What drives a man to absolute political obscurity?
What drives a man to absolute political obscurity?
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Political ambition.
Being true to his beliefs I guess, in his case.
he was on the losing side but wasnt involved in a war, so nobody remembers
it's like asking the general american public who william jennings bryan was. he was all over the place in his time but nobody remembers him now
Wouldn't quite put Mosley into the same category as William Jennings Bryan.
Why is he a meme here?
Just the normal variability you find amongst people, I guess. It's like with a bell curve.
The more important question is: what has to happen or not to happen that these people end up with a huge following instead of just being shitposters, kooks or standing on the street and shaking a bell, yelling "The end is nigh!"
Some German on /pol/ turned him into a meme and into the face of the "Eternal Anglo" who hates "Aryan" people as much as the Jews...
the eternal anglo meme was brought over from /pol/, mosley posting in general was brought over from /gsg/ on Veeky Forums, and he was literally a meme
Shit situations.
Nobody calls for a revolution if everything's going fine
The delicious irony that everyone misses of course is that Moseley spent the war in prison or house arrest for fear of him leading a pro-Nazi uprising, yet is memed as the enemy of the Nazis, while Dolph Lundgren was openly banging the shit out of Grace Jones, yet is portrayed as some great savior of the white race.
It's actually quite brilliant, but goes straight over the heads of the braying donkeyboys who just mindlessly throw it out when they see a union flag or the word "English".
It's a meme, you dip.
Are you suggesting that memes can't be ironic or satirical?
No, but your willingness to go in a detail for this meme is retarded.
>2 paragraphs
Yep, sure is summer...
Heck, not even paragraphs. 2 sentences.
Its actually some t*rkroach doing it
Eternal anglo meme is basically just a new form of "perfidious Albion" and that's centuries old.
You got in detail about Dolph's wife and how is her being black makes the eternal Anglos meme ironic.
Why did he choose this shitty superhero flag? Fascists are supposed to be classy and his personal looks were classy.
SS had a similar symbol. What a coincidence!
>Fascists are supposed to be classy
Doesn't look bad honestly
Fascism at is core is an aesthetic movement, bringing at and performance into the political sphere. also related is the idea of "artistic terrorism" which coloured a lot of right wing terrorist groups in the post-war.
Kant's idea of the sublime/negative-sublime being at the core of fascist thought
It's easy to cherrypick.
Show me a bunch of neo-nazis standing together looking good
>not white trash
Fascists of the 30s and 40s=/=neo nazis
You tend to lose a lot of high status followers when you get defeated and subsequently discredited on a worldwide scale.
I know, but the thing is fascism still exists. Its followers just happen to be inbrd.
I mean you don't have to look hard to find pictures of multiple appropriately-dressed, neatly groomed people at a healthy weight of more mainstream ideologies. But I have yet to see any large amount of fascists standing together in recent decades where a significant portion of them aren't fat, poorly groomed and/or dressed like retards.
They're also always massive sausage fests, but I suppose that was true in the 30s and 40s as well.
All political ideologies are sausage fests because they're not facebook or doctor who.
That's because any facist with a brain knows not to reveal his power level around normies
Just like people that are openly racist
Only the dumbest of them think it's cool to identify as facist
The social consequence of advocating fascism publicly is social ostracization and the loss of employment. So you typically only see low status people advocating for fascism and that helps further denigrate fascists, and so it's amplified.
Proper fascism does not exist today, no.
Else it would be represented somehow in politics.
And no, Trump is not a fascist.
Mosley was a great man:
One sentence, that is common knowledge, isn't detail kiddo. It's ironic because in the meme, he's portrayed as the heroic Nazi saving the white race, while in real life, actual neo-Nazis (like the memesters pretend to be) should hate him for fucking a black woman.
>in before "hurrrr why you go so much detail durrr"
Telling the plebs they are cucked by jews
founding a fringe party is generally speaking a bad idea.
founding a fringe party that was soon seen as traitorous by most brits is beyond bad.
I want to like this guy but I'm Irish ;_;
Mosley is pro-Irish, called Churchill on his black & tans malarky and supported a united Ireland.
I still don't like him because you know, fascism. But he still deserves some respect for that.
He lost, but he didn't lose hard enough to be remembered.
>I still don't like him because you know, fascism. But he still deserves some respect for that.
I think that's one of the reasons why Mosely is such a fascinating a memeable figure for Veeky Forums.
It's not just that he was a Fascist, it's that he was a morally and intellectually serious person who thought this was the answer, and was willing stand by his principles.
Compare that to some of the other minor fascists, and you have a butthurt hypocrite in O'Duffy, the reptilian Quisling, Mosley stands out.
I suspect if the Germans occupied England, Mosely would manage to get himself shot.
You gotta ease into it, we're getting there.