Even in Germany, it is highly competitive. Must be hell elsewhere.
How bad is the job market in your country?
It's pure shit
Somewhat good depending on your skill.
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Best job market in the country was just on fire and even then it was job rate of 8/1000.
UK, in IT I have not been denied a single job I applied to.
Good, I guess.
Pretty shit for most industries requiring a degree but getting a job overall isn't that hard.
literally cant even get a wagecuck job at a grocery market or anything because no one within a 50km radius is hiring.
Hello fellow Ausbro, which city do you live?
You must have 0 skills
Spaniard here.
For starters, explain what a "job" is pls.
Hey OP,
I was wondering with all this immigrant refugee crisis in the EU, How plentiful are social work jobs?
>2million refugee
>calling it a crises
>usa get 1million every month
>uno more taco, josé?
New Zealand
High-end jobs are rare and hard to come by
Low-end jobs are plentiful and easy to get
high property prices and third world wages still mean its pretty bad.. also, socialist economy
Plentiful. Teachers, social workers, policemen - the state pimps everything up.
it depends on the field, ofc
would say it is still okay in germany, mostly due to the ageing population
50% under 30% unemployment
it's so great i am moving to ireland/switzerland/netherlands/austria
*50% under 30 years old unemployment
North East Indiana here. Good amount of tech, and healthcare jobs available. We benefit from a low cost of living, low taxes, and the states surrounding us being shit. Wages are nothing to call home about, but personally I'm saving more in the bank than my friend who hit the tech job jackpot working in San Fran for Cisco..
You can very easily get a job as social worker etc. now but they are also still paid shitty so there is that
>a fucking grocery market
South Europe is generally dead job-wise.
if you had 1 mil immigrants per month, the US would exceed China's population by mid-century....this seems unlikely.
got some figures on your savings and SF tech user? I am curious how they stack up. Currently working as expat but planning to move to midwest for that loooow cost of living. Even Chicago is cheap by global city standards...
Slovenia, also shit. We have this national speciality in which fresh graduates can't get a job because undergrads work through "student applications" while doing classes through the 3 years and businesses rather employ them because they have to pay the minimum of around 5.5€/h, of which net hourly compensation is 3.75€/h due to taxes. And there's always fresh supply of undergrads and thus, the ones fresh out of uni can't get a decent job for years.
Feels great.
They literally interview people for checkout jobs, most replace them with electronic cashiers.
Most people find work through mates though.
That's going to be the future.
happens everywhere desu
I live outside Atlanta.
things are pretty damn good here. Jobs posted all around my area. I get shit tons of LinkedIn messages. Lots of growth right now.
in america, they are hiring, but people are having to apply 'below their level' as it were
like someone who should be VP is applying for management, management for team member, team member for entry level
and that means people who should be getting entry level work might be forced into the realm of hourly work for the uneducated (college grads working at Target, for example)
so you can find work, just maybe not what you want
Russian here.
You people want to know what's worse than No Jobs?
Government allocated jobs.
You never actually get fired here in Russia. They just cut everyone's hours so that every worker works 1/2 day every 3 days.
Nobody here can survive off that meager salary and we can't protest/complain because the government says we're all 'technically employed' ...
This feels like purgatory with no hope of improving in the next decade...
sucks to be Russian for the next 30 years bros...
This. American millenials just like to whine because they are pussies.
hey it's bad over there, let's stop trying to better our system because those guys are having a hard time.
plz user grow up
>better our system
>by whining about it on social media all day
I kekked.
I would sell my own mother and sister to traffickers for a chance to immigrate to america.
but Visas are next to impossible to get right now and you can't take any of your money with you cause of ridiculous capital controls.
New York
Good amount of jobs, entry level positions are competitive as fuck though.
talking about shit, gathering information, getting some experience from others, taking sources is just whining?
plz don't think all of us are just here because we got no more homework and mom don't let us play outside
in states job market has rarely never been this good. so igrone armageddon oracles once more.
for bachelor's degree or more you are pretty much guaranteed with a job unless you are doing something horribly wrong
>we can't protest/complain
Why not?
The French protest against more working hours, why cant you protest against less? Get your sheet together.