
Convert me, Veeky Forums. I need a religion other than agnosticism

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at least stick to your guns in not believing in sky daddy instead of being a pussy

>Rich history, beautiful liturgy, Great architecture no souless modernism
>No papal infallibility etc, etc
>Will trigger Catholocucks and Memedox

It's also correct.

>skim Catholicism

>define God as "the supreme being"
>A being which includes all other beings would have to be "supreme"
>therefore, if the universe is one being, the universe is God
>in order for two beings to be fundamentally separate, their must be a border between them, a point where one starts and the other ends
>but wherever a person might define a border, you could always look closer at that point and see that their are even more points
>you will never achieve a definite point where one being ends and another begins
>therefore everything is one being, one God

Norse paganism, as Odin intended.


>Women and gay bishops
>Majority of converts are negroes
Thanks but no thanks.


The best religion is sedevacantism
>has all the tradition and history of the Catholic Church
>you don't have to obey the current pope
>segregated groups
>almost guaranteed to have zero non-whites

>religion created solely to allow some entitled asshole to kill his wife and remarry

I don't get how people unironically follow him.

>Eternal Anglicanism
>The religion of the eternal Anglo

>Marvel Thor


>implying anybody actually believes in that glorified ancestors cult

Quasi Neo Post Modern Spinozianism.


Manichaeism, it's Zoroastrianism, Gnostic Christianity, and Buddhism in a single ancient new-age like cult.

Gonna piggy-back on this: anyone have that Orthodox Christianity reading list? I find myself intrigued and want some starting points (what's the Orthodox equivalent to the catechism?).

can anyone really refute this?

>God exists
>that's about it, really

The constant seeker of revelation and enlightenment is the only true religious adherent, no matter your "faith"

Become a Heathen. No priests, no holy books, just you and God.

But Panpsychism is the true philosophical commitment, and the mystical definition of God (as opposing every definition we attempt to give Him, being closest in silence and negation, arguably nonexistence, but not really as He is beyond every conception available to us as we are of the world) is the true Divine conception...

...the story of God and the World is one of foolish and melancholy love, each unable to grasp the other and fulfill their boundless and futile desire

k so first off please speak English instead of Hegelease

but secondly Panpsychism is not a far leap at all
>minds are things
>nothing can have a border with any other thing
>minds cannot have a border with any other thing
>no minds are seperate
>there is fundementaly one mind

Try some dmt & drop the a

I request a pantheism or panpsychism thread from you guys. I'm more interested in this discussion than on thread topic.

>defines God as the universe
>can anyone refute my special definition?

If you want some background on o e view of it, go check out the shaivism folder here!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!pMw3kaoS

Tantra Illuminated is the easiest to understand presentation, Kashmiri Shaivism the Secret Supreme is a bit more in depth but requires a bit of background, and Tantrasara is the deep cut. It'll make a thread like that more enjoyable for you. There are plenty of books there on the western equivalent but that isn't my area of expertise.

agnosticism isn't a religion, it's a degree of faith.




>a religion that was indistinct from Buddhism until 1868
>Only divorced from Buddhism to be used as a unifying force in the country's mobilization and nationalization
>Left without detailed metaphysics, theology, codes, after WW2
>Only important in Japanese curating cultural festivals and business openings
>Applicable in any way to any country outside of Japanese possessions

Literally atheism

How dare you. Hegelspeak is necessary to his points.


If there isn't one up, I'll try for it

Gnosticism senpai.
>not having the divine spark
>being cucked by the demiurge.

Christianity = cuck-tier

Hinduism = poo-tier

Sikhism = broish poo-tier

Islam = warlord-tier

Buddhism = white millennial-tier

Judaism = global elite-tier

I would personally go with Judaism for obvious reasons, but I hear it's hard to convert into it.

It's not, and the "global elites" aren't practicing Jews. Even the elites in Israel aren't even practicing Jews. The most religious, Orthodox Jews (haredim) in Israel and Jew York are universally reviled and don't contribute to their hosts. They're literally the Jews of Jews.

You're silly.

Heretics, the lot of you

you made islam sound good

A neat video to start off, a link for later:

It's not about getting a religion; it's about meeting your maker before you have to.

Is your city in the list, Veeky Forums?

Yeah, that "24%" are definitely the spoiled white folk. Blacks and Hmong coming over here are overwhelmingly Christian and the neighboring city of Dearborn has the largest Arabic population in the United States (The Christians moved to Sterling Heights to avoid their mudslime cousins)

>The bridge reads: "Arbeit Macht Frei"

I don't quite get Satanism.

Following an entity that exists in a holy text simply to be foretold that he loses is shitpost-level logic.

It's reactionary from what I understand, especially LaVey, which is essentially a shitpost in scripture format. Not that I mind. It's pretty funny how asspained some self-serious people get over it.

What what I've heard, most Satanism just boils down to individualism and the golden rule with a bit of wicca thrown in to spice it up.

Satanist doctrine doesn't even include Satan.


>most Satanism just boils down to individualism and the golden rule with a bit of wicca thrown in to spice it up.

So modern Satanism is a religion as much as hedonism is a religion?

As far as I know? the LaVey book really is more a guide to life without dogma and coercion. So no, it's thematic opposite of religion

Its just some souped up Nietzsche philosophy that 14 year olds came up with after read Dante's Inferno.

Take out Nietzsche and you literally have the kind of surface-level Catholicism you see most normies practice out of hell-fear.

That's the problem with narratives bruv, they're reductionist and one-size-fits-all.

I would read later Dostoevsky stuff)(brothers Karamazov in particular) and the bible. There a smattering of other Russian writers from around the time that carry themes of orthodoxy in their work as well, such as Gogol, Chekhov, among others.

How can you get Catholicism out of Dante's Inferno?

''The most widely accepted and sharpest notion of God that we have can be expressed like this: God is an absolutely perfect being; but though this is widely accepted, its consequences haven’t been well enough thought out. As a start on exploring them, let us note that there are various completely different ways of being perfect, and that God has them all, each in the highest degree. We also need to understand what a perfection is. Here is one pretty good indicator: a property is not a perfection unless there is a highest degree of it; so number and shape are not perfections, because there cannot possibly be a largest number or a largest thing of a given shape - ·that is, a largest triangle, or square, or the like·. But there is nothing impossible about the greatest knowledge or about omnipotence [here = ‘greatest possible power’]. So power and knowledge are perfections, and God has them in unlimited form. It follows that the actions of God, who is supremely - indeed infinitely - wise, are completely perfect. This is not just metaphysical perfection, but also the moral kind. His moral perfection, so far as it concerns us, amounts to this: the more we come to know and understand God’s works, the more inclined we shall be to find them excellent, and to give us everything we could have wished. ''

Take a load of this guy!
Is he the modern Aquinas?

This, user.

Free yourself from the tyranny of God

So you became an atheist to free yourself from a God you think doesn't exist?


Imo the proper word for atheistic non-Abrahamic Satanism is LARPing

Athiest are so fucking stupid

Why can't I read minds then?


OG monotheism. Poser ass Muslims and Christians need not apply.

No, but Judaism would be a path to making sick connections if you work in finance or something. Especially as an investment for the future connections your kids would make.

Christianity. Either Anglican, Orthodox or Catholic.

Ignore the faggots who think it's a cuck religion, they're dirty Jews.

>if the universe is one being

Breddy good quote.

>Anglicans, Orthodox and Catholics all end up in heaven.


>Implying I want OP to go to heaven

Anglican Atheist is the way forward, user.

>therefore, if the universe is one being, the universe is God
And THERE you start bullshitting. Just cause god encloses everything, not everything is god.

PanENtheism is the way to go. NOT Pantheism.


So in other words The Force from Star Wars.

Sounds pretty dank to me, I like it.


Thinking about it. I'm forced to agree.

>we have myths about some guy cutting down a tree

Even if that was a real thing, it's not very impressive.

I cut down a tree last week.

>I see your axe
>and raise you a gulag

Of course it was a real thing, why do you think the snownigs chimped out so hard?

We closed the gulags ;^)

>Of course it was a real thing, why do you think the snownigs chimped out so hard?
Do you have any solid eyewitness sources for it that would be considered solid by a historian?

And why do you think chopping down a tree is impressive?

>We closed the gulags ;^)

Did you?

Why is being an agnostic athiest somehow better than being an atheist if no one has any proofs?

Who wouldn't be impressed by the deranged howling of a brood of snowniggers after you cut down their magic tree?

They're called "correctional facilities," "gulag" is a historical term that refers to the concentration camps utilized by the now defunct Soviet Union.

There is this biblical notion that the true saviour will be hated by all, rejected and called a prince of demons.
I'll explain to you what Satan does, since there seems to be a confusion.
If you want to live forever and know god, and you want god to save you, you ask god by His name: SATAN SAVE ME.
And unlike with jesus, the moment you ask this, you will receive a sign, and this sign will feel good and will be very descriptive of the nature of Satan.
So which is it gonna be?
The alleged saviour that the world was supposedly hating but everybody preachs, this is jesus and they made sure to burn you at the stake if you rejected him in the past.
Or the "unlikely" saviour that is hated by the world like the bible claims, is called a prince of demons like the bible says, and has his followers called demons like the bible says. And for whose name's sake we are hated.
Satan the saviour.
Want to know who the world hates? Who does the world say is the devil? Pick up the bible, the world says it is Satan.
And the promises of power given by the devil (miracles of jesus) are not bearing fruit while the children are being raped at the temples.

>Who wouldn't be impressed by the deranged howling of a brood of snowniggers after you cut down their magic tree?

So no primary sources then?

>They're called "correctional facilities,"

Errr okay. I'm not sure what the point of this is.

No silly the gods in your head

Yeah, it pretty much is. I don't think you'd find too many Satanists who even disagree with such a term.

The Royal Frankish Annals were written during Charlemagne's reign and recount how Karl, the absolute madman that he was, went around cucking the snowniggers by chopping down their magic trees left and right.

What great Christian love. Really doesn't make your whining about ISIS hypocritical at all

Teaching the snowniggers not to pray to trees was an immeasurable benefit to them, I assure you.

And blowing up churches in Syria was an immeasurable benefit to them, I assure you.

No it wasn't because churches are institutions of learning whereas trees are foliage.

Yes, of learning cuckoldry. The Syrians will now probably return to glory

May God have mercy on Syria.

The same mercy christcucks don't extend to people who don't agree with their shitty worldview?

Mercy falls on the just and unjust alike, just as the sun's warmth is enjoyed by all.

It sure does

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

- Mt 7:13

Is that the Chronicles of Narnia or the Bible?

I get confused about the difference between books with talking animals in.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

- 1 Cor 2:14