how low will Target's stock go? i see alot of people saying stuff like 'the drop in share isn't all due to trannies, all retail stocks are down, correlation =/= causattion etc. i'd imagine this whole debacle could turn off alot of customers.
TGT - TS bathroom policy
my solution would be no separate bathrooms everyone use the same bathrooms no piss stands everyone piss in toilets. problem solved good for any one gender or all hundred thousand of them that facebook can come up with.
but i could peek through the cracks in the door...
I don't think it is. For every customer who is turned off by the idea, there's someone else who loves Target now.
VfaULOY3 yes but i would think that christian conservatives with lots of kids spend more money at big chain stores than barren-wombed SJWs do
And that can all change. SJWs have a lot of money.
i wouldn't rush to buy the dip personally. it could take longer to go up than it took to go down. we wont know if the boycott had any effect until their 2Q numbers come out.
i was under the impression that SJWs had worthless degrees and only spent money at hip, independent downtown businesses
>that SJWs had worthless degrees
100% true. Yet, they live in hip and trendy neighborhoods that cost $3K+ a month, while only working 20 hours a week at starbucks. They're loaded, but with their parents money.
>at hip, independent downtown businesses
Also 100% true. But there's some stuff (stationary, pillows, etc) they don't sell, where they need to go to large stores. Target is going to be first on their list now. There's also a very large possibility of endorsements, or continued endorsements, which will attract the type that don't understand why SJWs think the way they do, but they do it because it's trendy and they want to fit in crowd. They're not releasing this policy to feel good, they're doing it to make money.
i have a short position on this stock so i hope it dips a lot more!
btw i would be much more creeped out by a gay dude checking out m junk than a woman. and nothing stops gays and lesbians from predatory spying in the current traditional setup. so i don't quiet get the need for separate toilets.
in fact if the mens room has no soap i just go to the womens room. these "magical runes" depicting boys and girls have little power over me.
This stock dip will see a correction immediately when boycotts stop, if not sooner.
Normalfags are such adoreable creatures.
men make up the vast majority of sexual predators whether gay or straight. lesbian sexual predators are rare.
I don't give a shit about Target's bathroom policies, but minions are a cancer on our society and you should feel bad for propagating this disease.
normalfags make up the majority of Target's customer base and they are sick and tired of being bullied by a small but very vocal contingent of sicko hobbits who live on the internet
the boycott will never end
normalfags don't even know we exist dude
okay this meme might be more your style since you're so fuckin cool
>target with less middle aged women floating around aimlessly
maybe ill try going there again.
Doesn't have fuck all to do with their bathroom policy. Retail has been getting hammered this quarter.
Go look at the 1 month charts for JCP, JWN, M, ROST etc. and take your faux outrage back to /pol/
Hows this:
>3 bathrooms. One men, one women, one coed.
Problem solved. Once again mukraking politicians blowing uo problems that dont exist
Much better.
Lol you're so clueless
segregation is not politically correct
i dont get what the big deal about this recently is. im sure passable trannies have been using the restrooms they want to for years now its only the ones like m to f who refuse to shave their beards etc who people dont want using the womens restroom
A couple of ideas.
First, I think the media has been overly focused on this because there has been recent 9/11 classified documents that have had more information declassified. A lot of the information makes the event look shady but the media hasn't given it a lick of coverage while it seems like every other hour is a debate about Target's policy.
Retail sectors have been getting hit in general this past month, it's hard to determine how much of an effect this policy would have. I figure for every customer lost there's probably one gained that is in favor of LGBT rights.
Unless there are huge predatory issues documented over these coming months I do not see Target's earnings tanking because of this policy. This could very well be a good dip to create a position in.
Of course you shouldn't buy or sell TGT soley because of recent events, it's important to actually research the company, read the 10K and get an idea of the direction they're headed.
This Wednesday will be interesting. My armchair guess is that if TGT misses they'll probably experience continued losses as these events pile against them but I don't think it'll kill their long term outlook. If they beat there will probably be a small gain, nothing crazy.
Do you realize the capital burden you'd place on small businesses to make sure they had 3 bathrooms?
most small business here only has coed and it works fine to be honest. only large institutions where the toilets see lot of traffic can afford to think about separate bathrooms.
What did I say that was wrong?
OP here. could you please share my Minions memes with your facebook friends? much appreciated.
Marxist destruction of the capitalist system has taken another victim.
not sure what you mean by this. boycotting isn't anti capitalism. presumably the boycotters are spending their money at other capitalist retailers instead. Target is trying to shove cultural marxism down their customers' throats for some bizarre reason. i would think that large companies would want to steer clear of anything remotely controversial. they're fuckin' done bud. wait til their 2Q numbers come out!
Identity politics ≠ class politics. The issue of transgender bathrooms have nothing to do with class struggle, so Marxists and all other radical leftists aren't particularly interested in that. While they may support it for other reasons, such as their ethical system, their economic and political ideology is not one of them.
Identity politics is a bourgeois contrivance used to distract the working class from class consciousness. Most radical leftists, myself included, consider this transgender bathroom issue to be a tangential distraction from class politics and thus an impediment to our goal of ending capitalism. Radical leftists would much rather the working class unite under their common class interests than to bicker about transgender rights while the capitalist pigs continue to exploit us all.
Sorry, deluded /pol/ freak, but you'll have to find a better explanation than "muh Cultural Marxism" for this event, especially when a significant portion of radical leftists themselves consider trans* to be a mental disorder or a product of capitalist alienation which will disappear in a postcapitalist society.
the uneducated working class despise people like you far more that they do their capitalist overlords. i am assuming you've never actually interacted with any. 'ending capitalism'? please. stop wasting your time with these pipe dreams. you need to develop some marketable skills and get a life.
I used to work at Target in Canada before they fucked off. I wish only bad things for the company.
cultural marxism is real
What a surprise, false-conscious proles despise those who they are trained to hate by their masters because they lack the necessary and sufficient skills to appreciate the message or understand their own conditions.
I am a member of the proletariat. I interact with fellow workers on a daily basis.
>top wasting your time with these pipe dreams. you need to develop some marketable skills and get a life.
I'm not a defeatist classcuck and bootlicker like you, and your advice is worth exactly nothing to me.
>muh Nazi conspiracy theory
What's next? Antisemitic conspiracy theories? Grow up and learn economic theory.
they don't despise you because they've been brainwashed, they despised you because you're a weak faggot and your ideas, if actually implemented, could only lead to destruction. just vote for Trump, ok?
>I don't know anything
>I'm manlier than you
>vote for master
Kill yourself forthwith. Alternatively, come find me. I have no problem personally killing you myself, classcuck.
>They're not releasing this policy to feel good, they're doing it to make money.
/co/mrade here.
You see, since Disney bought Marvel, they have tried to push all kind of progressive stuff for that exact reason, made money. We have an arab super hero girl (Ms Marvel, which is actually a decently fun comic), a pregnant super hero girl, thor now is a girl, captain murica! is black, redesigns moving away from swinsuit uniforms to "practical" regular clothes uniforms, and so on.
Their little experiment have proven something: SJW may have a lot of money, but they won't put it where their mouth is. All want to look progressive and will nod and tip at any effort to pander to them, but they will still spend money wherever is more convenient. You can create a bar with TG bathrooms, organic drinks and lots upon lots of dykes and faggots working on the staff, and receive thunderous claps from all the campus, but at the end of the night, the SJW will spend money on your regular Chippendale and strip clubs
Most of the SJW is just a hypocrite movement fighting for a good public image for themselves and nothing more.
Mummy and Daddy's money.
whatever, bub. you're gonna be sorry when Donald J Trump gets elected and the 1000 year Trumpenreich commences and you're dragged away to a government facility and put on trial for your counter-trumpen activities. i don't know why you're even posting your commie trash on /biz anyway. adults are trying to discuss topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc over here. jeez.
you need to work on your anger issues.
>implying I care about your delusional fascist masturbation fantasies
I can guarantee you that I know more about how capitalism works than you do. You are in no place to even pretend that you understand how capitalism works.
It isn't an "anger issue" to have a rational opposition to a belief system and its adherents which poses an existential threat to the planet and everything on it, including the entire human race. Anger and violence is a fully rational response to such an exigent danger to life, liberty, and happiness.
sad. i am going to pray for you.
just sad.
Have fun wasting your time. Meanwhile, I'll seek to build a better world.
ok go for it. meanwhile, i will be waiting right here for you in this thread, ready to graciously accept your apology when you finally realize the error of your ways. hope to see u sooner rather than later! TRUMP 2016. Go with Christ, brother.
This is Veeky Forums. Adults are trying to discuss topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc. over here. Stop bringing your retarded delusional political fantasies into it. Anyway, /pol/acks are generally unemployed untermenschen degenerates who like to circlejerk in "happening!!1!!!!11!!!!!111" threads. Veeky Forums in not the place for legally retarded manchildren such as yourself.
> NFLX dropped to $50/share
> didn't have the money
> F dropped to $2/share
> didn't have the money
> TGT dropping
> have the money
It feels like a trap
Target is female-supremacist... just look at the tiny men's clothing section way over in the corner, like the next thing they'll do is push it out of the store.
So now men can walk into the woman's bathroom and violate one of their holiest of holies - sort of like penetrating a vagina. I say make a mess. Remind women that their insane voting choices and societal impact has led to this.
How can this be anything but positive?
>this is what beta classcucks seriously believe
kill urself my man
>kill urself my man
Not when I'm this close... got your mom on the line bro