What are some philosophers/scientists that came from really poor backgrounds?

What are some philosophers/scientists that came from really poor backgrounds?

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Kepler was a legit poor fag.

Source: my physics teacher.


Not Marx.

He was Italian nobility.


Faraday was a poor as a shit.


Walter Pitts



>a name makes you rich

Was he particularly poor for the time though? Like I don't recall him being nobility, but he also wasn't a slave like Epictetus.

A carpenter back then probably means the same thing that it does today:

working class

Sort of, but not really. When we say working class we mean poor people. Carpentry is artisan labor, sure it's manual labor as well but it's a craft which requires skill. Recalling that Jesus' society had massive slave population as well as large numbers of free unskilled laborers, his family probably wasn't particularly poor, although they certainly weren't upper class either.

However, Jesus during his ministry is portrayed as being an itinerant preacher who subsists on local charity, which would make him pretty damn poor.

>However, Jesus during his ministry is portrayed as being an itinerant preacher who subsists on local charity, which would make him pretty damn poor.

But the question of the thread was one of background.

Fichte was poor. Literally peasant-tier compared to Schelling and Hegel.

Joseph-Louis Lagrange was from a distinguished family, but his dad gambled it all away.

Paul Dirac had a seemingly normal upbringing, same as Peter Higgs

Nikola Tesla

George Washington Carver was born a slave, you can't get much lower than that.

A carpenter can vary wildly in the amount of income he brings home depending on his hustle. They can either be small business owners and make a decent living or glorified construction workers and make poverty wages.

But what we also know about these times was that the Roman occupation (which was essentially taxation without representation) was making life intolerable for the Jews, when something as simple as applying for a trade license required getting a "mark" from a pagan temple certifying that you made the appropriate sacrifice to work in the Roman economy, and paying your taxes meant a large, painful sacrifice to the temple of Jupiter. It's highly probable to assume that Joseph had a rough life and could very well be associated with the working poor, especially considering that he couldn't afford a room at an inn and had to stay in a barn stable while his wife was giving birth.

It's debatable whether or not you could call him a philosopher, but Thomas Sowell was born into poverty in Jim Crow-era North Carolina. His father had died, and he was raised by his aunt because his mother already had four other children to take care of, and she was really overwhelmed. He was the first person in his family to get education above the 6th grade, and he got a PhD from Harvard. Even if you don't agree with the content of his work, you do have to admit that he is a true self-made man.


Actually, I screwed up. He got a Bachelor's from Harvard, his Master's from Columbia, and his PhD from University of Chicago.

No carpenters and workers like that were very low in the society at the time; they were typically people who were forced off their land and had to eek out a living somehow. It was a very precarious life.

>literally God
Come on.

>literally made low for our sake
You come on.

Gauss was poor as shit.

Based black man
He is a meme intellectual though
Too much of an ideologue for my tastes.

IIRC he had figure out his own birthday based on clues.

Koch was a country bumpkin doctor. He started out his anthrax experiment by growing cultures on apples and potatoes.


You mother fuckers, I had a whole thread about discussing jesus's socio-economic status and you forget it already

Edmund Gettier was pretty poor as a kid


Yes Constantine, we fucking get it already. You are a Christian

Camus, Onfray, Newton and Fichte,

Newton wasn't poor by the standards of his age.
No way a poor man would have received this education as a child.

An Austrian painter and political philosopher who did nothing wrong.

2pac yo


Our favourite libertarian

Wasn't Confucius nobility?


He was of the scholarly class though, but was a poor one. His dad was an officer in the State of Lu.

But he was born poor.

I'm not even a libertarian and there's little that I find agreeable about Thomas Sowell's "philosophy" but he still has an extremely impressive personal story.

Paul Erdos