tell her that time is running out
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Tell us something we don't know OP
Don't get mad, just buy ethereum.
>tfw day of the rope soon
>without producing anything of value
The people who pay her values what she does at, at least 100k+ a year you retard.
>buh-buh that's not REAL value
Yes it is retard. This is econ 101
100k+ a year is nothing. you are stuck in a peon mindset if you think 100k+ a year is even a worthwhile goal to shoot for
$100k is a great starting goal for somebody. It's enough to pay all of your bills, live a very comfortable life where money isn't a concern, and let you put a bit away.
But once you get there you need to start aiming higher. Start making that money you're putting away work for you. Start investing in real estate and securities. If you do that, then you can retire at 45 and coast your way through the rest of life.
>buying at the peak
Kek. Veeky Forums is stupid.
made me think of when I sold cars
salesmen of the month basically every month the entire year I worked at this place was this BANGING milf - used to be a yoga instructor , id throw up a pic related type deal but use your imagination
In my country(Straya) they have to buy all their own marketing material out of their paycheck and don't get a salary. Oh and market will crash in the next 3 years so they will make fuck all then.
avg starting salary for someone who gets an MBA from a top 12 school is $140K+ but you all say it's a meme.
>a girl told Op he's too poor to "even look at her"
>shots fired
I think prison is a bit strong of a term as it's already well over median income, but you do sum up how I feel about people on 4ch who talk about skilled trades as good careers. Trades are for people who think 100k/yr is a huge salary
I'd be happy with 100k a year but there are going to be huge tradesmen shortages with majority of kids thinking that the only path to success is an mba and an office job.
You do know that the median household income in the US is $56k, right?
An individual making $100k is very well off and stable for the most part.
>Shitting on people in the trades because he wasted $40k getting a degree that has him making less than someone with a high school diploma.
You don't need to make it so obvious that you're jealous.
This, Im a 3rd year apprentice electrician on my pathway to glory
True, but I make way more than 100k so, I don't care to be honest, family. Why do yoy make so little? Did you not finish school or something?
This. It's only going down from here.
I still want to go to college despite both working on a path that doesn't involve it and financially not being able to do it any time soon (USfag here). I dunno, it's been hardwired into me my entire life that I was supposed to go.
its hard wired into everyone that post secondary is necessity when it really isnt
Yeah also this.
As a man, its very very easy to be mad that hot chicks get everything so easily.
But just remember: being an ugly woman is worse than being a man. And also, those hot chicks have a 20 year window, and then the crushing reality will set in that they should have done more than focusing on being pretty.
Poorfag here. I have a skill set that gets me frequent job offers for over $300k starting, but I turn them down because I don't want to subsidize the degeneracy of modern society and help perpetuate the system that preys off the productivity of people like myself while simultaneously demonizing us and forcing demographic changes on us that greatly decrease our quality of life and legitimately threaten the future safety and happiness of our children. Instead I just grow my own food and do odd jobs as a journeyman carpenter.
Anyway, if you care what women think in the first place, you're doing it wrong. When it comes to sex, all women really want is a big, strong man, with a fat cock and a natural musk that hints slightly of gear oil and cedar -- to fuck them like a prized breeding mare. If she even hints about caring how much you make, it's because you don't give her the tingles and she's trying to figure out if she should stick around to milk you for a while, or move on to someone who does.
I need to get in on the real estate how hard to get license and into the game
>tips fedora
I think about this a lot and I've put it on a scale from easiest to hardest
>attractive girl
>attractive man
>ugly man
>ugly girl
reason being an ugly guy is easier than being an ugly girl is a mans worth is based on how he can provide etc. and he can still get a goldigger bitch whereas if you are an ugly female you have nothing to contribute.
You my friend have stumbled upon a pearl of human knowledge that most will never know.
$100,000 puts you in the top 24% of earners in the world, so far from poor.
Whole lot of white women there. Very few PoCs or even WoCs. They need to check their privilege and hire some dark skins.
Political correctness only requires you fill in one blank. You can have all white women and call it diversity. The all female staff explains why assasin's creed is dead
ugly men make less money than ugly women. Only incredibly lucky ugly men like rappers or athletes get enough money for gold diggers
Dude, SJWs are starting to eat their own.
Vvardenfell beckons...
but for real, read your own post again. don't make yourself the linchpin/keystone that holds together/determines SOCIETY'S fate. whatever metaphor fits here..
you don't want to confirm, but we all have to, dude. the "society" you do not want to be part of is the same fucking "society" it has always been.
Solid observation. The every kid should go to college meme killed the craftsman.
Is that why we're so lax on immigrants?
What if you get fired when performance is bad or the boss realizes you've been doing nothing but playing solitaire at your computer for a year?
>$100,000 puts you in the top 24% of earners in the world
i bet thats a per household statistic
what a shitty statistic
$100k a year is within the top 90% percentile in the US as an individual.
So what you should be realizing, Veeky Forums, is that getting married and pooling income is very efficient and might want to consider marriage.
You know why mexicans are literally killing themselves to get here?
Bexause to most of the world, 8 dollars an hour is a shitload.
Be happy you live in a country where u can make 10x to 100x the money you would make in india or se asia.
Like i said tho, its not going to last.
You remind me of the mortgage salesmen in the big short.
Your in line waiting to get into the slaughterhouse, and youre bragging about how much meat you have on your bones kek
>when performance is bad
Yeah, because then they obviously don't value your contribution >= your salary anymore dummy.
>doing nothing but playing solitaire at your computer
Same as above. And it's an irrelevant point, since OP is saying the actual job people pay real estate agents "100k+ a year" to do, doesn't have value.
>top 24%
How fucking little do you know about the world if you think it's only at or around top 24%? It's more like top 0.1%.
Good point,, someone who thinks 1/4 ppl make over 100k is probably investing in the somalian technology sector.
I hear they are making a new smartphone thats gonna blow apple and samsung outcof the water!
Around here, reports say the median family income is $50k.
I'm single and have a few bucks extra at the end of the month. I couldn't provide 2 kids a meaningful quality of life.
do 'mericans really think 1/4 of the world makes 100k?
a simple google could have sufficed
Santa Clara county (heart of silicon valley) average HOUSEHOLD income is 90k.
> "Santa Clara County has the highest median household income in the nation, at $93,500, and two other Bay Area urban centers are in the top 10"
maybe this is why some of you faggots are so pathetic & depressed all the time
overestimating how happy, wealthy other people really are and always thinking other people are constantly living the good life
this is what "facebok illusion" has done to 'merican culture