>in 2000 years from now people will shitpost about who was the true successor to the American empire
>in 2000 years from now people will shitpost about who was the true successor to the American empire
>successor to the American empire
>anyone but Texas
America thread?
America thread.
Commies, leafs, and Southerners need not post.
>communists can't be American
>southerners can't be American
>Americans are only what I view them to be
Guessing no one ever called you smart in your life
Tripfags can't be American either.
Reminder that America lost to a bunch of malnourished farmers,couldn't achieve shit in iraq and retreated embarassingly after taking a blow to it's economy,War on terror turned terrorism from a small part of afghanistan into what it is today,the one time it was at war with a country that wasn't using last century's weapons it was forced to use two nukes to avoid losing yet despite all of this americans thing their army is anything but small boys with big toys.
I hope those future fucks know I'm stoned and just confused about everything.
The Pan-American Empire ofc
Also please no Muslims, and by southerners we mean Pacos too.
Who /ameriboo/ here
Pretty much everyone not in the Soviet sphere of influence 1945-1991. That includes Germany and japan
>post-american nations
>not the Holy Mexican Empire
That would probably be in by sjws in Florida and would be a loose confederation of VA administrations
>2000 years from now on
>people still use mcdonalds, nike, exxon logos on their coat of arms and flags
Damn as a lefty it makes me sad that you're our resident tripfag. Can't even get replies to your shitty posts.
It's ways more likely that they will go like
Made of European people
Controls three isles of no worth
>the South
>only bastion of true American values(tm) remaining in this bleak, liberal cesspool of gauges, unnaturally colored hair and skinny jeans
>not American
Leling every laugh
The world is completely fucking Ameriboo. There's no major city without McDonalds or groups of qt girls with American brand jeans. The majority of the world's population overwhelmingly favours America over Russia or China
Pretty cancerous honestly
Wished it was any country just not America to have filled up the postwar cultural void tbhfam
We could achieve a lot over there, but it'd be considered "evil" and "genocidal" and would result in "the deaths of millions of innocent lives", as if we weren't doing that for hundreds of years up until after Vietnam
>once a superior, victorious, bold nation
Oh, you mean the same nation that was a complete shithole during the times that you posted? Don't let the smooth, shiny finish fool you, most of the people who who grew up during the 40s-50s, despite them saying otherwise, would never want to return there.
>tfw no wide hips and small balls
Brussels, for one, has no McDonalds. A bunch of european cities have no McD.
2000 years from now on, people still shitpost
>united state
>Molly is my home girl
And Rome couldn't defeat smelly Germanic pastoralists and bumfucking Picts, your point here?
What is Argentina?
>majority of the world overwhemingly prefers America to China
>implying it won't somehow be Finland
Is the American empire the most pathetic and ineffectual superpower relative to the technology of the era they occupy?
A better analogy for the Vietnam war would be that one in North Africa that was basically
>send legions to the desert to fight tribals
>tribals die at every engagement
>but constant running around in the desert grinds legions down
>just pay off tribal leaders cousins to stab him to death
>region peacefully joins Rome eventually
A quick google search says otherwise.
Nickname for MDMA, a more pure form of ecstasy. His "home girl" is a party drug.
>the most pathetic and ineffectual superpower relative to the technology of the era they occupy?
How so? I think you're vastly underestimating the US's ability to project its power, that or overestimating other superpowers ability to project theirs.
>trump will be the spark that lights the gunpowder and brings revolution
do people actually think empires can last forever?
>implying anyone other than neocons and socialists call it the American Empire
>implying it hasn't been the united states since after the Civil War
>Mexico is the United Mexican States, hence the name Mexico, America is the United States of America, hence the name America
He's right, tho
>it was forced to use two nukes to avoid losing
I realize that this is bait but please, you can do better than this. Nobody who knows even the slightest thing about the Pacific War could take seriously the notion that the IJA and IJN were competent fighting forces.
Actually, it's the most powerful in history. There has never been another country which has controlled all the world's oceans.
Canada will probably be it, since global warming is gonna make it more habitable.
The USA is more of a Hegemony than an empire.
It doesn't actually rule shit outside it's own state.
What? It has several bases and overseas territories that are governed under U.S. law.
>skinny jeans and gauges are the problem
>not the vast numbers of obese, uneducated trailer trash living in the south
>It has several bases
Oh, does it actually govern those countries where those bases are planted? No. Well then. Hegemony it is.
>Overseas territories
What I literally just said about "it's own state." As in it's own country/borders/whatnot.
Pleb question but does its Republican ideals help make America so powerful?
They helped keep the union together when it faltered. Had Washington decided to become an autocrat, the country would fall apart as soon as he died.
Oh what about post Founding Fathers era? What I want to know is if its governance system helped America in the long run be a more effective and efficient nation as compared to other constitutional monarchies
It relied on checks and balances, with a gradual approach towards the adoption of laws by certain states and territories. The federal government was moderately sized at the time, nowhere near the monolith it was to become. This presented some problems but also made it possible for state governments to grow enough to run competent on an individual level, which made it easier on the federal government as it had a lot less responsibilities than a centralized constitutional monarchy would have. Keep in mind that the world economy wasn't nearly as globalized in those days, so this worked out fairly well and provided the stability it needed to tackle the problem it faced.
It's funny because he's not, though.
We all know that true successor was Arabica
irrelevant spic shithole?
>majority of the world overwhelmingly prefers America to China
Since 9/11 the west hates you though. It's just well, China and Russia.
The rest of the world isn't reddit though.
>Since 9/11 the west hates you though.
The U.S. is the west.
The U.S. is part of the West
A major part of the west that essentially defines modern Western culture.
>that essentially defines modern Western culture.
sure thing Corey-kun
Are you trying to say that Japan dominates modern Western culture?
its an "only the people i like are REAL americans" episode
Youdamn well better believe communists can't be American, red.
I'm hoping in 2000 years humanity will be past this penchant for stirring up shit.
Globalism is still in the ascendant, the unchallenged commercial and cross-cultural intercourse. All the boundaries of the nation states are bleeding together, coalescing into a huge fused fucked together chunk.
Not to mention the Internet and advanced tech fucking up your shit, and all this other unexpected stuff with the climate and migrations and populational shifts.
>Humans will magically stop hating each other because internet
If anything the internet makes us hate each other even more, because now Russians for example aren't some mysterious people who live on the other side of the world who are "just like us", anyone with an internet connection can meet actual russians and realize they're obnoxious "lol butthurt, proofs? cyka blyat" assholes you want to nuke into oblivion.
"empires" won't exist in 200 years, let alone 2000
And those germanics and celtics became the USA. Does that mean that the future superpower will be founded by iraqis and vietnamese?
and China will keep going, tearing itself apart and reunifing again and again, with whatever passes as Heavenly Mandate at the time
> they're obnoxious "lol butthurt, proofs? cyka blyat" assholes you want to nuke into oblivion
Epic generalization here mate, but could you show us at least one of that enigmatic Internet Russkies about who you are buthurted that much?
I've been more inclined with the internet being THE great cultural united recently. The fact that we have probably 20 nations on Veeky Forums right now indicates to me that memes will be the great cultural uniter of the 21st century. On the other hand, the creation of internet subcultures is not necessarily related to the creation of a wider unified global culture. I remember seeing an article from the late 1990s predicting that the Internet would lead to the elimination of superstition and misinformation due to people having instant access to information. And we're all aware of how that turned out.