>tfw Canadian
>tfw making mad capital gains with TFSA investment account/crypto currency
>tfw find out Canadian government doesn't tax capital gains made from a TFSA, and only 50% of realized capital gains income from other sources is taxed
>tfw born in the right country
eh, it's alright i guess.
TFSA nothing special, like maximum $25k and it's cool i guess
I know this feel. You can literally day trade in it and make CRA's panties get all twisted.
Total is now $46,000 you commie socialist scum
TFSAs and RRSPs make me wish I was Canadian sometimes.
>Total is now $46,000 you commie socialist scum
>He's 25+ years old and yet still goes on Veeky Forums and especially Veeky Forums
lmao @ u
I'm 24 and still claimed as a dependent on my dad's income tax.
Jokes on you.
>tfw american
>tfw have an american passport and citizenship
>tfw im better, smarter, and stronger than you.
>being 24
>Still going on Veeky Forums
>Somehow proud of this
not him, but I've found some invaluable information and had riveting conversations on Veeky Forums. It's somewhat buried beneath all the shitposting, but it's there. You realize this is an 18+ website, right?
>tfw American and Canadian
>tfw have an american and canadian passport and dual citizenship
>tfw im twice as better, smarter, and stronger than you.
>Implying I'm somehow proud of this
Jokes still on you.
>but I've found some invaluable information and had riveting conversations on Veeky Forums
Where? The wojaks and pepes?
>It's somewhat buried beneath all the shitposting, but it's there. You realize this is an 18+ website, right?
This website is useless outside of humor. I've been browsing Veeky Forums casually for 2 years and I can pretty comfortably say that there has never been any useful information beyond what could be googled and looked up on Investopedia, r/personalfinance or some similar website.
Its convenient because you can get near immediate responses to inquiries and have discussions.
The novelty of it being anonymous and not requiring registration in many cases stagnates and leaves room for actual serious discussions.
Get on my level m8
>be born in switzerland
>get any job
>Enjoy 50k+
>Be good at job, u may enjoy your 120k
>Dont want job?
>Enjoy 18k govrment gives out for free
>dont wanna wagecuck?
>open bakery become millionaire
And the country is just beautiful
Go work morning, go skiing afternoon
Thank tha lauud
>The novelty of it being anonymous and not requiring registration in many cases stagnates and leaves room for actual serious discussions
Any "serious discussion" severely pales in comparison to discussion on any other medium really.
I've been on multiple Canadian finance forums, they are all infinitely better than anything you would be able to ever find in the Veeky Forums archive.
>No trolling
>People have money
>People have experience
>No memays
The benefits of being in highly-educated, low populated, small country are indeed godly.
maximum is only for contributions, you can have contributed up to $46k but any capital gains or dividends paid to the account grow with the account and actually increase you contribution limit (if you contributed $46k, and your investments made you a profit to where your account now totals $70k, you can withdraw your profits tax-free and your contribution limit is now $70k)
it works in the opposite way too, losses will bring that limit down (though no further than the $46k + $5.5k annual limit).
Enjoy your gains when buying your 1 million 1 bed no bath house
>Buying a house in a housing bubble
>buying a house in a major city
Tfw when I'm Alaskan. I'm American but we're still pretty much Canadian
>until you start making too much money in your TFSA and they tax you anyway
>until you make too much money from your investments and they tax it as "business income" instead of capital gains
you can't beat the system
Doesn't happen lmao
I've read about butthurt govcucks who got bungblasted that there was people who had $150k+ in their TFSA in 2012.
Canada is indeed the best country [spoiler]IF YOU HAVE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY.[/spoiler]
That's why I'm getting the fuck out of here.
We arent all underage like you. Enjoy your ban and stay in school kid
desu if you're not over 24 then you were so underage when this site was in its hayday that you wouldn't have come here and it makes no sense why you're here now other than because you think it's le epic seekrit club
the TFSA wasn't designed for day trading it was designed as a savings account.b If you're making millions from your TFSA tax free of course the CRA isn't going to be happy.
right country will always be the US
Fellow Canadian here
Which forums are you using?
I'm 26 and work a salaried job and I promise not to shitpost
>tfw no matter what you do, in a hundred years you will still be in the same place as the guy sho was living in the street
>you should never bother enjoying yourself because eventually it will end
> tfw Canadian
> tfw freelancer
> tfw any income generated by sales made in Canada is subject to HST
> tfw born in wrong country
That said most of my sales are to U.S. clients so it's not such a big deal, but I pity any small biz owner here whose market is exclusively local.
Hst is brutal. 13% on eveeything...
>crypto currency
if you want to realize your gains in fiat, yeah, expect to pay taxes
You can make over 40k a year, and if it's just in captial gains, not pay any income tax.