I have no idea what to major in

i have no idea what to major in

>Computer Science
enrollment has tripled in like two years, CS programs at every public school in my state are packed

>most types of engineering
would mean basically starting college over (i'm one year in) because i didn't take the full physics sequence already

need to go through the bullshit of becoming a CPA if you want the real work

>law school


>bullshit degree + computer science minor and hope for the best
mite b cool

nigga just major in accounting and get employed reliably

I was going for accounting but looking more into it looked like hell. is Information Systems good or just a meme

Guys, I'm going into IT Security. Did I make the right choice?

I'm looking into that with an Information Systems degree, also want to know

Where do you fit on the autism spectrum?

I was diagnosed as being mildly on the spectrum when I was, like, 13 but I think I could handle myself right now because at least I'm self-aware about it and I know how normal people function.

what's your location?

or better yet, where do you see yourself being located in for the next 10 years or so

>Environmental Science
Pretty good, you can get a job in a lot of energy companies now. Especially with the new interest in clean and sustainable energy.
If you work for the government, you get big bucks.

Useful as heck. If you go down the Ecology route, it blends really well with the above degree.

>Any financial degree
There will always be open careers, especially in accounting. Keep in mind, Economics is less appliance, more theory. If you want something you can apply to a career, go with Accounting, Finance, or Marketing.

>Computer Science
This major is getting more and more risky every year. Ask any kid at any high school in the US, pretty much 1/4 of them will say they could see themselves getting a Computer Science degree. Soon the market will be flooded with this degree. I would recommend Computer Engineering over this.

>Good luck, m8.
The world is what you make of it.

Go with Biology/Ecology and Environmental Science, if it interests you.

To expand upon when I was talking about
>the new interest in clean and sustainable energy.
Keep in mind, these types of companies also like Environmental Engineers.


Enjoy making 30k per year

Also opinion disregarded.

If you get a PhD, you are golden.

What about financing degrees, how do you guys feel about those?

Never go "General Biology."
That is just setting yourself up to get a low paying job.

Parents have a biochem pad and only make 200k a year.

Meanwhile I'm an Econ major 2 years out of a bachelors and make 110k.

You = retard

bumping these

Honestly, I know the exact right thing to major in but I won't tell you because I don't want you to know about it.

Why would someone want to make their life easier by telling someone the good degrees?

That is USA Today's job where they help shit down the job toilet and ruin everyones good time by telling the plebs where to go.

easier = harder not sure why I said easier

what business majors deal a lot with math?
I want to do something in business but I want something with a lot of math in it. Math just tickles my dick the right way and so far the only degrees that I had planned out were to go down the business route of Financing or Economics, or just take Computer science but I'm not sure I have enough of an interest in computers to go down that road.

Think about doing psychology - specifically Addictions counseling and/or children's counseling.

I'm about to finish my Associate degree in addictions counseling and going to a university for the undergrad in psychology and a master in clinical psychology. I also plan to get a Psy D. Doctorate.

This field is great as long as you get the master degree or higher. It pays decent at first (at the master level it's 60-80k a year, Psy doctorate is 80-100k) and as you continue to get experience you have a bunch of options you can do.

You can work anywhere you want, open your own practice, work for a large company, etc.

Addiction seems to continue to grow and there are more and more children with issues that need to be treated. It's a rewarding experience to be THAT person who helped turn things around for them.

Also, NPR rated the field the absolute least likely to become automated. A fucking robot isn't going to convince someone to stop slamming heroin and can't teach coping skills to kids.

One final thing, you get the master or doctorate you could always teach the stuff as well at the college level. So after 20 years, you get burned out helping people you can easily get a job teaching students in the field.


Pick one and enjoy a successful life with plenty of jobs to go around

Autism is right. Most of the IT security people I work with are stupid. They'll shut off the ticket system's reporting because muh threats. Or they'll shriek that SQL 2014 is a threat because it's 2016 and 2014 < 2016 (nevermind that 2016 is in beta and 2014 just had a service pack released). When you come to them with a real problem that's more complex than comparing years or completely crippling a product, their brains shut down.

I've thought about doing psychology because I might find it interesting, that and I like listening to people. On the other hand, education is an investment and I'm scared of making another bad decision.

Economics and Finance deal with a lot of math, especially Economics, as micro, macro, econometrics, applied economics, mathematical economics, time series econometrics etc. are very quantitative.

Or you could find a course who combines Mathematics and Finance.

Actuarial studies/science.
Statistics and finance
Math and Finance
Engineering and Finance

Is a Bachelor of Commerce a good degree?

I'm going into accounting
I've gotten accepted at university if Ontario for it which I only needed a mid70 for and btm at ryerson university
Do I go to university of Ontario for accounting for ryerson for btm and then switch to accounting 2nd year
I also heard that university if ontairio has better coop programs but ryerson has a more respectable degree

Btm= business tech management