is this the happening??
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Still going up!
Stocks: You pay $100 for a goose that shits gold for eternity, such that you'll get $100 worth of gold within 10 years on average (sometimes 3, sometimes 20). At that time, you can buy another gold-shitting goose, and so on, exponentially. You have 2 and then 4 and then 8 and then 16 and 32 gold-shitting gooses, each shitting out $100 of gold/year.
Gold. You pay $100 for a lump of gold. At the end of eternity, you still have a $100 lump of gold.
Stocks track inflation just like gold does, AND give you a large return on top of that.
You have to be retarded/hate money/hate being financially secure to own gold.
Sentiment is probably split 50/50 stocks/gold. Under the circumstances one will come out ahead the other will no. its a toss of the coin really backed by personal preferences.
thanks Warren
I agree though desu
There is a lot of hands on a lot of levers.who knows where this will end.
It would only take a few percent either way to tip the balance one way or another.
and gold hit 1282 on thursday. and it hit 1297 a few days before that.....what's your point OP
Just pointing out the resilience of GOLD. do you have an ideological preference?
No you fucking retard, you missed everything I said.
>"investing" in commodities
I don't think i hate cash, I see a lot of gold bugs have a penchant for the END OF THE WORLD type thinking. On a basic level I don't know how printing money to keep stocks going or manipulating the countries currency is really a market principle.why not print money and just give it to the public consumers wouldn't it all go back to the government/banks??
>do you have an ideological preference?
no. but i've always preferred liquid assets. would be cool to have a few bars of gold laying around tho. in a real HABENIG, guns, ammo, medicines, and other durable necessities would be worth far more than gold. society would probably go to some sort of barter system temporarily while things got sorted out.
I don't think the chances of a complete breakdown is high at all. Im just going for the GOLD option for any 'market corrections' then I'm all into stocks again buy the dip so to speak.
The whole global financial situation is stagnating. still have not resolved the original problems that came up back in 2007. all nations can't be profitable all the time some one has to lose enough to be the cheapest source of manufacturing and investment thats what I think 1st world nations are afraid of, being at the bottom. too many socialist governments around too I think.
why not play some inverse ETFs then
Is there any on the Australian stock exchange you know of?
Venezuela is having one right now. No one there can afford to buy gold. They are at risk for mass starvation though.
>inverse ETF
I found this bit ..
only deal with US markets myself. if you are willing to open an interactive brokers account with a minimum deposit of 10k US you can trade any major global stock market.
look up the chart for YANG, 3x short china, from late dec to early feb. 100% gain. it's on a bit of rally right now, probs wouldn't buy in myself until it can hold $30 comfortably.
Betashares Australian Equties Bear Fund (ASX Bear) this is apparently the only one traded on the ASX its not doing well its wagers against the ASX200 they say.
OK thanks for the info user
Retarded analogy.
>Goose can get a disease and not give a damn egg for years.
>Goose can just die, or be confiscated by the king, because, lol, he's the king. And this can happen even before laying the first egg.
>And that's assuming the original owner actually sold the goose, and not just the right to a piece of the golden egg from each season in exchange for money to take care and keep it healthy, which is closer to how stocks work.
Then you also have the commission fees, but I'm too lazy to imagine how to fit into this retarded analogy. I suppose some peasants are asking a tip from handling your piece of gold.
It's funny because the sneaky bloomberg kikes were bashing gold last summer, now they're praising it.
Man I hate those lying buzzfeed tier fucking disgusting jews.
I don't even know what the commotion is about, call me when gold price moves more than 13 % per day, then it's close to the larges daily moves in history. Or when there has been a 6 day negative return run on gold (the chance of which is less than a percentage).
>You have to be retarded/hate money/hate being financially secure to own gold.
gold doesn't go bankrupt tho it's absolutely safer than any stock or bond. it doesn't yield shit sure, but if you buy sell at the right time you can turn profit.
ITT : people thinking gold is autonomous.
for fucks sakes, look at oil/us dollar index/gold together
>goldcucks get excited at a couple of dollars
>meanwhile i've doubled my money on Bitcoin
user, work on your graphs.
The simple fact that goldbugs are shilling gold 24/24 7/7 is more than enough to convince me never to buy gold any time soon.
If it's such a great investment why do you want me to drive up the price/take it off your hands so badly?
Am I really supposed to believe that the sharks-in-ties running paper gold companies have my best interests in mind?
Silver seems alright on the other hand.
>paper gold
is what keeps the price down
there is about 300 piece of paper (and ownership claim with that) for every ounce of gold on the market.
>Silver seems alright on the other hand.
it shows great potential as it is very under-priced to gold however also heavily speculated against.
my guess is that the play is the following
1st step: short the shit out of paper silver and make profit on the down run
2nd step: buy physical silver and mining stocks where the price bottoms out
3rd step: induce artificial shortage by whit-holding silver reserves from the market
4th step: profit greatly when prices skyrocket sell shares and physical silver to the bulls that charge in blind and are convinced silver really going to the moon this time
5th step: cycle begins anew as the price peaks and collapse
That's lovely, now tell me which one leads the other, or do they both lead something else? What's the beef? I honestly don't know, that's why I am asking.
Indeed, and they want more people to buy gold so the price goes up so they can print more paper for bigger profits.
The question is, why should I help them along?
For that matter, how is it in my interest to fund the other 100,000 gold-based scams/"business models", including those selling physical gold?
np, keep in mind the $ is inverse in the graph, meaning when oil goes up, $ does down.
That graphs only helps see the correlation between the two.
the $ leads oil (can confirm by looking at 7day spawn graphs). but that's index $, meaning you can only predict the outcome using forex (US/EUR is basic).
those two & gold are also related somehow, that's u'r homework user
>they want more people to buy gold so the price goes up so they can print more paper for bigger profits
that's not how it works, paper gold is created when you resell it because you think you have it as you yourself bought paper gold. but unlike bank accounts the reserve ratio for gold is 0%.
also many actors are on the market many interested in keeping gold down holders interested in pushing it up but they are pretty powerless compared to the big ones.
so there is no conspiracy just a constant clash of interests expectations and speculations. problem is states and central banks are heavily involved in the play which greatly distorts the market.
I'm going out on a limb here: What the fuck is a 7 day spawn graph?
>tried to translate something from native language to english literally
>failed miserably
this is what i'm talking about, sorry user
"weekly ending" is what i'm talking about
Oui, je comprende ;-)
What are you talking about? 4$ rise really, thats like a fart one the gold chart, even m5 nothing special.
Correlations between oil, gold, and USD changes at different lags.
7 day prior change scatter plotted against 7 day later change.
get micro on those bitches.
you now have a 12hour advantage on oil price.
pro tip: we know how much gold we'll take out of earth for the next 40/50years (more or less 2500tons) silver on the other hand got all stock identified already and silver get consumed by manufacturing (30%) (gold 5%).
this is not 1970 anymore, i wish but it aint, stop thinking gold, think silver.
>think silver
i always do when i masturbate rubbing silver coins to my penis
If the government mass start confiscating shares and companies, You don't think people would not protest?
Im a poorfag but at least I have 300oz of silver to my name
Look at expropriation.
Not a common occurrence these days because many nations have signed treaties to guarantee to foreigner investors they won't get their companies and operations confiscated, but there's a precedent.
And yeah, investor can protest, but if the government already declared the expropriation, they are prepared to not give a shit about the random citizen and his pennies invested on those companies.
I guess if the government started pissing enough people off, the citizens would just take up arms and put them back in their place.