What to wear on long flights

im gonna be on a long flight, what should i wear. what do you wear?

just a casual stuff, in which u feel free and comfortable

hey Veeky Forums i have to go to a black and white gala this weekend, what colors should i wear? was thinking something like pic related

Joggers, basic hoodie, ultraboost. Comfy stuff man

wear a snuggie

I dress light, t-shirt shorts flip flops or sandals. clothing you'll be comfortable in
put fragrance on as a favor to people around you

This is the only option

Most important things for me are underwear and shoes. Boxers can cut into your crotch if they end up aligned wrong, and it's annoying to fix on a flight. Tight shoes will stink at the end and also become uncomfortable as your feet swell.

That is very clearly NOT the accurate belt or polo. Unfunny meme for inaccuracy.



I did exactly this and My UB's smelled like fucking shit when I wore them over to Italy. It was definitely the polyester socks. OP, WEAR COTTON SOCKS IR YOUR SHOES WILL SMELL LIKE BOOTY

comfi stuff, soft tee, large hoodie, sweatpants, oldish shoes that you can slip on and off, don't forget to utilize the onboard blanket. there aren't many people you can impress on a plane so don't worry too much mane

typically i wear business casual for flights. loafers, dress pants (do not free ball), and a dress shirt. don't bother wearing a tie. only bad thing about this setup is you get untucked in the back after a few hours sitting around but that's it. people treat you nicer when you wear business casual stuff too because you look respectable.

normally people talk to me on flights, but when i wore my casual stuff (jeans, light green army jacket + tucked in button up underneath) with boots, nobody really talked to me. felt a lot more low profile, so that could be good if you want to avoid conversation entirely.

personally i hate it when i sit next to somebody who is wearing joggers and a hoodie like some fucking hare-brained nigger getting out of bed and taking a walk to the gas station but i understand it's comfy so i can't really hate on them for favoring function over looks

Yeah flip flops so everybody can smell and sit next to your disgusting feet, and some overpowering fragrance so that nobody can breathe fresh air.

Here's real advice, wear a buttoned shirt some jeans and some sneakers. You don't have to be in a suit, but don't be a slob sitting in your pajamas.

I always go with oversized uni sweater, sneakers and jeans

Doesn't look too bad and is comfy

You really can't decide anything by yourself, can you

GOAT advice

>wearing business casual
>saying nigger

How can you even make it to actually wearing business casual ? You should be wearing wifebeaters and super curved trucker hat.

I mean it's only flight, so only wear stuffs that suits the occasion of your destination. I don't understand why people make it such a big deal, it's not like it's a business meeting or something, it's just like taking a bus ride somewhere. Just because it's more expensive doesn't mean you have to dress to match the price of the service

most comfy pants w.e it is
sneaks or even sandals

Casually saying nigger has been acceptable on Veeky Forums since the beginning, if you have a problem with that you're free to leave.

Comfy shit if it's long haul, if your flying anything above premium economy put effort into what your wearing