How Jews was able to routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth like Rome Empire, Catholic Church and Nazi Germany?
How Jews was able to routinely outsmart the most well funded...
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By being the greater evil
>5 millions Jews in 1000 BC
>Mass conversions in Africa
>Mass immigration to atheist Europe
>Nigger Christians will nog out and eradicate the 12 remaining atheist Europeans from their stunted birth rates in your life time
>Stupid shitposts like OP's will never be made again
It's an interesting timeline, but it's off 93 plus 151 years due to rabbis in the third century AD compressing both the Babylonian empire and the Persian empire by those numbers, respectively. It's not 5776; it's 6020.
And Moses is 1446 BC, not 1351
Just because we've managed to survive does not mean we necessarily "outsmarted" anyone. Honestly how does the Bar Kokhba rebellion or the Holocaust fit into this scheme? The expulsion from Spain? We have gotten our asses handed to us repeatedly. Merely "surviving" isn't really very impressive. Ok, sure an elite minority of us are really really rich scumbags, and Ashkenazim have high average IQ. Our history is an atrociously boring series of disasters.
Aw, don't be so hard on yourself Schlomo.
Take some pride in your heritage; nearly all nations you've been in have hated your guts but you've still survived to this day
They are chosen.
By subverting the Roman empire and the Catholic Church with bribes. The heirarchy of Rome, and the subsequent heirarchy of the Catholic Church that was based on it, were highly vulnerable to corruption. Despite Rome cracking down on Jerusalem there were a lot of Jews in the Roman empire in high standing.
>Crusaders massacre its Jewish inhabitants
People still are spouting this nonsense?
>Israeli Ministry of Education
>People still are spouting this nonsense?
They invented Christianity and rotted it from the inside
>Catholic church
Self explanatory, it's their own invention
>Nazi Germany
They also invented the USSR that was able to absolutely crush the Germans.
Jews, you're either with them or you've already lost.
every fucking time
>But, even the Church itself by itself, because of its marvelous propagation, its exceptional holiness, and inexhaustible fruitfulness in all good works; because of its catholic unity and invincible stability, is a very great and perpetual motive of credibility, and an incontestable witness of its own divine mission.
Vatican I, Session 3, Chapter 3
how did they manage this? are they some kind of superhumans?
>Catholics say they're good
>This means Catholicism wasn't invented by Jews.
Being invented by Jews isn't even an insult, it's just a statement of fact.
Not really. With Rome and Christianity they more or less just got lucky.
With the modern world the triumph of the city dwelling bourgeoisie over the agrarian nobility was a massive victory for the Jews who generally worked in financial positions. As their wealth boomed their influence boomed with them.
Had the Jews consistently had their own state to be serfs in rather than living in the cities of other countries they probably wouldn't be half as powerful as they are now.
Pretty much this.
The power level of Jewish idealogy is of the charts. Not only can they create completly self-destructive idealogy but they are ones that the victims hold onto with a fucking death grip.
Case in point, the Christians still refuse to believe they are not just a Jewish scheme that went a little of hand.
How did Christianity serve the Jews when Christians persecuted Jews for so long?
Yeah, not to mention that it caused fractures among the Jews themselves as people began following Christ's teaching.
>... the most well funded...
And who do you think managed that funding?
It doesn't serve the Jews (until recently), it was just invented by Jews.
>we keep trying to wipe them out but they keep winning
i guess they are g*ds chosen