Why do you guys hate John Green?
Why do you guys hate John Green?
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I myself don't hate him, but the reasons I see given time and again are that he doesn't give in-depth explanations, and is revisionist.
Progressive nu-male cuck who believes in a gender pay gap and the Western oppression of women.
He and his brother seem to literally think they are righteous knights of justice and reason
In what way is he a revisionist?
By the way,
Do you believe in holocaust?
/pol/ here btw
What I here from others is that he skims over critical parts to paint a nicer picture for certain groups and individuals, such as the Haitian revolt and Islam, etc.
What I believe doesn't matter. These are the reasons I have heard from others, not my own.
Let me rephrase,
Was there a holocaust?
How is that question relevant to the conversation at hand?
Yes now fuck off /pol/
Just figured I'd kill two birds with one stone
Don't you have opinions to memorize?
Kill yourself you stupid stormfag
The real answer because it is cool meme now.
He's interjects his personal ideology into all the videos he does and it's always a oversimplified version of history. This is worse by the fact that he's a nu-male who follows progressive liberal politics. It's very concerning that he has such a substantial audience which include underage teens.
Because he is bad.
>a lot of people can't possibly have the same idea, it must be a meme!
the episode about early Islam is actually a really good example of his bullshit bias.
for john, the rapid and aggressive expansion of islam in the 7th century is some sort of astonishing cultural feat and it's really admirable and impressive that it was able to happen at all. this lead to some sort of islamic golden age which inspired learning and tolerance all across the muslim world, drawing stark contrast with the backwards oppressive ignorance of the west.
and yet he chooses to completely ignore the fact that dark ages islamic expansion was some of the most brutal, bloodthirsty and oppressive military campaigning ever in the history of the world, something if it was a western power doing it he would certainly be clear in noting.
Simple. He's a revisionist, he injects his toxic ideology into his teachings, and the people who follow him are pseudo-intellectual teenagers who watch his videos to sound smarter than their friends.
Even worse Teachers show his bullshit in the classroom because they don't want to teach and Schools get asshurt if you show anyone else's videos that don't align with his views
>Source: I teach world history at a high school and I taught about the crusades. A student got ass mad for me talking about how the Muslims enslaved and raped christian women in Spain and how the ottomans had their boy rapist army and what the ottomans liked to do with young boys but long story short a student complained that I was being homophobic and Islamaphobic to the LGBTQ+ club in the school and the main teacher in charge of that club left her classroom one day with students in her sociology class (I am not making this shit up) and went into my classroom to have a sit in to protest my bigotry and I had a strike put on me and it's a load of shit also they banned me from showing Real Crusade History's videos despite him using primary sources and not white washing history and told me if I were to show YT vids on history then it has to be John Green or someone they approve. I hate the Public School System. Before you call me bias toward the Crusaders I did talk about rogue knights and the infamous People's "Crusade".
> i don't want to believe in historical facts
> they surely must be the toxic ideology
That is barbarism. How can you let high school students do that. How does that "sociology" teacher have a job?
You need more /pol/ in your life, bro.
He's a smug obnoxious fuck.
dumb accel-poster
Why aren't your doors locked during class hours?
It's like you want some aspie to get in with a Glock and start thinning out the herd.
Or the slackers to get in without making the walk of shame. Both of which are awful.
I do lock my doors because fuck late students they are always assholes about it but teacher's key to door works on every door since it's the same lock and that's how they got in also they blocked the door so students couldn't get out too. Fucking cunts
Do you teach in King County, WA? Or somewhere near it? An odd shot in the dark, but I live in Snohomish County and that shit would definitely happen here.
Schools are too afraid to fuck with students due to them now suing schools for "limiting their political rights" and our school district is in half a million in debt but we aren't Detroit tier in schools it's just that useless classes like Sociology and other stupid liberal arts classes are overfunded because they had a survey on what type of classes the students want. They tried to cut my class out of the school because some students said that World History is just colonialism also these fucks hate me because unlike other teachers I don't allow them on their phones during class and I don't like people talking while I am giving lectures too also I enforce dress code and destroyed this one girls argument on how it is hot in my classroom (I hate heat which is why I have 4 big ass fans in my classroom) and I had a thermometer and it read 71* and she was destroyed.
You obviously have never watched any of his videos or you're just oblivious. It's painstakingly obvious that he injects his politics into his lectures. You don't have to agree or disagree with what he projects to acknowledge that.
Nah I teach in near Portland, Oregon which makes even more sense.
I knew it was in the PNW. I'm not even /pol/, I'm a moderate I guess leaning to the right, but I'm disgusted by this. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, or so they say.
>Everyone posts this image like he's wrong or something.
I mean yes, making the point about "slut shaming" is bad is obvious, trite, obnoxious, and characteristically liberal, especially since our society is better about that shit than 90% of others, but reposting that image over and over again is more obnoxious than him saying it once could ever be.
t. Not John Green, I swear
He probably got a lot of extramarital cuckpoon for saying that on ToobYoos
>Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, or so they say.
But those who edit history are to change the future for better or worse and I hate it.
its just a meme friend, let it be
You need to stand up to them. They're going to walk all over you forever if you try to kotow to it.
There's a book you need to read.
Until he denounces the point he tried to make here, it remains relevant.
Sluts are objectively bad for a healthy, functioning society. Worse, encouraging sluts (as he is doing with his excuses) is actively destructive of his own culture which allows them to be sluts in the first place!
Ultimately liberalism is a self defeating ideology for that reason. It bears being pointed out over and over.
I am standing up to them fuck it and if they fire me then I am going to the news
> Sluts are objectively bad for a healthy, functioning society.
They aren't. What exactly an objective harm here?
Sluts don't form stable familial bonds (or at least put them in jeopardy from their promiscuous behavior). The family unit is the fundamental building block of society. Broken families create broken people who make broken societies.
Read the book. At a bare minimum, read Chapter 7
It could save your career.
To be honest, his point is justified. Who the fuck cares? There are dozens more reasons for judge people from being coward, being an idiot, maybe for contributing nothing to the society or even the real criminal activity. Being a slut, even being the fucking whore is relatively small atrocity at grand scheme of things. You probably can judge a slut for more serious shit than arbitrary number of her partners anyway because they people tend to do the real harm one way or another.
> Sluts don't form stable familial bonds
It isn't some sort of universal law. If you care about family you should directly blame the people who is participated in destruction of their families or never created one, doesn't matter if they are sluts or not.
back to /pol/, faggot cuck
If you care about society, you must care about family, but you must also be conscious of trends and especially causal relationships. To be sure, sluts aren't the only destructive influence on families in our society, but they are one large contributing factor.
And they're glorified. Young women are indoctrinated with a message that they are good people if they are sluts, and bad people if they marry, settle down, and raise children at home. It is a self destructive message that causes untold human wreckage and misery, and ultimately is undermining of the very society that was permissive of their existence in the first place.
>the most blood thirsty expansion in the history of the world
Pls try a bit harder
> Young women are indoctrinated with a message that they are good people if they are sluts
John Green literally said that it doesn't matter how many partners you have. Better to side with him to downplay the issue as a whole. If you try to blame sluts in advance, it could easily be presented as a some kind of an unfair nitpicking and pushed from justified contrary reactions into insane glorification that happens today.
His saying that is tantamount to glorifying sluts.
Worse, he's objectively wrong. Women who've had a large number of partners before marriage tend to be less happy when they eventually do marry. They're also pushing back their child baring later into life when there are more health consequences for both the mother and child. On top of which they're exposing themselves to STIs, many of which cause permanent damage to women.
That's just to name a few problems. Being a slut is bad for society, it's bad for a woman's family, and it's bad for the woman herself. And at this point, it's hardly blaming them in advance. We' have a prevalent libertine movement since at least the 1960s. The data is in.
>The family unit is the fundamental building block.
Maybe it used to be. Technology and culture are ripping the family unit apart and making people bold individualists. I know plenty of people who don't have big, religious, traditional, supportive families, and they're alriight. They do what they're supposed to and don't get in others ways, for the most part.
PS: I used to feel the way you do about "sluts."
But really, as long as they aren't pushing out kids they'll neglect, who cares?
>Women who've had a large number of partners before marriage tend to be less happy when they eventually do marry.
Not that guy, but there may be more factors at play there than just them being promiscuous. We do live in a society where "slut shaming" is still considered a pretty OK thing to be doing.
As for the rest. It's their choice to take the risk. We don't consider people who snowboard to be bad people despite the health risks it carries.
He's a fucking white male!
No, user, it's not technology. It's a concerted effort by ideologically motivated people to upend the extant social order by destroying families to the greatest extent possible. Look at blacks in America, for instance, where 4 of 5 children are born out of wedlock and are raised in a home without any adult males. Where they also are about 13% of the population, but account for greater than half of all abortions. How are blacks doing in this country right now? Want to ask Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown?
The reason you should care is that it's not an isolated phenomenon to just a handful of individuals. It's as prevalent as to be ubiquitous.
Of course, the slut herself is also a victim. She was bombarded her entire life with a single narrative pushing a single ideology. If she's too uncreative or unintelligent to ever challenge her own beliefs, of course she'll think she's doing what's right. And the messaging is calculated to be incredibly attractive to those people, and who cares who gets hurt.
"Slut shaming" isn't really a thing. But even if it were, sluts form enclaves and social circles where they're immune to it. But even if they didn't, a bit of shame would act as a correcting mechanism to realign their values with something that's good for them and for our society.
Snowboarding doesn't have consequences for everyone else around you, user. Neither does it destroy lives on an unprecedented scale.
Oh good lord. We're going to go into cultural Marxist conspiracy theory nonsense. You fucking loony toon.
The Frankfurt School Cultural Marxists were an actual conspiracy. If you dispute facts, you don't really belong on a history board.
>"Slut shaming" isn't really a thing.
Oh bullshit. Our society still places heaps of importance on the notion of female chastity.
>But even if it were, sluts form enclaves and social circles where they're immune to it.
Unless you're a shut-in, you're never not exposed to greater society at large.
>But even if they didn't, a bit of shame would act as a correcting mechanism to realign their values with something that's good for them and for our society.
They're already subjected to plenty.
>Snowboarding doesn't have consequences for everyone else around you, user. Neither does it destroy lives on an unprecedented scale.
Sexual promiscuity doesn't inherently do either of these things. Condoms, birth control, and basic human empathy are all things.
> It's hardly blaming them in advance
If there is zero immediate harm it would be always seen as this. Doesn't matter if it is really bad as a some kind of statistical trend. Humans aren't that good at perceiving or comprehending such matter. If there is no direct harm then people like you are seen as a villains and it is in human matter to try and glorify any kind of activism against perceived evil, being it real or not. Basically, the same shit would happen if you would try to shit on people if they drink of smoke. Yes, this is bad for them or even for society as a whole, but retards would do smoking and drinking even more just to spite you a little more. I am not denying you data, but here exist a conflict of interest and understanding and sheer data or direct judgment couldn't solve that.
They were a group of social critics that did indeed exist. The theory that they're somehow pulling the strings of society to bring about proletarian revolution by demonizing the pure white males of Veeky Forums is an insane conspiracy theory.
This thread is fucking cancer. Youtube personalities are not history or humanity.
Well, actually data could solve that. If people were more aware about impact of sluts on society, that surely should change something? Personal blame is the dead end here. People doesn't like to feel it and would subscribe to any dogma that can solve that problem, turning their guilt in proud and such.
> It's a concerted effort by ideologically motivated people
So... Can you name at least one?
John Green can't be the mastermind.
Even Linbybeige?
> bit of shame would act as a correcting mechanism
Many people react to shame in the way that place them against societal norms even more and today you can't really alienate them from everyone else.
>Our society still places heaps of importance on the notion of female chastity.
Well, individual men do, but society at large doesn't. Again, this isn't the 1950s. Feminists have been successful at conflating the ideas of women's liberation with sexual promiscuity.
>Unless you're a shut-in, you're never not exposed to greater society at large.
user, the left won the culture war. It's a fait accompli. The greater society at large is supportive of slutty behavior.
>They're already subjected to plenty.
I don't think that's so, but even if it were, that would be beneficial to the women themselves and to the rest of society.
>Sexual promiscuity doesn't inherently do either of these things.
Female sexual promiscuity is incredibly physically and psychologically damaging to women.
>Condoms, birth control, and basic human empathy are all things.
One of these things is not like the others.
But I think you're making my point here. You seem to think that condoms and birth control are somehow good. That's your expression of the enculturation to which you were exposed.
Okay, so you seem to be coming at it from a perspective of "perception is reality." It is not. Those are different things.
If your argument is that a different sort of messaging is necessary to convince women that being sluts is bad, I don't know that I disagree. I would think, however, that the effective praxis would be something along the lines of a reverse long march through the institutions, and the reinstatement of a cultural hegemony that promotes the wellbeing of women rather than self destructive tendencies.
Well if you want to strawman a position with which you disagree, I suppose it's always going to appear to be insane. But the culture war was quite real, I'm sad to say. Its ideological underpinnings came from somewhere.
I don't think there's a hierarchical conspiracy behind the scenes with a supreme dark overlord. I think that there's a prevalent political ideology which many people share in common, which causes them to be activists in support of the promulgation of their ideology.
Even that's a vast oversimplification, but if you want an example of an individual who is part of that effort, just look to the user insisting that slut shaming is prevalent, and is a bad thing:
> condoms and birth control are somehow good
They are good. You need to be a retard to deny that. They prevent unwanted children or horrible infections. This is good and it isn't like they are mandatory. So you can have you children if you worry about birth rates or whatever.
I'm not sure that's so. But one way or another, a person's life choices always come back to impact them. So if someone chooses to be contrarian against an attempt to shame them, they are going to suffer the consequences of being a slut: to wit, they're most likely going to grow into miserable wrecks.
>You need to be a retard to deny that.
Welp, there's your problem. Disagreeing with you on a normative social value doesn't make someone a retard. Nor does holding your position entitle you to climb up on a moral high horse.
Condoms are obviously not universally effective, which is the biggest problem with them. Low intelligence people seem to think they're a magic aegis that prevents them from suffering any consequences from their reckless behavior. Unfortunately, they're not.
> perspective of perception is reality
No. It is mostly about how judging people isn't the very good way to change their opinion. Especially when they doesn't understand a real harm of their behavior. It kind of forces people to pick side and sign up to retarded choice even more like being a slut not even for pleasure of sex itself but also for empowering or other much more bullshit reasons.
> I'm not sure that's so.
It varies from one person to another but around like 12% of people tend to react with a straight fuck off to societal pressure in any given situation. From it you can draw sort of bell curve and try to predict a what kind of opposition there going to born in play.
> they are going to suffer the consequences
Why would they? They could just argue with your position and glorify their point of view, without real effort from their side to uphold some slut standard or whatever. The people who believe in it certainly would suffer more than the one who promote that view. More than anything, it doesn't even matter if some of contrary persons would suffer too. Like it doesn't really matter if suffer now, data being real and anything. Even if there is some vengeance at individual level, there still exist a harm for society.
> Disagreeing with you on a normative social value
It isn't normative value, it is basic logic. It is better to have more control over life than literally none so condoms and birth control are definitely good even if they doesn't magically solve all problems. Like a ban them and it would be even worse level of good.
Demonstrably there was not.
as far as history goes didn't he imply Alexander only conquered the known world because his men had longer spears?
He just has one of those faces. He literally looks like a 12 year old boy in many of his pictures.
He also does that "Hiiii I'm John Green" in the most smug fucking voice at the start of every video.
What are you implying? His statement was a bit hyperbolic but the expansion of Islam was soaked to the bone in blood. Not even just the initial expansions but the raids and pillaging that targeted southern Europe in the centuries to follow.
Islam has always gone forward on a tidal wave of blood and nothing has changed. There is absolutely not rebuttal or getting around the fact that Muhammad, the founder and idealised Muslim was a warlord.
How is it any different than Vikings raiding and massacring people as they go?
Just like you, user. Everything has a good side and a bad side. Your good side is that you hated atrocities and wishes for a better world. But your bad side is that you are filled with anger and hatred to justify your righteousness
>teaching about crusades
>talks about umayyad caliphate and the ottomans fucking boys
damn. Just stick to the syllabus retarded /pol/ack
Yes, but John Green criticizes the viking for it, while praising the muslims.