You are voting Hillary right Veeky Forums?
You are voting Hillary right Veeky Forums?
No, Clinton had it on easy mode economics wise because the proper channels were set in place by the former leaders. She goes against coal and loves illegals.
You mean Bill Clinton, the pedophile? Yeah I'm not really surprised.
My god, is this 1812?
Trump should come out and say if he wins Bill Clinton will also lead the economic revitalization. Plus he will get some nice interns!
I don't care for it's effects, I do care when I am invested in it.
Theres a 60% chance your house is running on coal fired power if you live in the U.S
What a shitty reason to promote an industry. Why not dump that shit and invest in cleaner tech? It's not really a secret that coal is under fire. Literally the only reason to use coal is that it's cheap to setup. It's more expensive to maintain and far dirtier than any other way we produce power.
I live in flyover land, I'm more likely getting power from wind or a nearby nuke plant. The power company announced plans to add 2 gigawatts of additional turbines to generate 85% of their energy from wind once completed. Nice try though.
Well at least she knows how incompetent women are with money.
Look man, I want to invest green, but when the Solyndra stimulus failed it's hard to maintain trust. That's a lot of money and a lot government backing + exposure. If I invested in that I could easily get burned rather than something like coal.
>What a shitty reason to promote an industry. Why not dump that shit and invest in cleaner tech? It's not really a secret that coal is under fire. Literally the only reason to use coal is that it's cheap to setup. It's more expensive to maintain and far dirtier than any other way we produce power.
Ah yes, let's put tens of thousands of people out of work, bankrupt US corporations, and have investors lose billions of dollars because you don't like something!!
Surely, the Chinese won't just pick up on the supply lapse that creates and create the same externalities you're avoiding!
I agree.
Green energy creates jobs too. If your job is pointless that's your fault. Are tractors bad because they put farmhands out of work?
Same goes for US Corporations. Who cares, as long as renewable companies pick up the economic slack? Like I said, my energy company is voluntarily pumping $4bil into it right now in my state's wind infrastructure alone, so it's not some evil corporation killer.
You think the Chinese like walking outside in Beijing and not being able to see the building right across the street from them? Produce green, economies of scale take over and they'll buy green.
If coal was winning out because it was the superior technology I wouldn't care, but it's shitty to prop up something so harmful just to siphon off profit imo.
That's understandable enough I guess. Is there a reason you want in on energy, and particularly energy other than oil, which has been in a dip for quite a while now? I guess business is business though regardless of emotions.
Of course
Oh oil is slated to go up soon. Back room deals, failing countries, practical needs. Yada yada yada you get the point. Particularly Venezuela right now will go down soonish, and they produce a lot of oil.
Job recreation
repeal NAFTA or call it CAFTA like trump
both Bernie and Trump are against NAFTA
I am a united states manufacture and I make 15 to 20k lbs of parts a month that go to mexico to be assembles and brought back to america to be sold.
How is it fair trade when Mexicos labor rates are so much cheaper?
lol no. wind accounts for 2% of power production. You're on natgas or coal.
>protip: people also use electricity when it isnt windy out. Learn about baseloads
Yeah that was what i was implying, sorry if I was unclear. It's in the dip but definitely on its way up. Sad to see Venezuela go straight to shit in the process though, I have family from there though I think most of them got out of the country before it got really bad.
You're a dumbass. Iowa as a whole generates over 30% from wind. MidAmerican Energy in Iowa is at 50% and prepping to expand to 85%. Plus there's literally a nuclear plant like fifteen miles down the road from where I live.
Different states get energy from different places. It's a big fucking country and states aren't all the same.
Well both serious candidates are interesting in revitalizing the coal industry, particularly trump however Hillary has shown her flip flopping promise. I really expect both in some ways to stimulate the industry and will increase the value of certain companies.
Oh and I'm calling some type of popular rebellion in the next 5 years in that country considering their latest person in charge seized the factories.
>china is going to do it even if we dont
>so we have to do it
Same argument was used for slavery. Yet somehow it didn't work out for the slave economies in the end.
Your industry is unethical and societally harmful. Defending it for profit alone will result in politicians like Hillary getting more powerful as they feed upon the demonetization of the industry by more enlightened groups.
I dislike this term as much as everyone else, but your on the wrong side of history. Read the writing on the wall and dont be caught holding the bag.
hey assclown. Youre the one saying no one uses coal anymore.
(pic related) Renewables account for a whopping 9% of production.
>giving millions of people reliable access to affordable electricity is unethical and harmful to society
this is what liberals actually believe
Nothing is free. Providing those utilities to people is not worth the damage caused by mining and burning of that particular type of fuel.
Conservatives are always talking about harsh realities, but have spent the last decade sticking their heads in the sand.
Our current way of life is unsustainable. Face up to it, and take the necessary steps to fix it.
I never said no one uses coal anymore. I said it's on its way out. Take another look at your chart. Look at the percentage from coal from 2010 to 2015. It went way down. "But wait! NatGas went up!" Sure. But NatGas + Coal went down 5%. We're not going to replace carbon fuels overnight but we're going to replace them.
> Fossil fuels are the only way to provide affordable, reliable energy
> What is nuclear
> What is hydro
> What is a smart grid/load balancing
The ONLY reason to use coal is that you're too poor to pay upfront. Renewable/nuclear is free/cheap to keep running once built while you keep paying for vast amounts of fuels.
Are you one of those tards who deny the effects of carbon on climate or do you just not care about those side-effects?
Renewables arent free or without their drawbacks. Read up on the windfarms in Germany. Almost all their electricity is from wind now and it's causing huge problems changing weather patterns and entire ecosystems. Read up on it, it's interesting.
You wont power American cities with wind, though. It's impossible. Solar isnt there yet either by a long shot. Solar currently accounts for
>Green energy creates jobs too
You're dreaming if you think it'll create as many jobs as coal/oil did.
This is a joke, right? The man's clearly not going to live for four more years-ohhhhh
>Growing energy demand
>Lower margins
Which element do you think won't be present?
>Americans still use coal
>it's actually a significant source of electricity
HAHAHAHAHA OH GOD. I thought America was supposed to be a leader in energy technology? Maybe you should chop down some trees and use wood as an energy source, too.
Forget thorium reactor thingamajigs! Gotta fire up dem steam engines, boy!
It's fair because Mexicans have a shittier quality of life? If you think it's unfair then move to Mexico and work in a factory for fucks sake. You live in the United States and you're complaining that the economy is unfair for you compared to the Mexicans? And you want to stifle free trade in order to make it more beneficial for you to do the work inefficiently?
Fuck right off.
>Voting for a president who can easily block all of their failings with accusations of sexism.
>Having just gone off of 2 terms of a president who handely blocked all of their failings with accusations of racism.
Man election results are making me scared lately, in my shithole liberal city in Oregon (left intentionally vague, it could be anywhere lol) every time a woman went against a man the woman won.
Hillary wins, every other woman wins, we are going to be Sweden. Then those women will hire more women to feel good then what jobs are men going to have left? Carpenters and Millwrights I guess but I didn't go 7 years of college to do that. ;_;
how much is your electric bill, Ahmed? Mine is about $10/month