How many of you are relentless when it comes to saving? I'm talking pocket change, 1$ bills, envelope systems...of course banking it as well. How did you become this way?
How much do you save a year just but saving dollar bills and change?
ALSOOO do you pick a coin if you see it laying there on the floor?
Who here is frugal / super saver
>How many of you are relentless when it comes to saving? I'm talking pocket change, 1$ bills, envelope systems...of course banking it as well. How did you become this way?
Pretty much do everything in cash, so all my change goes into corresponding jars
>How much do you save a year just but saving dollar bills and change?
Ranges from 500-2500 a year just in pocket change
>ALSOOO do you pick a coin if you see it laying there on the floor?
Fukin right, not kike, but free is free
>Not using a credit card and getting 1-5% discounts on purchases
>B-b-but I save my change!
You keep your change in your bank account by using a credit card, retard.
And people wonder why they're poor.
alright that's what I'm talking about! OP here every time I post something similar it generates 0 posts. Its good to see someone understands how to diversify their saving habits. My personal thing is to have a change jar with and envelope for the extra 5,10s,20s etc I can spare a week.
>diversify their saving habits
This is the dumbest thing I've heard all day. And I work with a pain pill junkie.
>Not using a credit card and getting 1-5% discounts on purchases
I live in backass woodland PA, and no one wants to deal with cards and you get plenty of cash discounts.
How is it stupid? How can saving money be stupid? Please explain
You can lie to yourself, but please don't lie to me.
The only people that give discounts for cash are:
Gas stations
Small time convenience stores
None of these should be large concern for you unless you're assembling a collection of antique gas pumps and snack foods.
>mfw plebs actually save coins in jars
Coins are cash. You should just spend it at stores.
All these coin jar plebs end up trying to turn the coins into dollars when they are inevitably strapped for cash, only to find that their bank will charge a fee and those Coinstar machines will charge an even higher fee.
Just spend your coins as you go. You should only ever have as many coins as are in your pocket.
this isn't true
>Diversifying saving habits
That's stupid. The trick to saving is spending less than what you take home. I guess envelopes and jars and good learning tools for children, but an adult should be able to clearly recognize where they're spending their money and if it provides a good return.
Like for me, I spend a lot of money on alcohol, but the return is worth it since it keeps me from crying myself to sleep due to the unbearable loneliness I face.
As such, I cut back in other areas like food, entertainment, and that stuff. I keep my money in bank accounts instead of envelops of assorted colors. You should too.
Bought my car for cash, saved 4k
Bought my small house for cash, saved 30k, used that money to improve the land and now its worth more than I paid for it.
And it pays to be "friends" with all the people that own businesses around here. They're more than happy to sell things to you at cost for cash then some twat using a chip card.
>being a credit card pleb
>personally securing personal debt
enjoy your inevitably low FICO scores pleb
>Paying cash for $4k and $50k homes
Well yeah, you're poor and have shit taste. You should be doing the kinds of things that poor people do. That is, pay for everything with cash.
>Not having access to lines of credit that also help protect you from fraud and identity theft.
Hey, let me know when you join the 21st century, pal.
>you're poor and have shit taste
Yeah OK Mastercard/Visa/DISCOVERY shill
I bet you pencil push and think your 3k suit makes you look good in the eyes of your master kikes.
You must be slow...
also you cant read
>4k on car
>SAVED 30k on home
>Implying I wear suits to work.
I'm telling you how to actually save money and you call me a shill? Pay off your bill in full every month and you'll literally get free money for the price of your spending habits being sold to marketers.
You bought cheap houses and cars in cash instead of having better taste, safely leveraging yourself, and getting more for less. But then again, you'd have to stop being a tasteless rube to do the smart choice.
I get it just fine, Cleetus. You think you "saved" money by not financing when you really lost money because you didn't let your money work for you with these historically low interest rates.
I'm sure you're the pride of the trailer park, but that can only get you so far.
You really must have an extra chromosome to not notice you're talking to 2 different people and he's not the one who is "Cleetus"
You're both retarded as far as I'm concerned. You both keep your change in jars instead of using it like the currency it is. So why bother differentiating between two hillbilly mouth breathers?
>Q-quick, save face!
HOLY SHIT you aren't getting it are you. ITS EXTRA CHANGE...nobody is going to show up to the store and pay 100.00 in groceries in just accumulates and at the end of the year you put it in the bank..why is this hard for you to understand?
It's not "extra" you cock sucker. It's just the change you always had. You're even doubly retarded for putting it in the bank at the end of the year instead of using it throughout. You're wasting out on the valuable effects of compound interest.
But like I said in my first post, you poor people wonder why you're poor when you have the financial literacy and discipline of a 2nd grader.
I choose to live in the hood with my bromate in his uncles house we were paying $200 a month each but he upped it to $300 each now s m h
Didn't you say you chose to spend you money on alcohol? I hope you take advantage of bottle refunds. Also alcohol is a pretty expensive thing...wouldent it be better to turn it into compound interest? LMFAO dude you don't know what the plot is.
He's probably gonna say how you have shit tastes for not drinking and doing his corporate Shilling habits
Like I told you before, boy, the material cost of alcohol is more than made up by its benefits for me.
Shit, it's like I'm trying to reason with children.
>Still saves his money in jars and envelopes
Oh wait...
Cant forget being a credit card slave...hey to each their own
>not being a 6'5" chef at wendys making 130k a year with a 9" cock
woah dude
Driving across the country I saw LOTS of gas stations that had a cash discount for cash, such a big discount they had a separate LED price sign next to the card price along the highway. Most were truck stops and I bet those card fee savings add up quick.