This is going to be highest funded crowdfunding project ever. Why haven't you jumped in the train yet? 13 days left and you just got one more chance before having to pay the premium price starting tomorrow because of the developers mistake...
This is going to be highest funded crowdfunding project ever. Why haven't you jumped in the train yet...
Other urls found in this thread:
What mistake?
The first incremental price increase was 0, so there was really another whole day for the starting 1eth=100dao conversion. Everyone thought today the price was supposed to increase to 1.05eth per 100 dao
I'm ball deep!
btw, I'm using that rolex one to buy a rolex with it :D
I bought dao tokens with poloniex.
I only have an ETH account on Polo. Do I need to do anything else now or just wait for the release of the DAO?
We 1 BILLION DAO tokens strong now.
We'll see.
Usually I'm not a fan of democracy, because the vast majority of people on earth are fucking stupid.
Just look at the US elections for a prime example of why the masses should not have a say.
In saying that, people who bought into DAO are a very specific minority, and democracy might work better here.
I'm not with you on this one. I think cryptotards in general are dumber than the average population. If this board / rebbit / bitcointalk is any indication, the majority of you are 18-25 NEETs who treat this as a get rich scheme with a few whales trying to manipulate you.
>tech savvy =/= smart
>the majority of you are 18-25 NEETs
Precisely, and the NEETs on Veeky Forums have about $20 invested and think they're going to get rich.
The weight of your vote is proportionate to the amount of DAO you will own.
Wealthy people who have a brain will be the ones making the decisions, not NEETs.
An entirely good thing too. This is now a project with Oprah-tier money, and a lot of whales looking for big returnz. A lot of those crypto-pipedreams that might never have made it even as far as a white paper have a possibility of becoming a reality without having to go to Goldman Sachs. This could be unimaginably huge.
Exactly. I want the whales to be the ones voting. They're the only ones with any clue what they're doing.
>implying the whales just wont dump once this reaches exchanges
>implying they arent in this just for the hype
>because of the developers mistake...
You're not making a very good case for the DAO here kek
What is this and how can I pour my NEETbux into it?
Will we be able to dump DAO tokens when it ends up in an exchange? Also what exchanges are going to support it.
Polo is almost guaranteed
Poorfags never learn. Bitcoin ether and now DAO hellooooo
Stay poor faggots
This looks beyond retarded.
No thanks, I'll just keep my ETH.
I thought whales were huge losers. You guys use the term to just mean huge?
does my wallet have to be synced to buy? its like 15 light years behind,,
>I'm ball deep!
is that why you guys keep trying to pawn off this shit coin?
did i make a huge mistake?
Thinking I should have bought more, but I have a couple hours to buy more before the price breaks 1.1 ETH.
>SEPA transfer duration forces me to buy at 1.10
Fucking banks. I really hope they all fucking crash with cryptocurrencies.
Over 50 % of the tokens at the moment are being held by people who hold at least 100 thousand dollars worth of tokens. These people are likely to think wisely about what they are going to vote on because they are so invested and can completely outrule the neets. I mean the top 100 token holders hold 47% of all tokens at the moment with several people having invested millions of dollars.
tldr this democracy will be okay
Nigga pls
how can i buy dao?
use kraken to buy ether.
use wizard to turn ether into dao bling
i managed to buy on my poloniex account
where can i see dao's growth on poloniex or where can i see how much i have?
There are official tutorials out there nigga
Basically isnt this dao Basically ethereum ICO 2.0?
So with $30 million crowdfund they can create ethereum, then from ethereum they crowdfund another $110 million to create the universal sharing network?
This time, it's going to work by hiring outside contractors who submit their bids (proposals) for the product.
Pretty far out idea but it might just work.
We are not in a poker room
Only thing that spooks me is that it is so very new - 98% of people don't understand it. Fuck ton of money there - Chinese tech gangs going to raid the DAO and steal it all.
I'd like to, and have been trying to, but the shitty wallet doesn't sync. After a few days of dicking with it, I'm about ready to just cash out for BTC and say "fuck it". If they can't make a wallet that syncs properly, then I'm not sure I can trust the platform.
Watch this you noobs if you can't figure it out.
A little less than 4 million USD away from world record status with over 10 days to go.
Where will you be when Normie press is covering the DAO Jones?
It's official, like I told yall
Holy shit. Did some whale just buy 7 million worth of DAO at once? It was 108 million last time I looked at it.
Somebody spam CNN with the world record news. Buckle up faggots. Next stop, alpha centauri.
>Next stop, alpha centauri.
Implying there are stops when moving at light speed.
We're only gonna be slowed down by the fluidic space.
So what happens when the DAO starts selling all the Eth from the ICO to fund projects? Eth crashes, right?
Daily volume is 20 million USD. You're kidding if you think will get that much. Plus the trade isn't a sign of lack of faith in ethereum but rather huge news that will create interest in the DAO which requires ether to obtain.
Also it's worth noting that from the DAO to the finding account is a direct trade. Once they have it I don't think they're allowed to move it all to USD at once. Kind of removes any accountability they had.
ITTL Lies, Liars, Utter Bullshit, Wild Speculation, and Lies. Word to the wise: don't believe a single thing you read here.
But eventually that $100 million of Eth is going to be sold for USD, right? Thats a ton of downward sell pressure even with something with $20 million trade volume. Right bow there is about the same amount of buy pressure as sell pressure. I can't imagine that Eth can sustain its current price with all that ether being offloaded.
nocoiner in denial
no, the Dao code was designed to prevent this to happen
No. If the DAO lent out all 100 million it has no room to grow. It's venture capital. We throw a few million at, and they get their business off the ground. If they are successful, we get some of the profits as part of the contract. The best case scenario is we get a percent return on that investment in the form of profits or whatever the pay back incentive is in the proposal. So if we lend 10 million, we expect 11 million long term. is just the first of many projects that will be funded over time. They aren't getting the entire 120 million or anything close to that.
No, you're here for one reason: to pump the price of this shit. You're not here to help anyone, you're not here out of generosity, you're here to make money off of suckers and marks. You are a scammer. If you don't see it that way, then you are the one in denial.
where can I read about this dao shit?
I'm poor as hell but wouldn't mind throwing in like $20 and see if I get a small return off of it in a year or two. Is this for me?
So what you're saying is that the ether will be gradually sold off over time. Still, thats $100 million dollars in ether that needs to be sold. That has to have some type of negative correlation with the price, right?
This post doesn't even make any sense. You want to put $20 in on the hope that you'll get $20.50 back in a year or two?
This isn't a real poster, asking an innocent question, this is another shill. They're working together, in concert. Beware.
Why? You're assuming that it's sold off all at once and not gradually over time on a perfect by project basis
>project gets approved for 12 million dollar loan from the dao
>expected product delivery in a year
>every two weeks the DAO deposits 500k in eth to their amount and they're expected to meet some milestones as listed in the original project proposal
>require that the account always have some minimum balance or the contract becomes void and they lose funding
>3 months in and they're way behind with their deliverables
>token holders create a proposal to pull funding from the project
>if possible taking back some contact fee for wasting money
There shouldn't be a case of somebody just getting a huge deposit of 10 million USD with no terms to keep them honest.
>make money off NEETs
You know a majority of the funding is from investors with over 100k USD in DAO right? Anybody that jumps in here is a drop in the ocean of funding.
I'm not assuming that at all. I agreed with you that the eth would probably be sold over time. People need dollars to fund projects, they cant fund projects with ether, unless there is something that I am missing? $100 million dollars of ether would eventually need to be sold to find $100 million dollars worth of projects.
The idea is that the entire fund should never be used though. 120 million is wiggle room to fund large projects without running out of cash on just one. So yes, it will increase sell volume but not all at once or even in a single year would the 100 million pass through. For reference volume is 25 million USD a day right now. 500k USD more won't hurt it.
You can't prove that. Just talking out of your ass again. And let's face it, you don't give a shit about the truth. You only care about hyping it up. You'll never say sell, only buy, buy, buy. You are a liar and a crook.
Do you have any project plan or outline on how much ether is going to be sold every year? There are no hard boundaries, right? Technically they could go through the $100 million in one year if thats what they voted on? Sorry for all the questions, I am just trying to understand if the DAO is going to tank eth or not.
No, I'm actually a real poster who doesn't know what this shit is. I just assumed it was like bitcoins where there is a small chance they might blow up. I'm not a shill or working with anyone and I honestly have no fucking clue what this stuff is.
Yeah it's all vote based so proposals approved will be funded based on the terms of the contract but I doubt anybody would be OK with the fund running a zero balance in the case of potentially great proposals coming up and we have no budget to jump on them. No hard limit is set but even with that I'm sure the payout is incremental with termination as a penalty of not meeting some conditions. Most investors are actually pretty rich. Note that it jumped from 108 million to 20 million in about an hour this morning. More than likely once large investor did that. These are the kind of people with experience in investing that wouldn't just toss an unlimited budget to some startup proposal and blow the fund in a year.
If the devs made one mistake already, I don't think this is a good tihng to invest in.
>I'm a stupid nigger with no clue what I'm talking about
>muh Russian scam
Cope harder faggot
Funny thing about a block chain.
First page is a guy buying like 40k worth of DAO followed by a bunch of 50 dollar purchases.
Implying it's not doubling down on last minute hype
Sorry, I don't believe you. I've seen too many people ask the same exact question in the same exact way that you did.
Lie harder, I guess.
Oh did I say something that made you angry? Sorry, it's just the truth. No need to feel threatened by the truth, shill.
ok well, your call is wrong and you're a faggot. Those other people are probably just hapless people like me who found this thread and want to know more
>get BTFO by actual evidence of the majority of finding being from large sources and not just millions of penny investors
>lol u, you mad??
Yeah OK. Just do the math. 45000 transactions to the DAO account. That's an average of 2700 dollars per investors. But looking at the transaction log it's clearly not an even distribution.
Stay paranoid. Your panic will look excellent when viewed from the moon.
Is this like a bitcoin? How is it different? How much does one cost?
Oh yeah.. the moon. Right, cause so many of these other scams have gone to the moon this past year. See the thing is, whether this or any other pump and dump goes up or down doesn't matter to me, cause I didn't buy it. My well being does not depend on herpcoin, derpcoin, or durrcoin. Your evidence is meaningless. I've been right every time, about every single one of these things since I started telling the truth in these threads. That's all the evidence I need.
Bitcoin is like a currency. A UNIT of value!
There are many other Cryptocurrencies out there. The only other one that is usefull beside bitcoin is Eth, which is the Ethereum tokens. now, the DAO is completely different. The DAO is a smart contract, basically a POOL OF MONEY. You send it ether... you get tokens! If you send 1 eth, you get 100 DAO tokens. This giant pool of fucking money is going to be used to build the next generation of the internet and the Internet of things! it's basically a joint Venture capital fund that can really do anything that the token holders vote for! if they vote to mine a fucking asteroid for profit, and it passes.. then they fucking will do just that!
The future is now you faggots!
i turned 600 bucks to 10,000 you dumb faggot during the Eth presale!
It must suck to be tech illiterate
"look at me, I'm a hapless idiot".
Ok well at least you're being honest then. I admit I was wrong about you.
Ethereum is a network for running decentralized applications (dapp). Apps that run on several nodes that are operated by the users and can't be taken down by say some assmad government that doesn't like what it does.
Dapp need gas to run and that gas is 'purchased' with ether. For instance you could have some simple application that takes 3 eth a year to keep running based on the computations it runs on the network.
Ether like mentioned is the currency that runs the ethereum network.
The DAO is a crowd funded venture capital fund that is being created right now. You can buy tokens with ether. Currently 1.1 ether per 100 tokens. Those tokens give you the ability to vote on proposals that are presented to the DAO and take some proportion of profits from successful projects.
Currently 1 ether is about $11.30 and can be purchased with bitcoin. Maybe a few exchanges go straight to ether. Not sure.
;) we are not going to just make money... we are going to make a SHIT TON OF MONEY
>eth goes from $.30 to currently almost $12 in a few months
>not the moon
Ok kid. Show me a regular symbol with that kind of upward movement recently.
Hypothetically speaking, because you're most likely just lying through your teeth, because that's what shills do.. but hypothetically speaking if you did buy etherm during the presale, then you bought it way before it was ever shilled on here. In other words, nothing you saw here had anything to do with your good fortune.
But you're probably lying though, because the whole point of a pump and dump is to mislead people into buying something by making it out to be worth more than it really is.
>any gains I missed was just a pump and dump
Sure, it wasn't on Veeky Forums! but even then, everyone was calling it a pump and dump and shitcoin and because of you dumb faggots, i didn't trust my gut and didn't put as much in there. I could have done a lot more! not this time faggots!! not this time!! this time.... im going to fucking retire!!!
Also, how come the first line out of your mouths is always 'faggot' or 'nigger'? Is it because you're actually a bunch of 13 year old kids? It is, isn't it, don't lie. I'm taking on a bunch of 13 year old boys from the eastern bloc, and that's why it's really no challenge, because you got nothing but weak shit. All right I got things to do. But I'll be back for you all later. Don't go nowhere.
>Also, how come the first line out of your mouths is always 'faggot' or 'nigger'? Is it because you're actually a bunch of 13 year old kids? It is, isn't it, don't lie. I'm taking on a bunch of 13 year old boys from the eastern bloc, and that's why it's really no challenge, because you got nothing but weak shit. All right I got things to do. But I'll be back for you all later. Don't go nowhere.
this faggot!
I delivered and now you run away like a little cock-sucking cockroach
Because you're being a nigger faggot even though we've answered your loaded questions and backed out claims.
That guy is a troll but why do you guys stoop lower than his level? He's just trying to b8 you in to acting like idiots. There is over $100m in funding for the DAO and this thread looks like a bunch of teens fighting over monopoly. Have a little class, this is business, not personal. Represent us better.
Not that it matters since the major investors are way out of the pay range of anybody here but if we allow him to spread blatant lies without calling him on his bullshit, it reflects poorly on the community and stop potential growth.
You can call him out more professionally without acting like you live in a trailer park.
>implying I'm not a Sudanese refugee living in a UN provided tent
For all people saying that the dao will cause too much ether to be sold and thus decrease its price:
The only ones who can do that are contractors and token holders who get dividends. The token holders will only be able to get ether from dao profits, so no ones gonna sell a large portion of the ether held in the dao on that end. While it is true that the contractors can and will sell the ether they get from the dao, the payments they make back to the dao (including interest) will be in ether aswell so they will have to buy more ether than they sell.
>these are the type of people buying these shitcoins
Topkek. No thanks, I'll pass.
Veeky Forums im out of the loop just got back into cryptos Last I was here ETH was blowing up to $15 and popped to $7. Tell me about or direct me where to learn about this Dao.
oops didnt mean to reply to anyone, ignore that.
install mist. send eth. get dao tokens.
i have about 5k dao and 50 eth. should i keep the eth or go all in on dao?
50/50 is good.
why do I want DAO instead of ETH?
DAO is for the venture fund. As it generates more profit for holders, people will want in but to get in you need ether which will drive up ether costs which will make the DAO worth more. Keep both to some degree.
if someone doesnt have ether are they able to purchase dao with money?
with money? you mean with USD? because ether is money as well. and the answer is no. you need to buy dao tokens with ether.