What was the religion being practiced in Mohammads town before he had his revelations and founded Islam?
What was the religion being practiced in Mohammads town before he had his revelations and founded Islam?
They worshipped desert genies or some shit
The Arabs worshiped 360 gods, one for each day. Mohammad's dad worshiped Hubal, and Mohammad promoted Hubal to monotheist status while destroying the other 359 idols.
Hubal is the Ba'al of the Moabites, aka Chemosh aka Allah.
A mix of christians, jews and local arabic deities.
Literally everything in your post is wrong and not accepted academically.
Paganism with some christians & jews here and there
No one even knows where mohammed was from.
Mohammed & the early Ummah specifically scorned and abolished worship of Hubal
Allah is the generic Arab word for God/deity like the Greek "theos" or the Latin "deus"
Even Arab Christians and Jews called God Allah
OP said 'before'
>Allah is the generic Arab word for God/deity like the Greek "theos" or the Latin "deus"
Actually, the generic word is/was "ilah". The name "Allah" is a result of syncope of "Al-ilah" (The god), and was only used as a proper name, initially for the head god of the pantheon, but latter was reappropriated as the name for the sole deity of monotheism.
Arabian Polytheism.
This is false. Hubal has absolutely no connection to Allah. Thats just a meme going around the internet to discredit Islam. Like the beheadings and terror attacks aren't enough for them.
Yes they do, we know his genealogy for several generations. Arab names are stupidly long because they're just records of ancestors.
He was a Arab of the prominent Quraysh tribe in Mecca who were the monopoly on the city, hoarded most of the wealth etc.
MENJ’s candid admission:
Hence it is clear that there is nothing in the missionary diatribe that "seriously damages the Muslim claim regarding Allâh in pre-Islamic times being the same God of Abraham" nor does the missionary reliance on Psalms and circular reasoning is "evidence linking Allâh with Hubal". As we have already noted before, Hubal was the principal idol of the Quraysh, as was Al-Lât the principle idol of the Tâ'ifans. Despite their declination into idolatry, it is amazing, as one scholar remarks [5] , that the Quraysh have never lost sight of Allâh as the Supreme Lord of the Universe. What is obviously clear from the evidence we have presented is that it is the worship of Hubal that was later imported into the present beliefs of the Makkans who had earlier already acknowledged the existence of Allâh as the Only God. Indeed, Islam has identified itself with the other Semitic religions (Judaism and Christianity) and called upon them in these words:
"Say [O Prophet] : 'O People of the Book! Let us come together on a fair and noble principle common to both of us, never to worship or serve aught but God, never to associate any other being with Him, and never to take one another as Lords besides God." (Qur'ân, 3:64)
Note that MENJ agrees that Hubal was the principle idol of the Quraysh. Now what tribe did Muhammad belong to? You guessed it, the Quraysh. Did Ibn Kathir say that the god of Muhammad’s family was Hubal? Yes he did. Did Hitti claim that Hubal was the chief deity of the Kabah and also that Allah was the tribal (implying chief) deity of the Quraysh? You bet. Can we therefore draw a valid inference from all of the above and conclude that Allah was the title or name of the chief Meccan deity, Hubal? Indeed we can. After all, you cannot have two chief gods, since chief means the head, the first, the premiere, the most prominent of the pantheon. Has MENJ said anything that essentially refutes this? Not even close.
All lies made up years later.
Like the lies that allah is just the Arab word for God? Like the lies that the bible has been corrupted over the centuries? Like those lies?
Thats the most pathetic argument ive ever seen. Muhammad was a member of a tribe that worshipped Hubal therefore Allah is hubal
Islam repeatedly states that Allah is the same god as the jews and christians, therefore it is the same god, as the religion specifically states that. That means it's impossible to claim it to be anything else.
It's a simple argument.
Hubal is the chief god of the Quraysh.
Hubal is the chief god of Mohammad's father.
Hubal is the chief god of the Kabah.
Allah is the chief god of the Quraysh.
Therefore Allah is Hubal.
Therefore A=C
>That means it's impossible to claim it to be anything else.
It's impossible for muslims to lie and/or be wrong about anything.
>Islam repeatedly states that Allah is the same god as the jews and christians,
God is Love.
Allah is a trickster, a deceiver, a plotter, a planner who hates everyone who's against him.
If a religious book explicitly says "Our God is the same God as the Jews" then it's quite ridiculous to say it isn't. It's not a human being claiming it, not an imam or someone online, it's the actual core book.
It does not follow. There is no reason for Allah to automatically be Hubal simply because his people worshipped Hubal. Muhammad knew all about Christianity and Judaism and took their God to be the real God.
The real thing to kill your argument though is the fact that the Quraysh tribe were extremely opposed to Muhammad and his new religion, which they would not have been if it was their own God.
I am a non-muslim Arab and I can confirm that Allah simply means gods
Literally the Only Ones who deny this are Burgers for some retarded reason
Arab Jews, Arab Jewish Christians, and Arab Abrahamic monotheism. Arab polytheism had likely already died out in Northern Arabia by that point in time, and its presence in the Quran and hadith are likely attacks against lingering paganism absorbed by the above groups.
It's actually ridiculous to think that the God of the Jews is the same as the God of the Arabs.
Elijah made that most clear at Mt. Carmel.
Hubal is the chief god of the Qureshy.
Allah is the chief god of the Qureshy.
Hubal is the chief god in the Kaaba.
Allah is the chief god in the Kaaba.
Therefore Hubal is Allah.
You've been hoodwinked, son.
>It's actually ridiculous to think that the God of the Jews is the same as the God of the Arabs.
One of the earliest Christian sources about the Arab religion is a supposed letter from the third Umayyad caliph to the Byzantine emperor in which the caliph claims to follow the God of Abraham.
1400 years ago you would be killed by Arabs for saying this.
It's a modern heresy.
Al-lah is a name, not a title.
God is a title, not a name.
Such a dichotomy ITT
Sensible answers vs /pol/-/christian/ trying to be edgy
The God of Abraham is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldeas, and they were wicked people with no regard for the one true god.
See the lie. Hate the lie.
What you think is "sensible" is actually absurd islamic propaganda.
Muhammad literal insulted Hubal though and destroyed its statue as well
Nope. Hubal never left the kaaba; the stone that made his head is the meteorite that is the basis for the haj.
To be honest, your opinion is irrelevant to the question here.
How can a meteorite that was used for a cornerstone of the building be also the head of an idol?
meh I was talking to this Even with muslim propaganda posts, they act way more civilized than pol-christian posters, which is both sad and patheic.
>I am a non-muslim Arab and I can confirm that Allah simply means gods
Then you are retarded. Allāh has only been used as a proper name. It is "ilāh" that is used as the general word for "god" (that are not monothistic), with the plural as āliha(t) for "gods" . You don't call Zeus an Allāh, you call him an ilāh. Allāh is only used for the sole deity of monotheism, and historically speaking, as a proper name for a particular polythesistic deity. It has never been used as a general term.
The Arabs before Muhammed was a loose collection of several religious groups, such as Christians, the followers of Mani, pagans, Jews (there was even a Jewish kingdom called Himyar in Yemen around the year 500), etc., but before Muhammed there was a generic Abrahamic movement called al-Hums, who were strict monotheists and who wanted to cleanse the Kaaba from paganism.
The stuff about Hubal is probably bullshit, by the way. The Meccans already had a highest god at the time called Allah, he just had three daughters, which is the polytheism of the Meccans that Muhammed and al-Hums railed against. There were also probably not 360 different gods, that's probably an exaggeration of later authors
Claim: We worship the God of Abraham, which is the same as the God of the Jews.
Fact: The God of the Jews is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not just of Abraham.
Fact: The handmaiden's son was cursed, not blessed.
Is this a rhetorical question?
Your judgment if Christians is the only sad and pathetic thing in this thread. Had you not posted, there would have been nothing sad and pathetic posted.
It's just one of many lies that comprise the tottering foundation of Islam, a religion accursed from its beginning and coming to an end now.
So, there's recorded facts, and then there's what you think.
You are claiming the statue of Hubal was never removed, yet you are also claiming that the stone, which we know was separate from the statue, is the head of the statue...which itself already had a head on it
I hate to tell you this, but articles taken off of Wikiislam is not the same as 'recorded facts'
And you are making some sort of illogical assertion that there is only one stone, and that everything the muslims told you about that one stone is true.
I suffer under no such illusions.
>I suffer under no such illusions.
Oh, to be under the lucid and sober grip of a conspiracy theory instead.
>arabic scribbles
Translation: "And they attribute to Allah daughters - exalted is He - and for them is what they desire."
If we think logically for a moment, this verse itself proves that Allah, without doubt, was a god of the pagans of Arabia. It should be noted why Allah felt guilty of, or angry about, having offspring that were attributed to him by the pagans. If Allah was not the god of the pagans, but rather god of Adam, Jews, Christians, Muslims and of all universe, why the pagans needed to claim Allah have daughters that made no sense to him.
In this verse Allah uses his name, who, the pagans attributed, had daughters. If Allah would be different god from one of those of pagans of Arabia, the pagans would never have claimed that Allah has daughters. Instead, they would have attributed goddesses al-Lat, la--Mannat and al-Uzza to being the daughters of their own pagan god, not Allah.
Likewise, similar are the verses 53:19-21, in which Allah again complains that the pagans associating Allah with having daughters.
Though, Allah didn’t reveal his name in such verses but referred to himself. Verses are as follows:
Quran 53:19
Translation: "So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza?" [53:19]
Quran 53:20
Translation: "And Manat, the third - the other one?" [53:20]
Quran 53:21
Translation: "Is the male for you and for Him the female?" [53:21]
This is crystal-clear that Allah was same god worshiped by masses of the Arab pagans.
To be in the light, and not the darkness.
>If Allah was not the god of the pagans, but rather god of Adam, Jews, Christians, Muslims and of all universe, why the pagans needed to claim Allah have daughters that made no sense to him.
Because like what happened with angels and saints during the Christianization of Europe, pagans began adopting Abrahamic religion but with compromises to maintain their polytheistic world view.
Like has been said earlier and been studied by historians of early Arabia, Mecca was not dominated by actual polytheistic pagans but instead a syncretic movement influenced by Jews and Christians.