Is it too late to buy into this gravy train?
Is it too late to buy into this gravy train?
Only the future knows
>buying into a russian scam
Wait until the DAO pre-sale ends to buy.
We will be seeing
when people started shilling on Veeky Forums it was only worth $.50
people were saging the threads, spilling out shit like "russian scam", memecoins and the like.
It's now $10.
You may now kill yourself
>ETH shills in full force with several daily threads
>ETH crashes
>literally NO threads about ETH
>after over a month, start to see a rally
>ETH shills come to the fore again
Fuck off, dipshit.
>ETH crashes
kindly explain how so, my friend?
In the long run it got higher and higher every day, yes it dropped by $3 but I wouldn't call that a crash. also see I really wished I had "fallen for the meme" earlier
Ethercuck cope.
The difficulty timebomb activates in a few months. Finish your memes before then.
Methinks thou dost protest too much...
I wonder if the detractors are mad, poor, or both. Like seriously it's the same posts probably by the same posters every thread. How are you even alive with that blood pressure. If you really think it's garbage maybe you shouldn't go into threads about it and stir up shit, that's only going to keep these threads around longer and cause more people to see it.
This is Veeky Forums..probably the biggest "fucketherium" poster..owns like a fuckton of ether and DAO tokens. It's the natural fart like essence of /biz which attracts the truest gaping assholes of the cryptocurrency community.
bitcoin: 7.1 billion dollar market cap
ethereum: 800 million dollar market cap
in less than 2 years, ethereum's market cap will have grown 10x and bitcoin will be dead
sounds like a breddy good investment to me :3
IMO you have to be “irrational” — but only in the sense that you do not look with eyes of the present. Ecommerce didn’t make sense in 1995 — rationally and logically. It is 2016 and we are looking at the DAO, Ethereum and Bitcoin with 2016 eyes.
If you’re making a bet at the edge (like Bezos did with online commerce for example) you will need a thesis on where the world is going and then you have to make a leap — you will ignore present details that makes one “rational” (buying online is truly terrible UX, much better offline, can’t hold merchandise, nobody wants to use their credit card…) in favor of looking at the broad trajectory of technology and the world itself.
The 40,000 foot view: It’s not price targets or little details. It’s about looking at the trajectory based on a few principles. From printing press, to broadcast, to internet… from single-purpose blockchain to general….from automation at the bottom, to automation at the top….
There are broad themes at play here and it becomes a bit more obvious where this is all going.
That does not mean TheDAO will be successful. Of course not. Make no mistake — it is highly risky and has a significant chance of failur, but highly highly rewardint. All I’m saying is this: this is part of the trajectory. Just like Bitcoin was, just like the Internet was. If not today, someday, by someone.
Time is like a fog. You can see the rough shapes ahead, but as you move through you gain more clarity. Act accordingly. Peace.
Dont take it too personal, bub. We shit on MLM schemes, penny stocks, ponzis and get rich quick scams just as eaually. If you dont like being shit on, theres another website where you can have your own circlejerk and downvote someone who doesnt share your opinion out of existance.
Ether is divisible to 18 decimal places. Just to give you an idea of the future of it.
Ethereum and Bitcoin are the future.
Wei cool ;))
I'm talking about the people who shitpost not ones who actually have a different opinions, the people who are mad at the mere existence of such threads. Maybe I wasn't clear, they don't bother me in the slightest, it's the opposite, what I'm saying is that they seem very bothered so I don't know how they're even alive. You should be telling them not to take it personally, if you stick around here long enough you can see how much these people post, they dedicate hours just to responding to the same thread, sometimes without even getting any acknowledgment, it's actually crazy to see someone that upset. Just an observation, obviously it would be better without them but if they want to get mad at people for just existing it's not like we have anything to lose, they're the ones spending time and effort into talking to themselves. Madness.
>it is not the shills making 90% of all crypto posts
Seems legit. Again, if you cant take a little criticism now and again and even a few annoyed people, then you know where to go. Or just grow a thicker skin?
Again the fart like essence that is 4-chan.
kids on Veeky Forums are NEETs, they have like $20 invested in ethereum. they mean nothing.
Im going to buy 100 for laff.
Whats a decent website that wont get me hacked like coinbase did.
yeah and the last peak was 15$. when the big shill was going on, i bought in for 8.50$. Veeky Forums was right. regardless of where it's now, eth has a bright future ahead. it's not too late.
I don't know how I can be any more clearer than I have been, I'm making a remark on my observation of those who are annoyed, I am not the annoyed one. Maybe my English is to blame here but I doubt it, maybe it's your reading ability. If you're still unsure just ask me for clarification and I can try my best to word it in a way you can understand.
>Or just grow a thicker skin?
That's what I'm saying, these people are so easily annoyed and take it to heart, they make it a personal goal to whine about it. It's really absurd.
>they make it a personal goal to whine about it
Isn't that exactly what you're doing?
No, I'm wondering about those people, asking for insight and expressing my observation of the group of people I'm talking about for the sake of clarifying who I'm referencing. I am curious as to why someone would do such a thing willingly as it's only detrimental to them, I'm curious if they're aware of it or not and what motivates them to be this way. It's interesting but also beneficial to understand and identify this behavior.
I'm wondering about you. I'm wondering why you care so much. Its pretty obvious why they are annoyed. It doesnt take some deep analysis. The real question, however, is why you feel that they shouldn't be able to show that annoyance. There are just some things out of your control, hun.
>I'm wondering about you. I'm wondering why you care so much.
It's what interests me, I think it's important to understand other people, it's beneficial in may ways, from simple pointless relationships, to business interactions, think of how often you deal with people. Does that make sense?
>Its pretty obvious why they are annoyed
You're welcome to voice why you think that but I'm more interested in first hand accounts honestly. It's pretty rare for people like that to speak out earnestly but it does happen, it's much more likely to happen while anonymous than in other places.
>It doesnt take some deep analysis
Exactly, just a simple discussion with a few posts, nothing crazy.
>why you feel that they shouldn't be able to show that annoyance
I hope I'm not giving off that impression, it isn't detrimental to me that they do so, it's detrimental to them. I don't mean to sound callus but I don't personally care about their well being, I just want to understand them more, I wouldn't waste my time trying to correct bad behavior for someone I don't care about. If you're going to spend your time around people it's good to at least understand what they're doing. Y I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Not sure what happened to the tail of my post.
>There are just some things out of your control, hun.
You think it's impulsive? I'm not sure what you mean by this.
>it's detrimental to them
For voicing an opinion? That makes no sense.
I'm talking about people who whine for hours, not people who voice an opposing opinion. I'm trying to understand why someone would do that. Even a single whine would be fine but why continue to whine? The people who voice opposing opinions are obviously welcome since it spurs discussion. Imagine someone posting "I don't like this" every 10 minutes, what drives someone to waste their time like that? Those kinds of people are intentionally surrounding themselves with the thing they vocally dislike for a long period of time instead of participating in something they do like, what's the end goal, what's the pay off? The only conclusion I have come to is masochism but even that seems like a stretch.
>Imagine someone posting "I don't like this" every 10 minutes, what drives someone to waste their time like that?
Maybe the same thing that drives someone to post "buy ethereum" every 10 minutes? Both are pretty counterproductive.
Absolutely, however I feel like it's obvious why someone would post that, they have a financial incentive to do so, even if it's highly unlikely, they have something to gain (by shitty means). The other party doesn't seem like it has anything to gain, even an unlikely chance to gain anything, they do it without the expectation of compensation and get frustrated in the process. It seems like a nightmare to an outsider which is why I'm curious if I'm missing something or if they are.
I don't know why this is so confusing to you.
>shills spam entire board for months, posting "buy ethereum" in every unrelated thread
>shills also make a hundred threads to ridicule people who dont want to buy cryptos
>this shilling becomes entirely counterproductive and starts to annoy and piss people off
>shills dont care because they are dumb (I'm guessing). Either that or they are purposely trying to turn people off to Eth
>nocoiners get so annoyed that they start to spam every Eth thread thinking that this will make shills see that maybe they should ease off a bit
>shills dont ease off and shilling goes into overdrive
>Veeky Forums becomes a shitshow and everyone who thought about maybe buying eth are turned off by the way that shills and nocoiners act
Make a little more sense now? They aren't posting because they have something to gain. Just like eth shills have nothing to gain by spamming Veeky Forums a million times over. Its just normal run of the mill shitposting by both sides. Eth shills have probably turned more people away from buying eth than nocoiners ever could have.
I appreciate your observation but I was interested in hearing accounts from the people themselves. I'm just explaining why I want to hear them, not asking for your input, sorry.
As a non participant I understand what it looks like, I want to hear from a participant and see why they act that way.
As a Ether shill I feel I have a fiduciary responsibility to encourage the dirty unwashed neck beards of Veeky Forums to invest their hard earned Bitcoin on anything other than steam punk games and CP.
Guys, how do I calculate my profit/loss if I were to buy at multiple position? Do I have to average out the buying price, or use the recent price bought and calculate it from there?