reminder that she literally has a disease that makes her body deformed
stop promoting deformed models in the fashion industry just to pander to the sjw's!
Lincoln Butler
is this the goblin girl lol
Cooper Ross
i see guys on waywt like pic related and wish they would post pics of bodies on thinspo threads
Jonathan Martinez
this guy too on current thread
Luis King
I want to see based Lukas post here
Liam Cruz
how am I doing senpai
Evan Miller
Not sure if this is the most pertinent place to ask, but to the lawyers out there: will my thinness as a male affect my career in the legal field? I will be attending a prestigious law school (think HYS) this fall.
Samuel Miller
Everything is skinny except my ass. Should I just an hero
Brandon Morales
a better question would be why would it
Daniel Diaz
obligatory i just binged post why couldn't i have been born a dude and hipless
Nicholas Gonzalez
>no source You're just fat, mate.
Isaac Jenkins
Landon Brooks
Angel Roberts
Does it matter what I eat as long as I keep track of the calories? As in does eating 800 calories a day of say salads and eating 800 calories of McDonalds result in more or less the same weight loss? I know they don't offer the same nutrients, but i'm not as concerned about that. Basically tired of eating the same lean shit everyday, and want to enjoy something.
Oliver Carter
she has marfans disease or w/e
Gavin Watson
Depends on your bf% and goals. While I can, and all research can promise that you are going to weigh less, what your. body decides to destroy in order to compensate for deficit is much more complicated and not *really* totally understood by nutritionists.
I can't promise what will happen to you from that in terms of bf composition, but what little we can say is that your body Is less likely to prioritize fat as an energy source when you eat high carbs and mid fats and mid-low proteins and more likely to prioritize it on a ketogenic diet (high fat, mid proteins, low carbs)
Elijah Perez
REMINDER Anorexia is unhealthy. Underweight people should not be held as a beauty standard. Being improperly nourished does not make you beautiful or attractive.
REMINDER Eat foods that are rich in protein, full of whole grains and vegetables. Drink a gallon of water a day.
REMINDER Start lifting weights. Being muscular is healthier and more attractive than being underweight. Weightlifting has tremendous benefits. These benefits include the release of hormones which will give you a better mood.
REMINDER Under eating causes you to loose bone density. Women are especially prone to osteoporosis. To increase your bone density, perform heavy compound barbell lifts while focusing on progressive overload.
If you want to change your appearance to be more attractive, do not starve yourself, but rather switch to a fitness based lifestyle and eat healthy, clean, nutritious food.
Parker White
>still no source Okay, so you're just wrong then. Sick. Literally nothing on the internet about her having that disorder/disease.
Humans have evolved to find traits that display health as attractive. That's why you acne is seen as unattractive.
Making yourself look like a cancer patient because that's how models look is fucking stupid.
Luis Gutierrez
fucking hell i almost had a heart attack toshio go away
Landon Phillips
I'm tired of being fat
Evan Young
I agree with the first user that keto might be better long term, but it sounds like you just want a cheat day sometimes without fucking up your weight loss, right? If so, then yeah, as long as you eat the same number of calories you should lose the same amount of weight. Just be careful not to get carried away and eat too much.
Justin Reed
Wow cute as fuck, you almost make me question if I'm really a lesbian
Justin Allen
>wanting to be a gross muscle pig
Ew. Take your insecurities about your gross beefy hulk body somewhere else.
Joshua Martinez
Its funny that you want to look like Pic... It is not in any kind of way desirable to look like a slave but have fun with it, the moment you need help with your luggage because you cant carry it of all the rick clothes i will laugh at you.
Aiden Martin
Xavier Bailey
can a mod just ban this roided brainless fucker go back to fit faggot
Zachary Garcia
Oh sorry did i just tell you the truth and now you cant handle it baka?
Must feel really bad but when you achieve this ideal body of super thin you will have the solution because you are near dead by starvation. This is awesome my friend i wont hinder you. :^)
Christopher Price
stop posting asians
William Morris
What are my fellow skinnies reasons for getting/staying thin?
I'm getting thin just to look better crossdressing
Carson Sullivan
Please be a male
Gavin Gonzalez
here to have something in common with a qt thin classmate
Dominic Thomas
Same desu. My gf likes twinkie faggy dudes and I like looking girly and petite and stuff. >has arms that have more curves and bends than any arms reasonably should >still trying to talk down on others aesthetic choices
Go away Veeky Forums, muscle apes are just another breed of fatties.
Mason Hill
Hunter Cox
I'm getting married and I want to look nice on the day and in the photographs.
Plus clothes look way nicer in general.
Luke Cooper
Helps me deal with being a tranny and not transitioning.
Noah Hill
Luke Morales
>he has poor posture because his back muscles are too weak to support his head >he gets tired from walking a mile with a 20 pound back pack >if he gets sick and cannot eat for a weak, he will die of starvation >his hair is weak, dull and grows very slowly because he does not get enough protein and fats in his diet
Keep thinking that having muscular arms is something to be ashamed of. Literally nobody in real life finds someone who is lean, and mildly muscular as unattractive as a result of their weight. The reality is that you must eat healthy and abstain from harmful behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, to put on muscle. To be skinny, you just need to be malnourished. You can have a drug and alcohol issue while being skinny. Try doing deadlifts after you starved yourself and came down from a bender.
Zachary Walker
Asher Parker
friends. i got fat. how do i skinny up?
Nathan Thompson
who here 1 meal a day? everyday i eat some disgustingly unhealthy food but only 1 thing. im thinking of getting a big mac tomorrow since its memorial day and i feel pretty patriotic.
Xavier Baker
start fasting. its ramadan after all.
Ryder Brooks
i'm afraid i'm not that autistic.
Thomas Jackson
how the fuck am i supposed to stop drinking pepsi? what do i replace carbonated drinks with? >inb4 water
Thomas Reyes
i was borderline obese when in middle school, got self conscious about my body at 17/18 and got a love for skinny aesthetics. most males my age are obsessed with getting bulky and big.
Jacob Wright
don't know about plebpsi but diet coke>>>>pig disgusting caramel coke (aka pleb syrup)
Adrian Martinez
seltzer water
Cameron Reed
today was my birthday and while it was one of my best, i've never been more full and partially suicidal after thinking of how much i've eaten today
Matthew Moore
what a fag
Logan Johnson
diet anything is disgusting, pepsi is patrician tier
Leo Murphy
clearly we have different preferences, but for what it's worth, diet coke taste is a lot closer to pepsi than regular coke
Josiah Brooks
pepsi max/ coke zero is the better choice since they have a better after taste. also black cans look cooler than silver ones
Isaiah Edwards
>black cans look cooler than silver ones
Charles Ramirez
But doesnt coke zero have like half a calorie?
John Turner
This very much. The after taste on diet drinks is unbearable. We are in a fashion board. If it doesn't look good its worthless.
David Morgan
they do though, the only thing that beats it aesthetically is the blue diet pepsi can
Dylan Davis
pssh... nothing personnel, kid
Anthony Brooks
Carbonated flavored water....duh!
Mason Watson
theres pizza in the fridge. pls someone talk me out of it.
you can eat pizza and be skinny. use your head you fucking mong.
Wyatt Wright
nonono, im not skinny yet is the issue. and ive already had tendies today.
Josiah Ramirez
i think you missed the important part. use your head you fucking mong
Jaxson Long
i did. im srry
Anthony Parker
id say ideal look for a lawyer is tom cruise in a few good men, but taller. just my opinion though
Joseph Morales
Yeah I am
Asher Diaz
you look like me but way better lol, looking good dude
Adam Gonzalez
>tfw binged 2000 calories over your daily limit
i really feel like i fucked up and the worst part is i cant even make myself barf it up
Kayden Bennett
Go for a run and do some sit ups tomorrow
Josiah Davis
>sit ups
Meme exercise. Unless you already have a flat stomach only cardio matters.
Landon Bailey
5'11" 150 lb fat Asian male here. How many more lbs until I get thinspo legs?
Justin Bennett
At least 10 I think
Adam Murphy
lol, that's it? I have repulsive legs ;_;
Brayden Ward
5'9 140lb fat male here, I've been losing weight pretty reliably for a few months now, how much more should I lose to become effay?
Logan Nguyen
depends. I'd say 20 pounds. post pic of what you look like now.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Some girl at school asked me about my weight loss and when I told her it was from cutting calories she said "oh but do you like get hungry though? I just don't think it's healthy to feel hungry"
I'm losing more weight so I never have to worry about being like her...
Landon Powell
6'4" 83.9kg. Keep hovering over to arojnd 85 -87 coming back down. Still haven't reached my goal yet.
FUCK. Why do I keep overeating, I feel like shit. I just wanna be thinspo and go down a few waist sizes. :(
Pls help I need advice
Carson Campbell
Nah it's more than that, I'm 5'11" and at 135lbs my legs still look thicc as fuck and really out of place with the rest of my body
Adam Nguyen
going to be a sophomore at pretty well regarded boston area school next year. what work should I be doingnow to prep for HYS tier law school
Lucas Turner
I fucking love bread how do I stop loving bread?
Wyatt Lewis
this >tfw ate nine slices of white toast with butter and Nutella yesterday all my hard work is being pissed away by bread
Logan Thomas
Fucking weaklings.
Carson Wright
Bake entire loaves and keep eating them until you get sick of them. I'm not going to eat bread for another year or so because of my anxiety baking phase a month ago. nice taste in chinese cartoon by the way man
Noah Gray
Connor Jenkins
Peanut butter + banana and cinnamon is my dilemma
Fuck you man I've made a lot of sacrifices but these empty carbs of deliciousness won't leave my mouth
This doesn't sound like a bad idea, at least the guilt will eventually eat away at my brain. Watch House of Five Leaves if you haven't, same creator so it has a similar tone and aesthetics.
Juan Martinez
have a chick just like that in my class; very interested in telling people all about how's she eating healthy and having her lunch out every class, and eyeballing it, she eats ~800 calories in the time I see her
Ian Wilson
i just want my thighs to be small and look better in jeans
that's all i care about
Charles Butler
5'4" 57.5kg, how much do you think I have to lose until I look good? I have a stomach (although not huge) and my thighs are pretty meaty.
Joshua Reed
Brayden Lee
And thus, my quest begins
Oliver Perry
That's really condescending for a completely reasonable answer. She noticed your weight loss and just wanted to call you unhealthy.