>Chinese mods
Chinese mods
What was depicted?
pic related.
Mods are fucking awful on Veeky Forums.
They're the most based on Veeky Forums
And anyways, mods aren't board specific like janitors are.
Take this complaint to OP
They're pretty terrible. Marx threads get hundreds of replies, make a Giovanni Gentile thread and see what happens.
They allow political and current event threads to exist because of muh humanities.
Yea i got the same ban for posting about the Crimean war, dumb fuck mod thought i meant the current one
>They're the most based on Veeky Forums
Not even close.
>ever based
Daily reminder that /tv/ BTFO jannies forever
Rephrase your OP then fuck face. It's not hard
This is slowly but surely turning into safe Veeky Forumspace now.
I'm getting fucking tired of it. Some faggot told me that I was the historical bad guy, about to get my comeuppance, because I'm white a couple days ago. I can't wait till this site disappears forever.
>being rused this easily
are you from reddit or something?
Are you implying that there are no people who blame white people for all the problems of the modern era, and that none of these people post here? Whether or not I was rused this board sucks and has for months. There were a few good weeks at the beginning. Now it's summer, it can only get worse, if the Myth is true.
You're an idiot. Let me explain why.
>Are you implying that there are no people who blame white people for all the problems of the modern era, and that none of these people post here?
No one truly posts what they believe here how can you be this naive?
>Whether or not I was rused
For the record, you were rused.
>this board sucks and has for months.
Kek, fuck off. Veeky Forums is respective of what Veeky Forums is (like every other board), what you are looking for is reddit, fuck off. You don't like Veeky Forums, it has nothing to do with Veeky Forums it''s Veeky Forums ,if you don't like it, feel free to fuck off.
>There were a few good weeks at the beginning.
>i R oldfag guise, look at me!!!!
>Now it's summer, it can only get worse, if the Myth is true.
Seriously, fuck off.
>most based on Veeky Forums
Please. Even /mlp/ has better mods than Veeky Forums.
>being this rused
I'm sorry we can't insulate you from getting your feelings hurt. I know a couple of subreddits with stricter rules if you're interested
How did anything in that post or 2014 picture relate to history and not break the rules?