Were you born into your religion or did you convert to it?
Religion poll
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Nobody is born knowing the way out of Plato's cave.
Doesn't matter desu.
I chose pantheism since it was the closest, though not a perfect fit.
Atheism doesn't actually make sense. We can acknowledge the existence of gods — gods exist like good and evil do. It is relative, but relativity does not disprove its existence, rather it proves the complexity of its existence. God is a symbol of our language that has a powerful meaning — it means that which you deem to have unbeatable power.
>Were you born into your religion
I don't have a religion, just a philosophy. I don't need tenets to dictate my spirituality. My mother is Protestant and my father closest resembles an atheist Luciferian, for whatever that's worth. I was never told to believe anything. I was barely given a basic discipline to follow while growing up. I formed my own based on what life needed from me and from what I wanted.
>God is a symbol
are you too autistic to see how this is not the same as God existing?
All of language is symbolic. Your reality is illusion but you still take it as the reality. Gods exist and also don't.
I voted deism but am more anxiety ridden agnostic.
>atheist Luciferian
So non-practicing muslim?
I was born into the Roman Catholic faith and raised as such. I left the faith when i turned 19 and I feel i should go back but my mind tells me not to.
I guess I'd say "Deism" but I do tend to have a more "Atheistic" view about life in general. (if that makes any sense) I've gotten to the point where I really don't give a shit either way. I tend to avoid any religious/esoteric conversations etc. But I wouldn't say I'm "fedora tier".
People can believe whatever they like as far as I'm concerned, just keep it away from me please. I want no part.
>my mind tells me not to
>my mind
user... James 4:7
oh shit
I was born in the atheist faith.
Quranist muslim here.
I was born into a Sunni family and went through an agnostic phase when I was 14. Philosophy and theology helped me with my faith. I realized that islam has been corrupted by the hadiths, "reported claims" which usually contradict the Quran or advocate for superstitions.
Oh my.......thanks user
That's nice to hear. I studied Islam a lot for a while, and I really enjoyed the Quran, but the hadithat turned me off of Islam as it is widely practiced.
I was born into a nominal Sikh family, but essentially raised without religion and lived as an Atheist most of my life. Now I'm in the process of becoming a Sikh.
>Now I'm in the process of becoming a Sikh.
>1 vote
baka kys desu senpai
> One hindu nuffin
Where are you bhaiya
Because man does not live by bread alone.
If you want a logical reason, I can't give you any. Sorry.
hmmm. Why not become something different than?
Not the guy you are replying to and l don't mean to hound you with questions. Just curious.
>Jehovah's Witnesses
>1 vote
baka kys desu fampai
if you don't tolerate my beliefs you're literally hitler
But user, Christ is the bread of life (Jn 6:35).
>this board is only 36% atheist
feels good
Here's another one of the recent polls
Are your parents JW's?
>182 votes
>3 votes
Is role-playing fun guys?
apatheist for life
Again, no logical reason. I just fell in love with Sikhism and stayed, it gave me an impetus for life that I personally wasn't able to get when I studied other religions(not attacking other religions).
If you can find it in Jesus, then good for you brother.
Can we have a Veeky Forums World Parliament of Religions? Can it be a regular thing? Religious study is the best.
It was a dialogue of faiths, first in Chicago, 1893. It was spearheaded by a New Church dude and chaired by a Presbyterian, but invited various representatives from around the world. The first meeting included members from Theravada, Pure Land Buddhism, Zen, Jainism, Islam, and a few New Age movements, among others. I think they've recently revived the Parliament, and its a regular thing now.
And the point is?
Fun, the opportunity to educate yourself on other faiths, and the fostering of inter-religious cooperation.
I've been Agnostic/Congregationalist for a while, but I'm thinking of checking out the Orthodox church. I don't really have a problem with their infant baptism because I would personally be baptized as an adult, or their stance on other controversial issues because none really affect me.
I'm planning to sit in on Sundays for a few weeks to see if it feels right. Should I pick Greek or Russian? How does the distinction affect one's experience in the church? How do I get my language lessons?
Born into orthodox christianity, currently agnostic
Please don't fall for the meme.
>anything other than Jewish Master Race
Christianity = cuck-tier
Hinduism = poo-tier
Islam = warlord-tier
Mormonism = fanfic-tier
Buddhism = white millennial-tier
Scientology = cult-tier
Judaism = rich banker-tier
>In speaking of a new covenant, He makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.
Hebrews 8:13
Why'd you stop using that funky combined AE thing?
sup cuck?
top cuck
Born into Islam. Generally an agnostic, however I teeter on the edge of just converting to Christianity, not out of a belief in god, but rather a belief that religion, specifically Christianity, instills values. All other religions to me are too alien, ethnic, or I have my reasons for disliking them
It's too aggressive in all caps and it looks cringier than I thought it would. I'm just using a trip so I'm not confused as a protestant to be honest.
>the irony
Is there a more btfo religious group in the world?
don't you have some muslims to fellate, cuck?
You're not welcome here.
Oh, I kinda liked how it looked, very distinctive, but I can see your point there. Even though I don't much care for you as a poster.
>christcucks getting triggered
But David, you're the one who got "cucked" by the muslims, not my Holy Church.
>“So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you. And you shall say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips. “‘Cut off your hair and cast it away; raise a lamentation on the bare heights, for the Lord has rejected and forsaken the generation of His wrath.’
Jeremiah 7:27-29
Why don't you go back wailing at the wall as it was prophesied in Scripture?
mods! arrest him!
>atheist are a minority
we /rel/ now
>he thinks Christians have a problem with this image
>he thinks we don't know that the last will be first and the first will be last
Are protestants christians?
This inane bullshit is what makes me hate browsing Veeky Forums.
No, they're protestants.
Protestantism itself is a deep heresy, but there are many Protestants who are good Christians and don't know any better. These are to be pitied and then accepted.
>Christcucks literally get sick pleasure from being dominated, humiliated, and cucked
holy shit
Protestants are the closest people to being true Christians, since they don't go on about eternal hellfire like hypocritical bastards.
>Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Romans 5:1-5
>they don't go on about eternal hellfire
>muh victim complex
>muh persecution complex
top kek
christcucks truly are the most pathetic of religions
>The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:18
Is the Bahá'í Faith persian Mormonism?
Raised by atheists.
They toyed with Buddhism/Taoism. But I adopted none of the dogma, which they pretty much kept to themselves.
I had one bad acid trip where I encountered demonic forces. But I was fucked out of my skull so that doesn't count.
So I remain in the default state, free of superstitions.
In short: born into Atheism, didn't convert to any religion.
>I had one bad acid trip where I encountered demonic forces.
go on...
>2000 years later
>jews are still raging
Eh, you know the nitty-gritty of these things is impossible explain.
I kept seeing pentagrams, in the fabric of my blankets, in the lights when I'd close my eyes... I was 16 at the time. My mom decided the best course of action would be take me to the local hospital. Which happened to be a Catholic one. I sat in a hallway facing a full-on crucifix, with Jesus nailed to the cross. As I stared at him, his hand started moving, beckoning me. To what I have no idea, but it was pretty freak to see dead Jesus beckoning me from his nailed hand.
Eventually saw a nurse. His hair took the form of demonic horns.
The next couple days I was in a strange zone. As I sat in my bed the or pet Chihuahuas were staring at me through the window. I was convinced that they were possessed.
I remembered some biblical passage that dictated that a possessed animal must be decapitated. I was torn over this one -- I loved Chico, and couldn't bring myself to do it. A day or two later I was pretty much a-ok. Chico survived.
>pet Chihuahuas were staring at me through the window
What did they look liek?
how do you know the world is an illusion?
Normal. But their stares were unsettling. They were just... watching AND THEY WOULDN'T STOP STARING.
It's fine to be skeptical. It's the next best thing to be, if you aren't capable of insight yourself.
Looking within and analyzing the creative processes behind all action (thought is action, too) while intuitively grasping the full picture.
Looks like Veeky Forums really is a christian board.
It really isnt you fag will fight amongst yourselves in time.
Not to mention you lose every substantive argument you are in.
>Not differentiating between proper Lutheranism and heretical Calvinism.
You just want me to mis-identify as a catholic or orthodox, do you? -_-
That image is stupid. Expecting you to actually prove your claims is not unreasonable, since you spend most of your time proselytizing here.
>prove your claims
Which ones?
Asatruar/celtic/KEK lover
>3 Baha'i
I don't believe you.
what do you mean?
No UU... Really?
How insecure can you be?
That's Protestant
>tfw christian board
feels good mang
I wonder what the ratio of actual Catholics to Deus Vult LARPers is
>not Sunni Islam
Your kind will be extinct
If Deus doesn't Vult what does Deus Vult?
Deum time et mandata eius observa hoc est enim omnis homo et cuncta quae fiunt adducet Deus in iudicium pro omni errato sive bonum sive malum sit. (Ecc 12:13-14)
>only 39% atheists