>tfw 25 and still live with my parents
Is the money saved even worth the embarrassment?
>tfw 25 and still live with my parents
Is the money saved even worth the embarrassment?
half of millennials live with their parents in their 20s
just share an apartment with some friends
Better than living with your parents and being broke, for sure.
I help them pay off the mortgage.
on plus side you can fuck your mom whenever
Norman Bates was an entrepreneur
I retired in my mid-40s. Moved out at 30 for a startup, we got lucky, grew, and I was able to retire a year or two before we exited, which was a nice little cherry on top.
I never wanted kids and preferred fuckin' around with computers to dating anyways. So all I really needed was a 1BR condo. No distractions at home, had $200K in the bank when I rented my first condo and plowed what I would have paid on a home mortgage into the market. Still live in the thing although I could buy it for cash. Cap rates are shit here but I digress.
You probably don't have to make the tradeoffs as extreme as the ones I chose to make, and luck was a huge part of my making it, but it was worth it for me.
The part that wasn't luck - and the part that made it worth it - I literally never worried about where my next meal was coming from, nor whether I'd make rent. At home, duh, my parents wouldn't let me starve if I fucked up. (But I wanted out and it was good motivation to find a job that justified the expense of moving out.) By the time I found that job, I had enough of an emergency fund and money invested in a taxable account that I also never had to worry about making rent/food/health insurance payments.
Good luck, user. No shame in it. Also no shame in sharing a place like suggested. You're gonna make it.
I'd rather be ready to live on my own, on my own time, than be pressured to move out when I wasn't prepared. Also the embarrassment is nonexistent. After high school people stop really caring about stupid stuff like that. Besides, most of the Chads and Stacys are too busy trying to raise their 3 kids at 22 lol
I have lived with my parents, on my own, and back again, and let me tell you that moving out is a fucking meme. Unless you can afford it, it's not worth it. Be smart, save up money, and re-invest it into stocks. You'll be making bank and be ready to own a house by the time you're 30.
22 and make 27 an hour, I don't know how I'd be able to afford to move out with that wage. I am still in school and paying out of pocket. I do put about 500 a paycheck into stocks though per month.
The millenials I know that moved out have to be at a shit ton of debt because they're making less than half of what I'm making (minimum wage).
Most people my age live at home so it's not that embarrassing unless you were born in an already wealthy family
I make 27 an hour and moved out. How many hours a week do you work? Where do you live?
My rent is pretty cheap ($750 for a nice one bedroom not too far from work) so it could be I live in a less expensive area.
Not a big deal. Save up and then move.
Live in Toronto, so I'd probably have to share a 2 bedroom apartment
I do only work 34 hours though part time and pay a lot of union dues, pension plan and benefits.
I could move out but I wouldn't be able to save much money if any
>$8K in cash
>$4.5K in debt
>low end estimate for end of the year is 0 debt and $10k cash
>feel I would be safe to move out in Janurary
>wait until June 2017 and have my bro move in with me and cut the rent in half and have $15k in cash
26 living at home sucks, but I will have a better start than any of my friends who left years before me.
OP just buy an rv and live in that. Lot fees Inna camp site are around 4-500 a month includes water sewage trash and cable. Electricity sometimes. Been doing it for 7 years and have 150k in cash
Lived with parent 'till 31
Bought house for cash
How's everyone else doing at 32 years old?
Idk dude, seems all the women in their 20s think you must be a loser if you dont have your own apartment let alone your own house. Meanwhile all the guys living on there own are broke living paycheck to paycheck. Doesnt make any sense to me.
This If your not landlocked I would look into the article "get a 30 footer and go"
Living on a sailboat, even if your docked somewhere is becoming a style of living. Especially in places like San Fransisco and certain parts of Washington.
>Is the money saved even worth the embarrassment?
yes. yes it is. but hopefully you've saved a good amount
in spain, italy and france 50% of men live with their parents at 30yo. only in scandinavia and usa people leave their homes early twenties
must be awkward bring women home to bang every night.
No wonder they are failing.
I am extremely frugal but even I won't ever consider living with my parents to save money. They are absolutely insufferable.
tfw my mom kisses me goodnight and my face reeks like sweaty ass and pussy
Idk where you guys live but if youre under 30, you could probably live with some local college students for under 500$ a month pretty easily.
Thats what I do and somehow in a house full of college students im the most sexually active and they hate me because im too noisy.
That shit would not fly living with my parents.
Why do you guys even work if you cant get girls?
>wasted your 20s
hope it was worth it :)
>hurr durr muh women
pls stop
Not even triggered
>parents are wealthy but attended cheap state school
>tfw withdrew to get a job because meme degree
>tfw applying to jobs and learning programming / finance on the side
>need a car because totaled in accident few months ago
>find the perfect 8k used car, go to dealer, negotiate, yada yada
>Dad says if we leave he'll call back with a lower offer
>we leave, few days later guy calls back
>finally get the car to the offer it was advertised at. Week of searching paid off!
>dad refuses, says no, convinced he'll call back and go lower
>tfw tell him that this doesn't happen anymore, especially in dense areas where we live, because of blue book value being so readily available
>tfw guy never calls back
>tfw ask my Dad if we should just call him and pick up the car
>tfw he refuses solely because of his ego, says used car salesmen are "criminals" and we don't give them our money
It's really becoming obvious that so many of my problems in my youth can be traced to egotistical parents. It almost makes up for the exceptional number of failures I've had, because at least it totally destroyed my ego. Anyone else know this feel?
100% yes i feel you. i think its part of becoming an adult because you are becoming your parents in a way, like you are literally as smart as them now. Im 21 and it happens all the time with me but if anything it makes me feel more sorry for them than anything, like i want to help them. But my dads so egotistical sometimes i have to leave him alone.
Yeah, that's the worst part. Not only do I see their faults, but I know it's not something I should or could ever bring up, AND it seems to be getting worse over time. I feel like I should be doing more for them, they're quite old now (58), but I need to get on my feet and save up some money first. Plus they're wealthy and barely work so it's so bad for them.
But I never want to become like that. Being old sucks in America. Very few friends, very little social life unless you go to church.
I'm 28 and live with my parents. 300k net worth right now.
Moving out just to impress you women and your broke ass friends is a death trap for millennials.
If you have the job and money to do it without stress, then do it, but if you have a good relationship with your parents and are just average in income, then delay it as long as you can.
My best friend dated his gf for four years and both of them lived at home while they were dating. They just flat out bought a house when they got married.
Make it a goal to move out and be independent, but do it smart. The majority of millennials think they are gaining freedom by moving out, but they're really just putting on heavier shackles with a different coat of pain.
Give your old man some rest. You have enough money to buy a house and car.
Yes, but the lack of pussy might not be.
If I was making 6 figures, I would be set for life. But then again I'm not materialistic enough to spend more then I got.
Depends, how much money have you saved? What's in your bank account?
>in spain, italy and france 50% of men live with their parents at 30yo. only in scandinavia and usa people leave their homes early twenties
That's because Spain unironically has 50% youth unemployment. Italy isn't doing too well either and France I'm not sure but I've heard has some issues as well.
>quite old
Fuck man I'm 23 and my dad is 71 this year
I'm going for my PhD and I'm 25. I am paying my way through school so I couldn't afford it otherwise.
Is it worth it? I don't know. I know my life will be pretty much ruined but I figure I either do this or kill myself.
Yes for two reasons, one real and one not.
One: Money saved is money saved. One day that money might save YOU.
Two: Maybe this is generic feelgood shit but having a good relationship with your parents is no bad thing. There are so many people I personally know who were told to get the fuck out at eighteen who were then FUCKED. My parents let me stay with them while I studied for my degree, saving me a ton of money and giving me a real place of support when I needed it. If that means some random assholes (of which there are barely any, with so many people these days in the same siutation) look at me weird or some women think less of me then fuck 'em.
I know that feel. I'm self-funding two undergraduate degrees in Political Science and Media. 45K in debt so far and living with mom and dad 'til at least 25.
PhD is a step too far for me at this stage, in terms of time and money.
>Political Science and Media
Couldn't you do at least one degree that actually makes money?
Listen to this user, OP, they know what they're talking about.
I left home at 16 and clawed my way to where I am now, so live it up with your parents and just tell everyone else to get fucked. As long as your parents are OK with it, you can be OK with it too.
Only in the west do we put so much emphasis on leaving home. It's stupid considering current economic situations.
What they said OP. Try to help out in the household whenever you can. Laundry, cooking, stuff like that which don't take long but make a difference when done regularly.
Why do you say 20s was wasted by living with parents?
How living alone is better? You have less people around you to slave for you. For example, my parents prepare food, drive me where necessary and I can think of the business.
Stupid reason really. Also, frugal lifestyle living with parents makes more sense. I'm building a second home now, but still live with parents, how is this bad? I don't want to clean my own room and shit. Let my granny do that.
you can find obese single moms and bring them back to your overpriced hut for disgusting slampig sex
high test
I'm 25 and live with my parents, but we have two houses on one property. It's pretty comfy. I did roommates in university and it fucking sucked. If you get along with your parents, then what's the rush?
Don't like 50% of 25 y/o's still live with their parents? Hardly an embarrassment.
>moving out its a meme
>giving money to a bank or some landlord is preferable to investing said money in stocks
Genius I tell you.
im from spain and I know i will never be able to move from my parent's flat
my dad left and lives in the other flat, so i live with my mom
im fucking depressed all day, there's no point in doing anything, you have no intimacy whatsoever
you can't get a gf because she gets turned off at the fact that im not good looking enough to pull the "careless guy that lives with his parents" schtick so im fucked
i cant study anything due years of NEETing and in general despair at knowing that no matter how hard I study, i cant never make enough money to move, unless i want to move and live on a shit tier place with 0 extra money since it will all go to pay rent and basic expenses, whats the point? i would rather live with my mom and spend any extra money i can manage to make on escorts, at least i fuck hot girls, all other options would lead me to not fucking hot girls. Life is a fucking scam unless you inherit and somehow manage to make a lot of money throw some meme business.
>life is all about having sex with girls
Kys lil homie
must feel good being an stress-free low t faggot.
Lol the frogposting faggot that is crying about his pathetic excuse for a life on an imageboard is calling me low-test. I have now truly seen all this board has to offer
>b-but my frogposting
If you aren't stressed and pissed out at the fact that you cant have a proper sexual life you are a low t cuck. Either this or a coping MGTOW faggot.
Im literally laughing out loud over here. Do you spend 'all' of your parasitic NEET time making implications about the lives of people who are not pathetic enough to pay for sex, let alone spend their severly limited resources on it?
It is. I am 22 and living on my own. I wish I would have had more time to build.
Out of the house by 18 is no longer possible now the thing is
>get a degree
>leave the house
tell us about your magnicifient plan if you were to be in my position
>spend your 20's gambling with stocks hoping you can buy a house by 30
Genius I tell you.
>stocks are gambling
Nigger you just went full boomer.
THIS is my only problem desu
I'd do like i told you and kill myself. That way you can free your parents from the burden you place on them by your stagnate existence. Think about it, you could actually do something great with your life by sacraficing it to free up resources for your parents, thus making their lives easier.
But if you dont want to do that, i would stop feeling sorry for myself, suck my NEET gut far enough in to put on my big boy pants and get a (literally any) job and actually start contributing/working with your parents/mom as a team to improve your lives as whole since you obviously dont mind being around eachother. Whether that means education, more spacious living, or resources needed to develop skillsets or hobbies youre interested in.
Whatever you do, do something that prevents you from shitting up Veeky Forums with your froggy NEET sobstory maymays, at least.
try r9k
What's it like not having sex OP?
Bet it sucks
They are gambling with more reasonable % of expectation, but in a way they are gambling, and thinking playing with stocks is a solid way to move out at age 30 is delusional, otherwise you would have done it yourself.
>inb4 i did a lot of money on stocks by investing my minimum wage on it and bought a house
You wouldn't do shit if you lived in spain with the highest unemployment % ever + had my ridiculous high libido genetics, also I have floaters on one eye which is ruining my life too.
Let's look at the situation here:
1) Getting a job: impossible, and if you get one it's very temporal, and it pays like shit, like shit. You can NEVER move out with a minimum wage job (actually they pay under minimum legal wage all the time, its a joke)
2) You study a shiton of years, im 30 years old by the time I finish, and no one hires me because "muh experience". Everyone demands experience and I have none = im fucked
3) Even if after studying, if you manage to get an higher paying job, higher means around 1200€ in spain in 2016, for someone that's new and has no experience, and I know lots of people working for less than 1000€ with college degrees, mostly on those places where you answer phone calls all day, whatever your call this in your shitty language. Now do the fucking math. You can't pay for shit with that. You spend it on the rent, on basic needs, then since you are not a monkey you need some hobbies, so add in a gym membership, an internet collection so you dont blow your brains up and needed in 2016 anyway for everything, phone also needed etc.
You end up with barely no extra money to do shit, so you save it up because who knows if next month they will not fire me. I can't afford doing anything extra that isnt WORKING and EATING basically.
All of this while being genetically gifted with super high libido and not getting laid, so cortisol levels out the roof, stress, just a exploding metabolism. I mean if you are only going to be WORKING and EATING, how the fuck are you going to cope with that without getting some pussy? can I at least get a blowjob?
And even if I managed to attract some girl, it would be a subpar girl that I don't even like anyway.
Thats why I would rather spend it on hot girls, I get what I want for a while, my stress levels lower and I feel good for some time. Now, I imagine myself WORKING, EATING and PAYING BILLS because you don't have any more money and time to do anything else. Where the fuck is the satisfaction on that? you are living to sustain a life of missery, with no reward whatsoever. NO POINT.
Im just being as efficient as I can't with the cards i've been dealt with.
>thinking playing with stocks is a solid way to move out at age 30 is delusional, otherwise you would have done it yourself.
Honestly it is a solid way to do it. You don't even have to do stocks you could try for a business if you want to instead. Financially speaking there is no good reason to willingly subject yourself to paying rents or mortgage interest.
>live at home at 24
>coming up on two years at home after college
>save 20k so far (because I bought a car)
I can't wait to leave, this commute is truely hell, living at home sucks.
Starting a business is suicidal unless you have a good pillow.
Stocks are a fucking gamble man... sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
The only way to make solid progress is to work and save money, which means a depressing life anyway.
Im making the most out of my situation, all other options are legit shit.
>All of this while being genetically gifted with super high libido and not getting laid, so cortisol levels out the roof, stress, just a exploding metabolism. I mean if you are only going to be WORKING and EATING, how the fuck are you going to cope with that without getting some pussy? can I at least get a blowjob?
i cant imagine you having sex ever you fucking autist
Kek he probably doesnt realize how many people are lurking itt and laughing their asses off at his pathetic life. How else does such a loser develop such a ridiculous ego such as his when they have never accomplished anything? Its got to be some form of autism. Either that or he has spent so much time shitposting in Veeky Forums, /pol/ and r9k that he believes that is how real life is.
>tfw 25 and still live with my parents
>own and rent two condos with the money i saved
kek, wagies mad that im fucking legit 8/10's+ while they have to work to maintain their average gfs if they even get laid at all.
Paying for hookers when you are a neet is pretty sad desu desu. I could understand if you had a based income.
Its pretty easy to fuck 8/10 women if you are rich (without paying them famelam).
>Its pretty easy to fuck 8/10 women if you are rich (without paying them famelam).
Really? I didn't know. It's such a shame that im not rich, and since im not rich, im playing my cards the best way possible to fuck 8/10 women.
And lol at not paying. You are always paying, unless you are good looking.
>You are always paying, unless you are good looking.
Wew. Im in the clear then. Although you are not always paying. Sometimes i just take a chick to my families beach house and fuck them there. 0 cents spend.
how can you even get off fully knowing her moans are fake or exaggerated. kill yourself
The ppl who make fun of ppl who live at home are literally, oreilly tier irish. Like oreilly, they were cute kids, who morphed into incredibly ugly adults. Their own parents kicked them out because of how ugly they had become as adults. These ugly people now make fun of ppl who live at home, because they are angry they couldnt pull it off themselves.
If you are Chad-tier, living alone is the best decision you can make.
However, if you are a normal dude, stay with your parents. You will get increadibly lonely and lose money.
Basically this.
Wasting 1500 to 2500 a month for an apt is about as keen as spending 400 out of your 500 welfare dollars each month on jordans.
I like how people unironically refer to their parent's house as 'home' and, in the same sentence, mock people for living there.
ITT: a bunch of neets who still live with their parents telling other neets who still live with their parents how fine it is.
Spoilers: it's not fine. you are all fucking pathetic.
>yet is a NEET living with his mom.
>Spoilers: it's not fine. you are all fucking pathetic.
What if you're studying...
But it's Law/Finance, it's really time consuming..
And I know how to derivative properly now.
>MFW he's a loser who still lives at home
>MFW he doesn't indebt himself to me so that he can live alone in a 2BR house
>her moans
Hookers don't even pretend to have fun.
Fake moans are a porn thing
I'm 21, full time student and full time worker, regularly do chores around the house.
My brother is 23, part time student, unemployed, and spends his free time yelling at 13 year olds on Xbox
If my parents are willing to endorse his behavior you best believe there isn't a single bit of guilt on my conscience about living with them.
>2BR house
what is that a house for ants?
>ITT: a bunch of neets
my annual income is $78k
moved in after college
Mfw living in UK at 31 with my parents and still only have a £55k deposit
the only legit poster ITT (besides me)
>im rich and goodlooking why are you not happpy and active like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
how can you even get off if you are not fucking hot girls
I'm 20 and live with my parents, although I will probably live somewhere else next year
im a 33 yr old ivy grad.. I spend all the 1500 a month i save on rent on playing with stocks... literally i am cryimg laughing at the ppl who ARE SO DESPERATE FOR PUSSY that they waste 18,000 a year for no other reason than their bonobo chimpanzee tier sexual appetite
I tell girls straight up that il live with my parents... i still fuck half of them, and the other half that blew me off bc they thought it was weird to live at home are calling me 2 weeks later to say they changed their mind and they dont think its weird... at that point i blow them off, which feels awesome... charlie gellar (or w/e his real name is) from the movie the big short lived at home while making 100 million dollars shorting losers like u guys who wanted to play house
34 in a month too... no shame tho...
You just same fagged youself.
I hate Veeky Forums,
There is a lot of lies in this thread.