Would you rather be Zuckerberg or one of the twins?
Would you rather be Zuckerberg or one of the twins?
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Zucks of course. The other 2 are bitfags. I couldn't live with myself being wrapped up in something so obnoxious.
>get cucked out of FB
>crypto exchange nobody gives a fuck about
What went wrong?
With Jews....
Jeez that's a tough one
The twins. Jesus, have you seen Zuck's wife? Fucking horrid.
Would you rather be Cuckerberg or Shkreli?
Zuckerburg easily. Shkreli doesn't even have three commas.
Would you rather be one of the Koch Brothers or Warren Buffett?
Buffet no doubt
Ok , fuck , marry, kill
Anthony hopkins , joel osteen , steve buscemi
Kill Anthony Hopkins (as if, have you seen The Edge?), marry Joel Osteen and fuck Steve Buscemi.
Would u rather do Janet Yellen or Carly Fiorina, but Carly has a yeast infection?
Fucking christ. I can plug my nose for Carly. You can't fuck someone like Yellen without touching her disgusting wrinkly liver spotted skin.
Carly anal
On a side note, I have a friend who went down on his gf when she had a yeast infection. We called him "the breadmaker."
The twins.
Zuckerberg has zero morality, the twins at least have a shred of decency
forgot pic
>the twins
>both are bitcoinfags
>literally say with a straight face that bitcoin wil reach $40k/coin and replace cash by 2025
>shred of decency
Kek. No.
is something wrong with your brain?
something so obnoixious? what do you call being a globalist jew?
the twins are olympians and were able to make something out of themselves without good business practice.
True that. Being a globalist jew is pretty obnoxious. Selling people's personal information to the gubment is also really obnoxious. Still.... I don't think that has bitcoin beat. Bitcoin shills are the single most obnoxious people on the planet by far.
sombody has never met a Seahawks fan