Haven't had one of these in a while, it's effin hot outside and it's May
Sandals General
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So instead of the thin sandals they usually have, Teva came out with a thicc version: the Original Universal Premier
Even though they're apparently a reissure of sandals that came out in 1984, they look like a direct response to Suicoke. They do look comfy as fuck and are significantly cheaper. Is this the new Suicoke alternative?
Name of the ones in OP?
What suicoke models do you guys find most appealing? I'm interested in getting a pair of depa v2s
I like the shaco but its a different look than the depa
suicoke kisee v.
Moto VS remind me of the Visvim Christos. Not strictly sandals though.
Can anyone explain the sizing on suicokes?
My friend told me his depa-v's were like two whole sizes smaller than his Vans. There's other people that have said otherwise however.
Also, has anyone tried the suicoke fakes off taobao?
Suicoke MOTO-VS
Came to ask the same question, whether it's TTS or not.
Another question, are the Suicokes on Rakuten legit? They look too good to be true based on price, but a couple sellers say they're authorized dealers.
I own depa-v1's and they fit tts.
Also wouldnt trust rakuten, If you want some suicokes go to all the shops they list on their instagram. lots of restocks going on for the summer season.
Second hand prolly grailed
Wow I thought the first ones were obvious, but now I found these. Teva is really upping their game and ripping Suicoke.
Affordable suicoke-like sandals for all of effay
are jesus sandals autismo or cool?
if so, are leather or or these nylon (or whatever they are) ones better?
I feel like I've been seeing them more on here lately
shit ton of deals on suicokes at this site
What the fuck is wrong with the sizing? How is a US13 the same as 44.
boy this site is sketchy as hell. like a ross/marshalls for high end clothing. no thx. have fun getting suicokes with missing stitching
not sure about the sizing they didn't have my size at all also yea these prices may be too good to be true
just order the kisee v (from the legit site)
not sure if i should have went w/ the depa-v2 instead
depa v2 on the right
shit i mean on the left*
I like how the kisee is a little clunkier. But I generally don't wear slim silhouette footwear. I frankly find the depa a little boring. They also seem harder to pull off with socks. Motos look great but I'm not a fan of the shower flip flop trend. But whatever I'm just some random faggot. I'm sure you'll be happy with what you got.
thanks man, I agree for the most part i went w/ the kisee cause they are a little more out there depas looks p similar to tevas
Pajeet/Mudslime tier
thinking about getting these. think they look a little techy. thoughts?
Yeah I knew it was too good to be true. Grailed has good prices but there isn't much selection. There were a couple cheap ones posted to eBay but they could be fake too.
Anyway, I'm leaning towards the Tevas in this post. Before they came out it used to only be a choice between the thin classic Tevas and Suicokes which made me never buy sandals. If I got Suicoke at full price I'd likely want to baby them, but with Tevas I wouldn't be afraid to hike them and jump in the water with them, you know... do summer things. I do love the vibram sole/ripple on the Suicoke, that's always been my favourite part though.
Right forgot one thing about the Suicokes I don't like, the bumps on the sole. Are they comfortable/helpful? Do they affect wearing them for long periods/distances?
They look cool (although they do cover a lot of foot, but they probably have some sort of tech behind them I don't know about). Get them if you have techy/sporty stuff to go with it. I do think they'd pop nicely with a white tee and some black trousers though.
Which colour would you get Veeky Forums? Teva Canada only has the grey/black, END is the only place I've found the blue for some reason. The only white sole option for men is the bright yellow, probably my least favourite.
For some reason women get different colour options, with lots of white soles and olive: teva.com
can people tell me the appeal of suicoke? comfy? good construction?
they look nice
is that a fact?
rakuten is legit
if you are in between sizes or your normal shoe size is snug, go up
you can find suicoke sandals on yahoo auctions japan for much cheaper than international retailers
Anybody knows if there's a sandal kinda like milano but with the strap on the back being like elastic/neoprene.
I'm basically looking for something like the qasa sandals but without the autistic sole (and maybe more breathable)
Rakuten just weirds me out because the majority of the listings say "suicock", "sui cook", etc. yahoo jp/buyee is definitely legit though and better than Grailed for secondhand pairs.
I'm already set on the blue colour and Depa, but which one is bugging me. The thinner sole is cheaper but just looks so flat. The thick sole looks incredibly comfy and cool, but I'm super skinny and don't have much loose stuff to pair it with so it might look clunky and out of place on me.
to be fair, some sellers on rakuten are not legit. it's essentially like dealing with ebay, but with a higher likelihood you'll get the real thing. and nah, the depa is a good choice if you're skinny anyway. it's not bulky at all. plus the two tone sole helps break it up a little. also fwiw, i fit tts for suicokes
>are jesus sandals autismo or cool?
If you like em wear em my dude
Id on these sandles?
Try reading the thread.
Don't wear sandals.
Don't expose your feet.
Are Chaco's effay? How do they compare to Teva and other brands in terms of quality/durability? I hear the "custom" Chacos are made in the US and better quality than the standard order ones and I'm having trouble making any of the custom options look good.
huaraches anybody?
if i didn't already have the og tevas i'd jump on this. thicc soles make the difference
fuck not but
Chaco's are for legit backpackers/party in thailand peeps.
I wear Tevas, that's what I've noticed lol
I just bought these
From the photos they sent me, they look pretty fucking decent.
those look good.
how'd u size?
Chacos are sturdier than Tevas and I do prefer them for hiking longer periods of time.
The custom Chacos are the same quality as the old ones, as most of them are now made in China instead.
Only get those custom ones, otherwise just get Teva Hurricane XLTs vs Terra Fis for the price.
Which one to get top or bottom?
Any good sandal brands that come in big sizes?
>tfw UK 13 ;_;
Is suicoke on Amazon legit? Or is it just chinkshit with worse quality than other retailers?
I really wish yall would stop trying to go the cheap/easy route for high-end clothing. just pay the 40 more dollars for the guaranteed shit without fuckd up stitching or defective products
i agree w/ but amazon stuff is usually legit
I would buy the more expensive pair, but they're a gift and I don't like people spending a shit ton of money on me
Not one input on colour? wwyd anons?
I actually like the yellow. But I guess it depends on how you're going to style it.
I'm looking for a cool pair pls post more
i like the grey pair it would be versatile and not as boring as black
alternative to suicokes
pic related
then fuck off cuck
This was a godsend, thx for the info
ordered these birks, not sure what to wear with them but the color is pretty nice
So many good pairs of feet in this thread, I want em on my dick
Thanks Veeky Forums