I'm seriously curious. If Walmart fucked up big time, like, did something so godawful that everyone just bailed on it, would it die or just get "Too Big to Fail" status?
Will Walmart and Facebook ever die?
We need replicators or their equivalent.
There were huge nation-spanning stores before Walmart that Walmark out-competed. As the market changes and new technology developes new players will come in and take shares of the market. Walmart might be around for a long time still, but they've only been around for about 50 years. These things can change fast. Crony capitalism and inept politicians meddling with the market mechanics can muck the whole process up, but change is inevitable.
A mere PR scandal will probably not do much. People don't trust the media anymore, it would have to be something that endangered or defrauded their customers in a very serious way-
Way to big to fail. Fundamentally ran small business into bankruptcy while turning all goods into mass produced China garbage. Today you can only buy a shitty blender at Walmart.
facebook is a bubble so it will eventually crash but most likely normalize around 60 and steadily drop over a decade to pretty much nil (myspace status) the business facebook sells is data mining.
walmart got TOO big and due to economies of scale, i hear they are operating at a loss and are being bailed out by their own employee's tax dollars. (whom are bailed out by walmart's tax dollars) (wonder how that works out) if the us becomes increasingly isolated in terms of trade (self inflicted in purpose) then wal mart would pretty much die but could stick around if no one wakes up in their vacuum.
nice ID. the bots are real
Walmart has a better chance of failure than Facebook IMHO. Remember how big Kmart was in the 90s? All it takes is one bad misstep to take down a retail giant. Retail is about more than margins now. It's also about convenience, which Amazon is killing WM at. I think FB's user base peaked a couple years ago. A lot of kids seem to have moved on newer social media sites like Instagram and apps like SnapChat. That being said, there's no way the jews are gonna let their posterboy Zucks get the shaft. Although the recent revelations about their news teams supressing conservative stories and lying about the "trending" status of liberal ones is undermine FB's credibility a lot. A huge part of social media is trusting a company with your info and that trust erodes the more they lie to your face
You know it BB
Smalltownfag master race.
Walmart will be replaced by amazon as more technological advances happen
I think facebook has set itself up for the future with multiple product lines and VR. Unless someone beats that, I don't think they'll be completely eliminated. It's not like myspace where they didn't adapt.
Instagram is owned by Facebook.
>Giving advice when you know jack shit
Did not know that.
Who's giving advice, though?
Zuckerberg already foresee that facebook are going to die, that's why He bought Instagram, WHatsapp for shitload of money because He knew those things are gonna be big in a couple of years, if not already is.
> too big to fail
Maybe Walmart, especially in small towns, the closing of Walmarts would be detrimental.
But Facebook could fail and the USA would hardly be affected.
Someone could replace Faceshit with something better in less than 1 year.
Have you heard about sony? Or yahoo?
Both are such colossal companies, yet, they have lost so much market, they are pretty much dead, but they keep running because the capital and some loyal investors and stuff. They are some sort of giant zombies. Think on sears, and how long it took for blockbuster to finally kick the bucket.
Sony and wal mart are on a similar path. They keep losing market share, and their profits are lower and lower each year, but they keep going on because they have so much capital to sustain their operations for several years at loss. However, their own size is what would kill them eventually. Even if they have a bazillion dollars on reserve, the operations also cost several millions, and money isn't infinite, so unless they do a U turn and hit the jackpot, they are going into bankrupt.
Unfortunately, the last "innovation" wal-mart announced (afaik), was adding a guy at the entrances to check the merchandise customer are carrying matches the receipt, which basically does nothing to alleviate their main problem (the convenience of buying on-line and receiving in your house the merchandise, rather than driving and dealing with shitty cashiers), so I'm afraid they are so out of touch, is just matter of time.
Yeah, they're way farther ahead of the curve than WalMart. The nature of their business has such a short half-life though that theyre gonna have to keep purchasing companies for huge valuations forever
>Zuckerberg already foresee that facebook are going to die, that's why He bought Instagram, WHatsapp
next social media craze will be uncensored retardedness, jew book and instajew censor too quickly and it's just a cluster fuck, eventually the non PC silent majority will just up and leave when they get censored for saying "bullshit" or "ass"
>What would we ever do without Sears? Even our kids will be shopping there!
Walmart honestly has no idea who they are as a company and are sitting dead in the market. Their success, and demise, were a product of the 90's to early 2000. I wouldn't give them much longer.
Amazon will get more credit than they deserve, but I believe it's Wal-Mart's mismanagement of their logistics that crippled them. Yes, shopping online is more convenient, but not everyone does it. People might be more persuaded to do so when every week they go to their local Walmart and the product they want still isn't on the shelf.
t. Logistics major
>too big to fail
All memes must die
I was staying there for work for about two months until the beginning of May.
There were some cute girls in that DQ... too bad they were all in highschool. :|
People go to Walmart because they need their wares.
If walmart were to dissapear over night, they would get their wares somewhere else.
At first it might be difficult since walmart tends to displace local stores so people would need to travel longer distances.
But that would provide an incentive to locals to start their own stores faster.
Walmart is not at all invincible. They went bankrupt in Germany a few years ago for example.
If the market changes and they fail to adapt, they will die.
Arguably their sheer mass and wealth might keep them surviving for years to come like IBM and Yahoo, but eventually they would not survive.
>t. college kid
Honestly, as soon as the edgy internet savvy types declare a company as uncool and used only by the dumb masses then there is probably no better indication that it's time to buy and go long
edgy internet savvy type reporting. deleted my fb recently because i realised there were too many normies and too much normie culture.
>closing of Walmarts will be detrimental
Now that everyone and their grandma has Internet, there's no need for it. Drones will deliver to small and rural towns.
My town is 25 miles away from a Walmart (including other stores like it, such as Target, Kmart, etc). We never had one and we are still doing fine.
I would actually prefer small businesses make a resurgence once the big stores die out since people can get things cheaper online.
Arguable Walmart already fucked up here in Britbongistan as discounters Aldi and Lidl continue to eat their store customers and Amazon Prime Now wrecks their online offering. And yet they still turned a record profit last year.
That's a terrible example. IBM actually managed to change their business model and transition instead of dying out like Hewlett-Packard and the like.
Collapse of Walmart would be an event with catastrophic consequences. Unemployment figures alone will be an embarrassment for the federal government. That's why in case of emergency they might be bailed out, to save jobs.
Also i don't think Walmart's management is stupid, why couldn't they create delivery drones to match Amazon competition?
Look for Amazon to fail before Wal-Mart. Trump is on Bezos for anti-trust, not paying taxes and stuff. Bezos is nothing but a crook.
It seems Wal-Mart started falling after Sam Walton died.
Haha, yeah. Our youth demographic is just a feeder population to the Memphis area for university. After high school, most of the girls head to the U of M.
Are you in the Navy or something?
Nah, I'm just a resident. College-aged, but I haven't gotten a response from admissions yet to transfer.
Yeah, there really wasn't much going on in Millington. I drank a lot and fished in your over fished lakes.
>there really wasn't much going on in Millington.
Dear God don't I know it.
The big news this year is a movie theater being in development. Finally.
Millington's if you've got a kid on the way or your kids are moved out. That intermediate period is boring as all hell, though.
>People might be more persuaded to do so when every week they go to their local Walmart and the product they want still isn't on the shelf.
Whoa, yeah this is what happened in my case.
Used to go to walmart often for these babies in pic related. Then one week they don't have them anymore.
Searched online and found them, they're 40 more cents than it would be at walmart, but all the other food stuff on the site are basically the same amount as it would be at walmart.
So because they stopped stocking my shitty ramen, I just decided to search online and now I can save myself a bus trip and arm strain, for a meager amount more money.
In my (Republican-led) state, Walmart is the biggest employer. I'm sure this is the case in other states across the union, and even if it isn't, it's a "job-creating" juggernaut. If it went away all at once, the economy would be dangerously destabilized.
It's already too big to fail. Unless some new monopoly dethrones Walmart, it'll never go away.
You're saying the kids will discover imageboards?
>Implying they already haven't
Who do you think half the posters on this board are?
Oh, yeah, they're all kids that don't even remember Geass Sundays, for sure, but it's not Snapchat here yet.
I guess moot made a pretty penny though.
just realized i forgot the pic.
can't be assed now
>mfw daydreaming of a nation that outright bans big companies like Walmart and allows only mom n pop stores
>all the while hiking across fucking Walmart just to get eggs
>Will Walmart and Facebook ever die
facebook, as a tech company, have very chance of losing 70-80% of it's value coming decades