I'm 22

I'm 22
How fucked am I?

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p fucked robert

>mfw my father has a better hairline at 53 than me at 22

Just buzz it.
Lose your earthly attachment.

pray the mohawk gets back in fashion

i would normally say you just have a bad hairline, but you can see the hair thinning at the forehead. im sorry user, i hope you have a good jawline.

get a transplant

I just remembered I had a nightmare where I was bold

oh, fuck, b-but the hair on my forehead feels strong...
anyone actually tried this?

Get over it and move forward with your life.

my friend did (won't be posting his photo) but the change is incredible

you can either get jewed out of it in America/the UK but my mate went to Turkey to have it done. Their transplant clinics are on par with Harley Street doctors, it cost him about £3000 in total but looks incredible

But the bombs, user?
I don't want to risk my life just for fuller hair.


when you get those small hairs at the front of your hairline, its a slow descent into male pattern baldness most of the time.

Get on finasteride ASAP to keep what you have and then get a transplant when you're 30+.

can't finasteride fuck up your prostate or something?

Invest in a good hat and you will be fine.

going bald without at least trying fin is a mistake imo, it's perfectly fine for most people

you need a big skull to look good in a hat, that guy in your pic looks like shit because of his pea sized skull

I habe never seen tim pool without a hat.

>can't finasteride fuck up your prostate or something?

Finasteride was originally developed as a drug to treat prostate cancer, so if anything it will prevent problems with your prostate. There is a risk of developing sexual impotence but it is small, 1.3% of men on Finasteride become impotent but 0.9% of men who don't use it become impotent anyway. So there is only a 0.4% chance it will effect you.

If you are serious about treating hair loss use the 'big three' drugs in a combination. These are finasteride pills, minoxidil foam and nizoral shampoo. You take one finasteride pill a day, use minoxidil foam twice a day and nizoral shampoo once a week. Get the generic versions because they are cheaper.

Finasteride reduces the DHT in you blood stream, minoxidil increases blood flow on your scalp and helps hair grow and nizoral reduces the testosterone on your scalp to prevent DHT build up (but nizoral is topical so ONLY reduces testosterone on your scalp area).

I started going bald two years ago, jumped on the big three and have not had any hair loss since then. Have not experienced any side effects either.

I've been on finasteride for 3 years now. 1 mg every day.

I use PROSCAR that is like 8€ for 4-5 months (you need recipe) and split the tablet in five. Really cheap.

Its not effective to everybody. I got lucky and the results are outstanding.

My dermatologist have been using it for 20 years every day. If you maintain the 1mg dose nothing bad will happen.

did you grow back some of the hair or just stopped the loss?

>My dermatologist have been using it for 20 years every day.
How is his hair?

That's because a lot of hair related genes are on the x chromosome. Look at your moms parents for reference to your future. Not your dad

Post it and blur his face

it re-grew a little at the back of my head. Once a hair follicle is dead it cannot grow back but there is a short period after the hair stops growing but before it the follicle fully dies when it can be saved and return to full growth.

>Have not experienced any side effects either.

I misspoke here. One side effect I have experienced is a massive growth of light vellus hair all over my body. That can be a pain in the ass as I now have to pluck hair off my ears.

that's fucked up, dude


>Once a hair follicle is dead it cannot grow back but there is a short period after the hair stops growing but before it the follicle fully dies when it can be saved and return to full growth.
MPB doesn't kill the follicle (which is why trannies can make a full recovery from a NW7 with HRT). Slick bald spots probably won't grow new hair, but if there still is visible hair, it can thicken back up.

grow a beard, it offsets baldness

Seriously, just cut your dick.
It will grow your hair.

do you go by Triton? if so, worry less about your hairline and more about the fact that you wear dad jeans everywhere

>think I'm fucked
>see this


A friend of mine went to Turkey as well for a hair transplant and I can confirm the result was incredible few monthes after. He's super happy now. It changed his life. I did not realize how obsessed he was with his hair loss.
Apparently they shave your hair before the surgery (1-2mm) though, so you will need to wear a cap or something I guess.

Shave it


how does that make any sense if he was balding hair wouldnt grow there at all. im pretty sure its just hair thats fallen out growing back

Wings is better than overall thinning. Get on fin and minox and you might survive your 20s. Get a girl sooner rather than later.

>I'm 22

Every day there is another balding guy that needs to be told he is entirely normal among baldlets.

That's how hair loss works. When you lose hair, they grow back thinner and shorter each cycle until you're bald. You don't actually "lose" the hair. It just becomes too thin, short and light.

You might be a good candidate for a hair transplant but be aware it's not the magical end-all be-all response to balding. Remember that you will continue to lose your hair in the areas that have not had fresh folicles transplanted into them, so you could wind up with a gnarly scar on the back of your head and a weird isolated patch of hair on the front of your head. Just do some hard research before you commit to a transplant. I'm sure it could work out well but it's good to have a realistic view of how these things work.

Anyway, get on finasteride. The chance of side effects is super low and reversible once you get off the drug for like 98% of people from what I've heard. Try it out, it's super cheap. I've been on it for about 9 months and i think for a brief while I had a lower libido but everything seems fine now.

are we just gonna ignore that nose?

You needn't worry, more than half of all males will have male pattern baldness at some point in their lifetime. Others start as early as 18, others start at 45 or later.


Tried asking mom if grandpa on her side was bald. She danced around the question.

I have more arm hair at 18 than my dad does at 49, his dad is 73 and still has almost all of his hair, and basically hairless arms and legs. Genetics is strange like that.

It's the other way around, try wearing a hat with a big head and you look ridiculous. So many hats don't even fit my head and when they do they just emphasize the big forehead small jaw thing.

didn't think Harry Styles would ever post here

harrys hair has been looking better i wonder if he got on the meds.

also if i remmember correctly the likeliness of developing impotence goes up the longer you use fin,

You can't know.

Don't worry about the recession at the timples. It could just be a maturing hairline. Start worrying once you notice your hair thinning. Not just receding

Honestly, I think this is bro science.

I have the same pattern of hair loss as my dad and his dad.

I want my hair back man. Really scared of side effects. I already have gyno from puberty so I don't want to worsen that shit. Yeah I'm going for surgery when I have the money, I want them man titties gone. It's not bad at all, very small, but when I stand under a bright light you see shadows under my nipples. Not cool.

My body is a mess. Should have been a woman.

nah those are baby hairs, women have those too
nothing to do with balding

shave your head chemo-core is very in at the moment

Dont worry about it. Balding can suck but no one actually cares. Hasn't hurt my chances with women either.
Find a hair styles that works, dont go too strong into comb over territory.
Shaving your head is the cowards way out.
Also hit the gym, anything looks good if it has good muscle tone.
Watch this, it'll make you feel better. youtube.com/watch?v=pXOK-ZVJMaU

>Honestly, I think this is bro science.
>I have the same pattern of hair loss as my dad and his dad.

I'm 28 and not balding, but I'm Asian, so I guess Asians usually don't have that male pattern balding thing.

Sorry Op, but hey, at least you're not a manlet and have a good paying job right?

embrace the bald. buy a beanie.

Your hair is thick. I would not worry about it. You don't know what real baldness is

>Shaving your head is the cowards way out.


>tfw Vageta/Jack Nicholson hairline
I feel ya bro

Harry Styles' hairline/pattern. You still have thick hair with a NW2-2.5 hairline. Get on fin to keep what you have, hope for regrowth, and maybe get a transplant when you're older and your hair loss has stabilized if it still bothers you.

theyre on par with Harley Street according to who?

Look most cosmetic surgery is not massively complicated so there's a decent chance a third world surgeon can do it on the cheap. What you're paying for at a reputable place is the aftercare and peace of mind - if your mate has problems good luck getting them seen to.

Putain Vico est toi? Olala c'est la vie mon ami

have youi tried dieting down and becoming a trap? then you could legitimetaly wear a fabulous wig without embarrassment desu

Yep that sample of one tells you everything you need to know about the continent of asia, jesus h christ how can people be this retarded in the year 2017

u ded

Why is my hair line so shite family?

nobody but this board actually cares
look up harry styles

Majority of men are bald or balding at 60. Its inevitable for most user.
>anecdotal evidence is valid
No, the x chromosome hosts most major hair related genes. That said, male pattern baldness has other factors like diet, health and (more importantly) male sex hormones. You got fucked because of your androgens f.amm

Mine's like that but with the onset of thinning at the front. I'm just holding out with a hairstyle that works with the hairline until the thinning becomes too dire and then I'll shave it. In the meantime I'm working out so I can get do a decent muscle mass and bf% so the buzzed/shaved look is convincing.

I guess another piece of advice is to get shorter haircuts to get more used to the shape of your head in case it goes south in future.

If you visit Istanbul you can see an insane amount of guys who just had a hair transplant. Their scalps are all bloody and crusty. I've heard good things about their transplants. They're cheap because hair transplants are a lot of dumb handwork, but in Turkey a nurse is allowed to do that.