How the fuck did she become so popular?
How the fuck did she become so popular?
Because she's not wrong.
She wrote about how the Soviet Union had a nonsense system, and she was right.
It's just that doing the exact opposite of the Soviet Union also throws up some nonsense.
Never underestimate the power of drivel fed to the masses.
but while the ideas of her books are correct, they are put forward in a laughably simple way, making the debate between totalitarianism and democracy very trivialised
Reminder that Ayn Rand broke up a marriage in order to be with the man she loved. They were Randians and accepted on the basis of that religion.
That man ended up leaving Ayn Rand after. She went insane, became a recluse and collected postage stamps for the rest of her life.
She also had a crush on a serial killer
>while the ideas of her books are correct
Like what?
How does one woman manage to cause such ammount of butthurt?
Why do we have this thread every other day?
>every other day?
Because every every day we have to have the obligatory thread about Hitler, Communism and >H >R >E
Extreme apologist will always be popular among people that want to justify something.
Because we gotta make non-religious threads or else the Christianfags take over.
she looks like pynchon in this picture
She was idiot
Americans are idiots
Use her ""work"" to fight gommunism
Expand her bullshit to Yurop just like any other part of your Cold War propaganda
That's it.
communism leads to stagnation
Because it takes zero thought or effort to be a douchebag.
Half of it is appealing to selfishness, which is timeless.
The other half is a fairly era-specific phenomenon, which also led to the CIA sponsoring big-screen adaptations of the works of a socialist. Anti-communism was big business back then.
Because being a selfish, self-serving cunt with no religion to tie you down got to be very appealing to some people.
Objectivism is the complete opposite to communism, which was basically the boogyman of her time, and she came from Russia, which shaped her views.
On a related note, The Sword of Truth series author is very influenced by her views, and Faith of The Fallen did a great job of showcasing how bleak life is under communist rule- breadlines, people not allowed to excel (except when the party needs you to), corruption, etc
1. Egoism and selfishness appeal to a lot of people, especially in a nation as individualistic as the United States.
2. Her ideology was a complete antagonist to communism, the big evil of the day, and her works were therefore spread by the American government.
3. Luck, things happen because they do.
i remember reading that she wrote numerous plays with serial killers being the protagonists. also some screenplays possibly
Because her shit sucks on a philosophical level l AND as literature.
She's a 2 for 1 deal.
She challenged some of the central tenets of the left, she also had ok writing skills and the timing was right with the red scare, great depression, ww2 and post war boom. It took off and later attracted the interest of figures like Alan Greenspan and Milton Friedman, forever cementing its legacy.
Some of her ideas were quite valid, particularly her opposition to collectivism. Many political groups suffer from an "us versus them" mentality and corrupt leadership and you're never going to convince intelligent moderates otherwise. Ayn Rand presented a theory that explains why this happens across the board, both on the left and the right (though her own "Ayn Rand collective" was exempt obviously), and proposed the appealing solution of individualism.
If you are a corrupt political group yourself promoting ideas like this might backfire, thus there was a gaping hole in political thought and Ayn Rand filled the void in the wake of the madness of movements like Stalinism and Nazism.
It was the opposite to the Soviet system.
It's actually pretty close to communism as described by communists before the USSR arrived.
I think it was Ayn Rand who wrote 'a man is entitled to the sweat of his own brow', which is, on the face of it, a radically communistic statement in our capitalistic society.
Because "you can be a greedy, selfish prick, and it's a good thing" is just what a lot of people want to hear.
Don't forget thread with some quote from a new atheist fag, "why is Africa a shithole", "philosophy is dead, lol"
she was saying it is ok to be a greedy, selfish prick as long as you're not hurting someone else, and it is
Big ol' sagging Russian sweater pups all the economic autists from the 1950s wanted to see
"Yes Annie, selfishness is totally awesome"
The same way this shit did.
Giving people an excuse to follow their baser instincts. Follow your own selfishness at the expense of society.
The only post without memes and the only correct one.
Her philosophy when looked at in it's entirety just doesn't hold up, but it is intermittent with some genuine and accurate criticisms of collectivism and the dangers posed by the theory of complete subjectivity.