>China fell for the gold meme
China fell for the gold meme
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No, China is joining in fleecing the golden sheeps.
China also fell for the crypto meme. Fuck, what doesnt china fall for?
Gold backed china world currency
US btfo
Its habbening
I know right. They're falling for the North American Real Estate Meme.
Nah not fully gold backed
Gonna devalue us currency and China will have the yuan backed by gold and cryptos (30/70).
Putin will ally with China and they will take over the world if Trump is not president.
Gold was never a meme
China yuan will be new world reserve currency
Fiat is here to stay as long. Thank God the Emperor Trump realizes that we can just print money to pay our bond interest rates.
>falling for the gold meme
Do you realize why we backed out of gold in the first place?
We would have been BTFO if we didn't ditch the gold standard in the 30's. Granted Bretton Woods was a clusterfuck of a mess but better than what could have happened.
If they can just print money why do I need a job??
The price of GOLD is held down not by market forces but the not so invisible hand. watch GOLD go get hammered by paper gold same time everyday.
GOLD...watch it get smacked down in about 2-3hrs from Fed gold paper bombs. to keep it artificially low.investing.com
Notice the GOLD smack down struggling!
>Thank God the Emperor Trump realizes that we can just print money to pay our bond interest rates.
yes you can do that many countries did without exception they fell into hyperinflation spiral and had to bring in a new currency after the old one became a joke. i'm sure this time will be different tho.
These retards are buying up crack shacks in Vancouver for millions, while the residents are all liquidating and moving into cheap rental units.
The Hong Kong bubble is bursting, and it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to the North American markets, when that bubble bursts it's going to be glorious.
Yes it will. Past certain very large numbers, humans lose the ability to compare magnitudes in an intuitive way. Since passing 200 million, the "size" of the national debt doesn't shock anyone because no one really has a solid grasp of numbers that large.
It's a genius move, and effectively means the US can print debt well into the quadrillions with no one becoming upset. We passed the upsetting numbers a long time ago.
so you are saying pic related didn't upset noone?
No wow that's a great idea! Tump could have this whole thing sorted out the first day.
>great idea
it would maybe buy you a loaf of bread
You're arguing with a retard
We ditched the full standard in 1971 u cuck
Do u even Nixon shock?
At least pay pay a lower discounted amount. if your USA dollarydoo crashs wouldn't USA be a cheap place to get stuff made and california oranges be much cheaper to the rest of the world?
Wouldn't it be better for manufacuring in the USA with a super low dollar?
probably not. learn about market advantage.
overall the us is better off doing cutting edge stuff and let the cheap shit being manufactured by third world shitholes. it provides a better gdp a better trade balance and a better quality of life.
The USA printed a shit load of money during the Great Recession and inflation is very low though
they didn't print nothing back than compared to what's going on in the past decade lol.
>paper gold
If you mean gold futures, there's only 1 ounce of gold for every 1230 or so claims. They sold claims to same ounce of gold to over 100 people for fucks sake.
If you want gold, just buy the physical shit.