So this is a proper am I Jewish question. Now my situation is somewhat unique. Basically my father was jewish growing up however renounced his Judaism in his late teens for atheism. I think typically according to reform Judaism this still makes me a Jew (tho I may be wrong). However the real twist comes in where I am a branch that is considered almost certainly a direct descendant of the Davinic Line. Meaning that I am as close as it gets in the modern world as it gets to being a direct descendant of King David for certain (with a fancy last name to boot that I won't share because this is Veeky Forums and I'm not stupid). While I was never raised Jewish am I still Jewish due to this particular detail at the end (or even the beginning bit).
So this is a proper am I Jewish question. Now my situation is somewhat unique...
Other urls found in this thread:
David was a literary character
Is your dick mutilated?
Not according to the Jewish Religion
Possible i guess. But you're one part king david to about 3000 parts nobody jew plebs.
Sorry OP, you're not special
Judaism has expired OP.
Do you get to be King or some shit if you're from the Davinic line?
The Jewish religion is a heap of lies. Enjoy your revenge fantasies and literal fascist ethno-state.
> The Jewish religion is a heap of lies.
And yet it is basis of christianity and islam...
And yet it's a heap of lies.
If your mom is a jew your jewish
If you where conceived while your father was a jew your a jew
If you are a proper descendant of king david you are a jew.
The last one is a special case. But descendancy from a royal jewish line would make you jewish as all hell.
>literal fascist ethno-state.
Assuming that's a problem
>. Meaning that I am as close as it gets in the modern world as it gets to being a direct descendant of King David for certain
That is the biggest crock of shit that any of us have ever heard. Do you have genealogical tables or is this simply 3 millennia of circumcised NeckBeard legend?
BTW. how do you know there is not a single instance of adulterous bastardry in those 3,000 years. You arrogant prick.
t. Mehmet
No, Judaism is passed on through the mother. If your mother was not Jewish, you are not Jewish unless you convert.
You do have the ability to move to Israel if you want though.
t. Jew
Jews promote multiculturalism, diversity, and anti-fascism in every other state, so Zionism ought to be more of an issue than it is.
prove it
The burden of proof is on the Jews to unearth any kind of archeological evidence supporting their claims about their ancestry and the truth of the Old Testament.
>However the real twist comes in where I am a branch that is considered almost certainly a direct descendant of the Davinic Line.
Who gives a shit?
After the French Revolution, "muh family line!" was rendered null and void.
If Jehoichim is in your line, you are cursed and cannot take the throne.
If you are not Jesus, you are powerless to take the throne away from Jesus.
Because you have no Temple, no High Priest, no animal sacrifices, and have never kept one single Passover properly in your life, you are cut off from the nation of Israel, which itself is a withered fig tree.
Sorry for your luck.
Better figure out who your Messiah is, quick.
Unless you later reveal yourself to be the Messiah it doesn't make a difference.
Not to mention Reform Judaism is for posers that can't handle the Orthodox autism.
judaism is passed from the mother. you want to be a descendent of david because you think you're mashiach but that doesn't necessarily make you jewish. you're only jewish if you consider yourself jewish and you do the whole mikvah and conversion process. oh and fyi you're not mashiach he's not coming for at least 2 hundred years
user...He already came.
>I am a branch that is considered almost certainly a direct descendant of the Davinic Line
Of course you are, Menelik, of course you are.
guess what? Those kings had a harem of women making it quite probable a good share of us are direct descendants. Even the "khazarian" jew. Im not vexed about bloodline when it comes to jews. Or Soviet transitioning practices, you know atheism. After all israel means people.
What gets me confused is how can a country be considered a legal country if it has no set boundaries. It keeps moving so much it can only be proved a hazard to those around it. Damaging cultural, political and economic stability.
Imagine if a country in the first world, keeps changing its borders every decade or so. It will nt be cnsidered a country but a terrorist state.
As for what constitutes a jew, nothing. Its just a religion. Except ashkenazi who are so loving of their dna because they descend from a historically isolated area in europe that was tarnished by th sultan at one point. Through the years people of a common stock just breed in. Theres no select gene marker for sefardim...go figure.
he's jewish according to reform, reconstruction, and humanistic judaism. He could also get Israeli citizenship (assuming his dad does first or he does a speed conversion like the soviet immigrants)
Maybe he's moshiach. Who are you to say he's not? He's still young, no?
Two shekels have deposited into your Paypal account.
So? Is that an argument? Sorcerer's Stone is the basis for Chamber of Secrets but that doesn't make either real life.
Like even as a fedora I am willing to concede that the other guy even bringing up the validity of the Jewish religion is retarded in this thread but your argument just triggered me so hard holy shit I need to call my social worker